Blog Syndicate


This will be my last batch of TRUE cartoons for my blog. I watercolored these for some reason that I forget! Back in the 1990’s, when this ran in newspapers, it ran in black and white and there was no color, Sunday TRUE. Gotta love color!

Blog Syndicate

TRUE Crazy Stuff 2!

Here’s another batch of my TRUE syndicated newspaper cartoons from 1995. I’m culling out the cartoons that are not too stale to include in our database and making little changes so that don’t seem too dated; sometimes that is hard and I have to delete some of my favorite oldies. I’m letting quite a few old style TVs and land line phones sneak through.

I suppose it is more interesting that so little has changed.


Blog Syndicate

Flynn Gets the Boot!

President Trump asked for the resignation of National Security Advisor Michael Flynn who then “quit”.

Somehow I think I’ll be drawing lots of cartoons about Trump, with a Russian theme.

Watch me draw this one in real time, in the video below. Note that I had no idea what I was doing when I started and I quit and started over a couple of time. I understand why more cartoonists don’t do live-streaming. Perhaps we should see how the cartoon sausage is made.

In the next video I color the cartoon in Photoshop …