Cagle Cartoons BOOKS!


Daryl Cagle's Donald Trump and the Republicans Coloring Book

Click to go to our store to buy the TRUMP book for only $12.95!

If you sign up to be a Cagle Hero and support our site at the $10.00/month level or more, Daryl will personally sign, do a little drawing in the book and mail the coloring book of your choice to you!

For $25.00/month or a one time contribution of $100.00 you can have all four coloring books, each signed with sketches from Daryl!

Daryl’s nifty DONALD TRUMP AND THE REPUBLICANS COLORING BOOK includes Daryl’s Trump cartoons through the time when The Donald was declared the presumptive nominee!

HillaryClick to go to our store to buy the HILLARY book for only $12.95!

If you sign up to be a Cagle Hero and support our site at the $10.00/month level or more, Daryl will personally sign, do a little drawing in the book and mail the coloring book of your choice to you!

For $25.00/month or a one time contribution of $100.00 you can have all four coloring books, each signed with sketches from Daryl!

Daryl’s HILLARY CLINTON AND THE DEMOCRATS COLORING BOOK includes Daryl’s best Hillary cartoons from her First Lady days, her run against Obama and her new campaign against Trump!


Click to go to our store to buy the OBAMA book for only $12.95!

If you sign up to be a Cagle Hero and support our site at the $10.00/month level or more, Daryl will personally sign, do a little drawing in the book and mail the coloring book of your choice to you!

For $25.00/month or a one time contribution of $100.00 you can have all four coloring books, each signed with sketches from Daryl!

Daryl’s BARACK OBAMA COLORING BOOK includes Daryl’s best Obama cartoons from the 2008 campaign through eight years in office!


Click to go to our store to buy the WALL STREET book for only $12.95!

If you sign up to be a Cagle Hero and support our site at the $10.00/month level or more, Daryl will personally sign, do a little drawing in the book and mail the coloring book of your choice to you!

For $25.00/month or a one time contribution of $100.00 you can have all four coloring books, each signed with sketches from Daryl!

Daryl’s RICH, GREEDY CROOKED WALL STREET COLORING BOOK includes Daryl’s best cartoons from the 2008 crash and years of of one percenters ripping-off the other 99%!


Our Cagle Classic books are still available on!

Click on any cover below to visit each title on Amazon. All of our books have a list price of $12.95 (so cheap!) but are usually available at a discount on We’re considering starting up the Best Political Cartoons of the Year books again; if you’re interested, send us an email at