
My Secret Service Cartoons

The Secret Service sex scandal continues to hold the interest of readers looking for salacious tales of government employees chartered to protect the president looking for a bit of fun on the side. As a cartoonist, that just means more opportunities to go back to the ink well and come up with more ideas. Here’s my latest, on the media’s obsession with this story…

As a note to any aspiring cartoonists out there, if there’s a sex scandal, and you have to draw someone with their pants down, always draw hearts on their boxers…

My final cartoon is a warning to all the guys out there watching news coverage of the scandal with your wife. Think before you speak…

Related: Five Great Secret Service Cartoons

By Daryl Cagle

Daryl Cagle is the founder and owner of Cagle Cartoons, Inc. He is one of the most widely published editorial cartoonists and is also the editor of The Cagle Post. For the past 35 years, Daryl has been one of America’s most prolific cartoonists.