
Romney Drops Out

Romney Drops Out © Daryl Cagle,,Mitt Romney, John McCain, Republication, presidential campaign, primary, primaries, cliff, conservatives


Introducing Taylor Jones

I’m delighted to add Taylor Jones to our site. I think Taylor is the most brilliant caricature artist working today; his caricatures are widely syndicated to newspapers around the world, but what most people don’t know is that Taylor, who lives in Staten Island, NY, is also the editorial cartoonist for the El Nuevo Dia newspaper in Puerto Rico. That’s one of Taylor’s Puerto Rican cartoons below – about Super Tuesday. (Be sure to visit our great SUPER TUESDAY cartoon collection!) E-mail a welcome to Taylor Jones. See Taylor’s archive.


Complaints About the Relative Sizes of Fish

I knew this would happen – I’m getting complaints about the relative sizes of the fish in my Google/Yahoo/Microsoft cartoon. Here is an example:

From: Parker, David

Subject: cartoon for 2/2/08

Good day,

I think you have a minor error with the cartoon for 2/2/08.

If you’re picking the fish size based on search market share, then the Microsoft fish should actually be smaller than the Yahoo fish … if you’re sizing them based on Revenue, then the Microsoft fish should be much larger than all the others!

MS revenue: $51.2B

Google revenue: $16.6B

Yahoo revenue: $6.7B

Food for thought

I get a whole lot of e-mail every day reminding me that size DOES matter. In this case, I’m referring to the relative share of the online search market, where Google controls about 75% of the business. Here the fish are drawn with correct relative volumes – the Microsoft and Yahoo! fish are roughly spherical and the Google fish is flat, viewed from the side. Our readers need to think in three dimensions.


Bush Recession

Bush Recession Color © Daryl Cagle,,President Bush,economy,graph


Hillary Attack Dog

Hillary Attack Dog © Daryl Cagle,,Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, President, Senator, Bill Clinton, William Jefferson Clinton, Dog, attack, attack dog, campaign


Huge, Crazy Reaction to Girl Scout Cookies Column

We’ve been getting a crazy reaction to a recent column we syndicated by Tom Purcell. Stark raving crazy readers have been flooding us with email and phone calls complaining about the column below, which makes a tongue-in-cheek argument that Girl Scout Cookies should be banned. We’ve learned that you don’t joke about little girls. If you want to comment on the column, click here.

Considering the flood of e-mail from shallow readers, I asked Tom for a comment:

I’d like to say I was surprised by some of the responses I got to a satirical column that calls for a ban on Girl Scout cookies, but the truth is I wasn’t surprised at all.

The idea in the column below was to poke fun at some of the stridency we see on op/ed pages by folks who lecture the rest of us on what we must do to save the world. You might think it obvious that readers would see the gag — what kind of nut would attack Girl Scouts and demand that their cookie sale be banned to save the environment and protect us from a host of other ills — but a number of readers didn’t see the gag.

Some of the early mail I got came from folks on the left who praised me for being anti-capitalist. Much of the mail came from Girl Scout moms who thought I was dead serious. Some of these folks actually called the editors at their local paper to complain; others called Cagle Cartoons directly. They were mighty angry at this writer and responded to my “attack” on the Girl Scouts point by point. Interestingly, the later mail has come from people who saw the real point of the column and got a kick out of it.

In any event, Cagle’s Sales has a theory as to why many folks missed the gag. Though it’s true readers have misunderstood satirical pieces in their local newspaper in the past — think Mike Royko and Art Buchwald — could it be that these days it’s hard to tell the difference between satire and columnists who really mean what they are writing — who really don’t see the silliness in their point of view and the demands that they’re making on the rest of us? –Tom Purcell

Here is the offending column:

Why Girl Scout Cookies Must Be Banned

By Tom Purcell

The Girl Scout cookie season is upon us. That means one thing. The annual cookie sale must be banned.

How can we allow anyone, in these progressive times, to inflict empty calories on an already obese public?

How can we be so inconsiderate to diabetics and others who are unable to consume sugar?

