Aung San Suu Kyi was described as the Nelson Mandela of Burma. She won the Nobel Peace Prize and was honored around the world. Now, as the leader of the party in charge of the government, and the de facto leader in Myanmar, she is silent while government troops slaughter, rape and burn down villages of Rohingya muslims. A huge influx of hundreds of thousands of refugees are streaming into Bangladesh as Burmese troops lay landmines to prevent their return to their homes. Perhaps I was being kind to Aung San Suu Kyi by drawing her as an evil, killer pig.
We don’t have comments working on the blog right now, so I thought I would share some of the comments from my Facebook fan page. The comments are an insight into the motivation of the ruling majority in Myanmar.
They all came from Bangladesh.
They all are Bengali.
They are not our ethnic people.
They are terrorists.
They make ethnic cleansing in Maung Daw ,Western Myanmar.
They are very very rude and making genocide on our ethnic Rakhine people.
Bengali are are terrorists and rapists.
Willion John Smit 1. Rohingyas are not Burmese. They called themselves as Rohingya. There are no such people in Burmese history and census.
2. Rohingyas are in fact Bengali who speaks Bengali dialect, dress Bengali clothes and eat Bengali food and have Bengali culture…See More
There is no Rohingya in our country and, If you study some more you will find out these so called, Rohingya, in fact, Bengali Terrorists are the one who rape and kill the local ethic Rakhine people.
Willion John Smit Rohingyas are not Burmese. They called themselves as Rohingya. There are no such people in Burmese history and census.
2. Rohingyas are in fact Bengali who speaks Bengali dialect, dress Bengali clothes and eat Bengali food and have Bengali cultures.
3. Rohingyas are illegal immigrants who illegally entered to Myanmar from Bangladesh.
4. The Burmese government gave citizenship to many Rohingyas, but more and more illegal immigrant Rohingyas comes from Bangladesh every year.
5. When they became citizenship, they are equal under the law. No one may be discriminated against on the basis of their race, religion, ethnic group, or gender.
6. Rohingya raped underage girls (under 13 years old), tortured them and killed these little girls.
7. Rohingya bullied Rakhine people, did several arson attacks, killed hundreds of Rakhine people and burnt thousands of houses.
8. Rohingya has been trained by fundamentalist Taliban and Al Qaeda (cited from wikileaks and other credible news).
9. Rohingya owns thousands of guns to shoot Rakhine people. (Please go to Rakhine state and research it. Dozens of Rakhine people are killed by Rohingya bullets)

We ain’t happening nth.
Coz we r rightTry to look both side and wide ure wise with truth.
Don’t be stupid like other
If u do then u r also dammm ass like others
‘ To cat pearls before swine.
To knock at a deaf man’s door.’
And we r right so
“It is a fortunate head that never ached ”
Check ur eye n ear.