Blog Syndicate

Brexit and the Stock Market Crash – Ouch!

I skipped doing a video on this one as I’m packing everything up for my move back to California!

1132-EUbull500dpiCMYK500Stars signify pain in cartoons, so the Brexit bonk on the head to the stock market bull seemed appropriate. I put a bunch of texture in this one. Maybe someone will print it big.

I’m outta here for a while, driving my car from Nashville to California, and doing some sightseeing on the way – so, sorry, but the cartoons should resume in a couple of weeks.


Blog Syndicate

Obama and Payday Lenders!

Payday lenders are a blight on society, charging the poor hundreds of percent interest rates and trapping them in a never-ending spiral of debt. I hadn’t been aware of the problem until I first moved to Nashville and was stunned to see a payday lender on almost every block. There must be more payday lenders than restaurants in Tennessee!

Today I’m taking a holiday from my usual Obama bashing as the president is using his executive authority to impose proposed, crippling regulations on the payday loan industry that may put the whole, evil vampire’s nest out of business. Bravo, Obama!

See me draw this one in the live-stream video below!

And watch me color it in Photoshop on my Wacom Cintiq in the live-stream video below while I chat with fans from

Blog Syndicate

Tubman Boots Andrew Jackson off of the $20 Bill!

I think Harriet Tubman was a good choice for the $20 bill. I drew her booting President Andrew Jackson out of his perch. This is really a local Nashville cartoon as Jackson is Nashville favorite son; his slave plantation, the “Hermitage” is an impressive local attraction. Some critics have complained that Jackson’s great legacy is the “trail of tears” where displaced native Americans were marched to reservations in Oklahoma as Jackson broke treaties with the “indians” and sent many to their deaths. The “trail of tears” ran very close to the Hermitage, and Jackson reportedly didn’t bother to walk outside to take a look. Critics thought a native American choice would have been better than Tubman, given Jackson’s history.

See me draw this one in real time, in the video below.

I color the cartoon in the live-stream video below.

Blog Syndicate

Sinking Oil Prices Sink Wall Street!

The stock market continued its dive this week. My last cartoon showed the impending doom of the falling Chinese economy, now the falling oil prices are blamed for the latest stock market dump.

I drew this one as a live stream on YouTube and Twitch – want to watch me draw it in real time? Here it is on YouTube …

I’m often asked to show how I color my cartoons, so I did a live stream of coloring this one. Want to watch?  Here it is!

Blog Syndicate

China’s Stock Market Crashes Down on Wall Street

The stock market took the biggest fall in many years last week as Chinese stocks continued their free fall. I drew this one yesterday as a live stream – well worth an hour and a half of your time to watch the entire drawing unfold in real time below!

I do the Photoshop coloring after I finish the drawing in the video, which is a little unfortunate because it would be nice to see the final art at the end of the video – but the scanning, cleaning up the scan and coloring is pretty boring. Here’s the final art …


Follow my Facebook page at and my Twitter feed @dcagle where I’ll announce when I’m doing a new drawing stream!

Blog Syndicate

Grouchy Grexit ATM

I think the long lines at Greek ATMs are funny.



Jenet Yellen and the Fed

Wall Street types are holding their breath, eagerly awaiting a new pronouncement from the Federal Reserve Bank’s meeting that’s going on now. Those Wall Street “bulls” are  looking for the word, “patience” in a Fed statement, as a clue to whether interest rates will go up, or stay low longer.

Janet Yellen is a rather dull character, but she is delightfully easy to draw. I wash more readers could recognize her so that I wouldn’t have to put a label on her expressive torso. I always feel like I’ve somehow failed in a cartoon when I have to use labels, even when I have a caricature right and the character should be recognizable. Here’s the cartoon in black and white line art, which most readers will see in the newspaper.

…and here it is in color, which most people prefer. Notice that the Wall Street bulls are all brown, St. Just style cattle, ready to slaughter for their delicious beef.





Greedy Bankers Devour Cyprus

The banking crisis in Cyprus is great fun and a gift to editorial cartoonists — like me! It is a story of crazy economic collapse, with Russian mobsters laundering money in secret accounts and crooked Cypriot bankers who gambled the dirty cash away on risky Greek bonds, bringing down the economy of their tiny nation.

The sordid tale reminds me of Greek mythology and Francisco Goya’s famous painting Saturn Devouring his Child, that the Spanish master painted on the plaster wall of his dining room at home, charming his guests when they came over for dinner. I love to draw editorial cartoons that deface masterpieces; editors seem to like these cartoons the best, reprinting them much more than my other cartoons.

Saturn knew that one of his children was going to kill him, so, of-course, he ate all of his kids, except for one that his wife, Rhea, hid from him. Rhea slipped a rock into swaddling clothes and gave it to Saturn, who swiftly swallowed the rock, thinking he was eating his son, Zeus.

Years later, Zeus grew up and confronted his Dad, by some accounts slicing Dad’s belly open and freeing his siblings, the Titans, who emerged no worse for wear after their years of digestive confinement. By other accounts, Zeus slipped his Dad something that made Dad vomit up his Titanic siblings — either way, this Greek myth is a perfect metaphor for Cyprus and the EU.

Spurred on by Russian mobsters, greedy, giant, Greek bankers devoured the little economy of Cyprus and soon the EU will slice open the bankers’ belly (or induce them to vomit, depending on which version you prefer) freeing the Cypriot economy which will be no worse for wear from its digestive confinement.

Another interesting element in this mythical cartoon comparison is that Zeus also castrated his father, just as the EU will metaphorically castrate the Cypriot bankers and give those Russian mobsters a “haircut.”

In cartoons, mythology, masterpieces and economics, what goes around comes around.

Daryl Cagle is a cartoonist who runs the newspaper syndicate distributing editorial cartoons to more than 850 newspapers around the world including the paper you are reading now; he is a past president of the National Cartoonists Society. Comments to Daryl may be sent to [email protected]. Read Daryl’s blog at


Chinese Dragon and Me

I drew a self-portrait in today’s cartoon. All the news about Chinese hacking strikes close to home as we’ve had lots of trouble with hacker attacks on our servers, that our ISP has traced to China. I’m guessing that the Chinese junta doesn’t like American editorial cartoons much. I drew a Chinese dragon looking over my shoulder.

I did a State Department sponsored speaking tour in China some years ago, and I told the Chinese audiences that when I draw cartoons about China I represent China with a Panda, or a dragon, or the Great Wall, or that guy standing in front of a tank in Tienanmen Square.  The Chinese audience would always murmur and look at each other when I mentioned the tank in Tienanmen Square, which was quite provocative for them and always stirred up the crowd. At one college I said that line and one excited college kid stood up and asked in English, “Oh! Oh! What KIND of dragon?!” That still makes me laugh.

Here’s my very rough pencil sketch.

DragonSketch600wide Chinese Dragon and Me cartoons


Next I do the finished line art, in dark, hard pencil on a 14″x17″ piece of Duralene drafting vellum. This is what most people will see in the newspapers since most of them still print in black and white.

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Here is the color version. The color on this one was fun. I grabbed a bunch of Chinese dragons from Google Images for scrap on the dragon, and I pulled details from three or four different dragons that I thought were cute.

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I don’t know what kind of dragon it is. Sorry.


Best Political Cartoons of the Week

Every Friday, we collect the best political cartoons of the week and stuff them into one big, glorious slideshow.

So just relax and catch up on a week’s worth of news with our Best Cartoons of the Week slideshow.

Nate Beeler / Columbus Dispatch (click to launch slideshow)