How can we allow any organization, regardless of its cause, to use children to pimp products loaded with trans fat, the partially hydrogenated oil that Americans fear more than communism?

It is true that the Girl Scouts organization was founded in 1912 to help girls develop physically, mentally and spiritually. I know the annual cookie sale has become a tasty part of American culture since it originated in 1917.

But the fact is this: The annual sale is teaching girls TERRIBLE values.

It is teaching them raw capitalism — how to exploit the weak and the helpless. My own niece, an otherwise sweet and lovely child, knows I can’t help but eat shortbread cookies by the row. I eat Thin Mints as though they were Tic Tacs. I down Peanut Butter Patties the way grizzlies dine on wild salmon.

I’m addicted. But rather than protect me from my addiction, she preys on me. She calls or visits just before dinner — when I am at my most hungry and vulnerable. She tells me about her troop’s good deeds and how my order will fund even more.

The clever little manipulator always walks away with a sizable order.

All Girl Scouts do. They probably meet in private to laugh about the helplessness of their victims — they laugh about the strong-arm techniques they use to part friends, family and neighbors from their hard-earned dough.

In the process, they are destroying our environment. More than 200 million boxes of Girl Scout cookies are sold every year — that’s $700 million in annual revenue. Precious trees must be felled to farm the grains and sugars needed to produce them — trees that are essential to dissipating carbon dioxide.

What’s worse, as those cookies are manufactured, packaged and shipped, more carbon dioxide is pumped into the air. That’s right, the Girl Scouts are causing the Arctic ice cap to melt. The next time you dip a shortbread cookie into a cup of milk, the least you can do is remember the starving polar bears stranded on hideously small ice floes.

That’s why the annual Girl Scout cookie sale must end.

Look, if the Girl Scouts want to teach girls how to market products and manage inventory and money, can’t they be more socially responsible? Instead of selling cookies, why not sell low-energy-consumption light bulbs? Why not sell something that makes the girls aware of man’s thoughtless destruction of our fragile ecosystems?

Better yet, instead of teaching the girls the principles of capitalism, why not teach them how to be government bureaucrats instead? America is moving toward European-style socialism. The careers of the future will be in government, not the private sector. Why not have the government produce a pamphlet on the harmful effects of cookies, then mandate that the girls develop a program to distribute it?

Sure, I know some people will criticize me for demanding an end to the cookie sale. They’ll say that it really does teach girls useful business skills. They’ll say that it’s as much a part of American culture as baseball and apple pie — that we should celebrate it and enjoy it. They’ll say that America has real problems and that I ought to focus on those rather than something as harmless as a lousy cookie sale.

Well, nuts to that. I urge you to write your senator and congressperson. If the Girl Scouts won’t willingly stop foisting their cookie pox on the rest of us, we must use the might of the federal government to mandate a ban on their annual sale.

I hope the ban goes into effect before my niece talks me into placing another order.

If you want to comment on Tom’s offensive column, click here

Here is some cartoon supporting evidence for Tom’s position:

Cartoon by M. e. Cohen, Comment on this cartoon.

Cartoon by Mike Lester of the Rome (GA) News-Tribune, Comment on this cartoon.

Cartoon by Joe Heller of the Green Bay Press-Gazette, Comment on this cartoon.


Column Repost

This is in from our buddy, Dave Astor at E&P, posted with permission:

A Cartoon Flip-Flop After New Hampshire’s Primary

By Dave Astor, Published: January 16, 2008 11:25 AM ET

NEW YORK Hillary Clinton may have turned the Democratic presidential race upside down when she won last week’s New Hampshire primary. Meanwhile, editorial cartoonist Bob Englehart definitely turned New Hampshire upside down.

Englehart, of The Hartford (Conn.) Courant and the Cagle Cartoons syndicate, did a four-panel drawing last week about Clinton’s victory. In the last panel, the “Live Free or Die” state was flipped.

When contacted by E&P, Englehart replied: “Hah! I made a mistake. I was so focused on making a vertical state fit a horizontal space that I didn’t even notice I had made it upside down! Most people didn’t even notice.”

