Blog Syndicate


These maze cartoons were a proposal for a maze puzzle that I pitched to the syndicates as a Sunday funnies weekly feature way back in 1992.

I like drawing mazes; there is something relaxing about the mindlessness of it. When this feature didn’t get syndicated, the “Really Amazing” “drop panel” on the right evolved into the pitch for my TRUE cartoons in 1994.

Editors often ask us for puzzles, but not enough to pay someone to create puzzles for Cagle Cartoons, I think. Still, if there was something amazing, we’d consider it.


Playing Israel vs the Palestinians

Click on my “Playing Israel vs. the Palestinians” cartoon to see a larger view.

Cartoons about the Israel vs the Palestinians conflict fall into some general categories; the big one being pro-Israel, which constitutes most of the American cartoons, and pro-Palestinians, which are most of the international cartoons.  There are the “to hell with both of them” cartoons, which are a larger and larger proportion of the cartoons.  And there are the infinity cartoons, that show the conflict going on forever with cartoon symbols like the Energizer Bunny, Mobius strips, M.C. Escher endless staircases and visions of the future with spacey Israelis and Palestinians continuing to fight in a post-apocalypitic far future.  My cartoon today is something of an infinity cartoon.


Play Army

Play Army COLOR © Daryl Cagle,,military, prison, Iraq, abuse, children, kids, sand, box, play, torture, sex, army