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Cruz and Kasich Team Up to Topple Trump

Cruz and Kasich have decided not to compete against each other so that they don’t split up the “stop-Trump” vote in the remaining states.

I think Trump gets a spray tan, and covers his eyes, making for little white areas around his eyes. I suppose he could have a farmers tan and wears sunglasses when he’s outside, but I lean towards the spray tan theory. I’ve gotten criticized by some readers who complain that I don’t draw Trump flesh tone orange enough. In fact, I’ve been using the same old flesh tone for Trump that I have been using for other characters in the cartoons. With this cartoon I made a change to Trump’s flesh tone.  Should I stick with it? Is he orange enough? Should I go back to flesh tone normalcy with Trump?

Check out the video below to watch me draw this cartoon in real time.

in the next video I color the cartoon in Photoshop.

Blog Syndicate

Republicans Cracking Up!

It looks like the extremists and moderates in the Republican party are breaking up.

You can see me draw this one in real time in the video below – it starts at 1:13:19 (the first part is coloring the last cartoon).

Sorry, it looks like a chink at the beginning was lost in the transition from Twitch to YouTube. Here’s part two, showing me color the cartoon in Photoshop.

This morning I saw the cartoon in my local newspaper, which is always fun. Notice how the suit and purple skin tone are much darker in print, and much more blue; I need to remember to allow for darkening and blue-ing in print.


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In the Trump Shadow

Donald Trump casts a big shadow over the Republican field as we approach the first debate. I drew little caricatures of all the candidates – can you name them all? (I would have missed Jim Gilmore – he declared late and I stuck him behind the crowd, behind Ben Carson, as an afterthought.)

I started off drawing this one with Donald Trump as a storm cloud raining on the other Republicans.

When I posted this we started getting calls from editors who wanted a color version, and I haven’t done that yet. I suppose I still should, but I think the shadow version is better.

I’m guessing that the Fox News debate will be either storm or shadow, with Trump on top. We’ll see.