Last night, many people were shocked to discover that famed by troubled singer Whitney Houston was found dead in her Los Angeles hotel room yesterday afternoon. Some cartoonists have been quick to respond, and while the first wave of obituary cartoons about famous celebrities are usually very positive, today’s cartoons seem to have run the gamut of emotions about the talented singer who wrestled with drug addiction most of her career.
It’s also interesting to note that all of the cartoons that have come in to so far have been from international cartoonists, which speaks to the degree of fame Houston achieved in her career.
First, is the typical nice, uncontroversial remembrance cartoon that most readers seem to enjoy, drawn by Australian cartoonist Peter Broelman:

Next is a cartoon that attempts to access both the good and bad of Houston’s troubled career, drawn by another Australian cartoonist, Peter Lewis:

Finally, is a cartoon by South African cartoonists Jeremy Nell that goes right for the jugular by tackling Houston’s drug addiciton head on.

Which cartoon do you prefer?