And he quipped: “I hear New Hampshire is changing its slogan to ‘Live Right Side Up, Or Die.'”

Click here to comment on Bob’s upside down state cartoon.


Dr King Hillary and Obama

Dr King  Hillary and Obama © Daryl Cagle,,Doctor, MartinLuther King,MLK,Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama


Three New Cartoonists are Added to our Site!

I’m pleased to add three new foreign cartoonists to our site today. Jens Hage is an award winning ‘toon talent from Denmark, he is a freelancer for the Danish national newspaper “BerlingskeTidende” (the world’s oldest newspaper) and works on the staff for the annual Danish satirical book “Blæksprutten” (the Octopus), which has been published for 116 years. E-mail Jens. Click here to see Jens’ new archive on our site.




Jeremy Nell’s cartoons, titled “Ditwits,” appear on the front page of one of the largest daily, national newspapers in South Africa, “The Times.” Visit Jeremy’s site. E-mail Jeremy. Visit Jeremy’s archive on our site.

This cartoon is about South Africa’s ruling party, the ANC, and its new leader, Jacob Zuma, who is facing corruption charges and has a colorful (and ugly) history.

Yes, it takes some obscure knowledge of foreign affairs to understand the work of most foreign cartoonists, which makes the selection of cartoonists for our site a little tough sometimes. We like for the foreign cartoonists to draw about international issues that an American audience will readily understand, and most of them do – but we also want to present a real picture of what is going on around the world in cartoons. So, suffer and learn about Jacob Zuma.

Our third new cartoonist is Khalil Rahman who is the staff cartoonist for the Bengali newspaper, the Daily Naya Diganta in Dhaka, Bangladesh. E-mail Khalil. Visit Khalil’s cartoon archive.


Quotes Quotes Quotes

My friend, professor Chris Lamb, who usually writes about editorial cartoons, has written a book about famous quotes. The book is called, “I’ll be Sober in the Morning.” The title is culled from a famous Winston Churchill quote. The book is great fun and Chris sent me a collection of his favorite quotes from the book that I am including below. E-mail Chris.

British Prime Minister Winston Churchill had been drinking heavily at a party and bumped into Bessie Braddock, a Socialist parliament member.

“Mr. Churchill, you are drunk,” Braddock said harshly.

“And Bessie, you are ugly. You are very ugly,” Churchill snapped and then after a pause, added: “I’ll be sober in the morning.”

John Wilkes, the eighteenth-century British political reformer, was debating John Montagu, the Fourth Earl of Sandwich, in the House of Parliament. As the exchange went on, the tone grew more and more personal. Montagu finally shouted at Wilkes that he would either die on the gallows or of venereal disease. To which Wilkes responded, “That, sir, depends on whether I first embrace your Lordship’s principles or your Lordship’s mistresses.”

During one of the famous Lincoln-Douglas debates, U.S. Sen. Stephen Douglas told his conservative audience that he had once seen his opponent selling whiskey.

When it was his turn to speak, Lincoln made no attempt to dispute the charge. He agreed that he had once worked as a bartender.

“I was on one side of the bar serving drinks,” he said, “and Douglas was on the other side, drinking them.”

When Woodrow Wilson was governor of New Jersey, he was informed that one of the state’s U.S. senators had died and it would therefore be up to Wilson to appoint a successor. Shortly thereafter, a state politician called Wilson and said, “Mr. Governor, I’d like to take the senator’s place.”

“It’s okay with me,” Wilson replied, “if it’s okay with the undertaker.”

One evening a nervous soprano struggled hopelessly before President Calvin Coolidge at a White House recital.

“What do you think of the singer’s execution?” one of the guests asked Coolidge.

Coolidge paused and then quietly answered, “I’m all for it.”

Former Georgia Governor Herman Talmadge was asked what would be the effect of all the people moving from Georgia to Florida.

“I am sure it will enhance the level of intelligence of both states,” Talmadge said.

During an exchange in Parliament, Lady Nancy Astor snarled at Winston Churchill and said: “If you were my husband, I would poison your coffee.” Churchill replied: “If you were my wife, Nancy, I’d drink it.”