
Obama’s Gay Marriage Evolution – Five Cartoons

President Obama’s decision to complete his “evolution” on the issue of same-sex marriage has created a media feeding frenzy, and momentarily shifted the debate from the economy and jobs.

[ View all our cartooons about Obama and Same-Sex Marriage ]  

The timing for Obama is odd, who was obviously forced to announce his position after Vice President Joe Biden openly supported same-sex marriage on “Meet the Press” on Sunday. I bet gay voters in North Carolina would have appreciated Obama’s support sooner, rather than wait until the day after the state voted to ban all same-sex marriages and civil unions.

This will obviously be a huge issue in this campaign, so you can expect a lot of cartoons on the subject. Here are some initial reactions about Obama’s metamorphosis, including my own…

Daryl Cagle / (click to view more cartoons by Cagle)
Mike Keefe / Cagle Cartoons (click to view more cartoons by Keefe)
Rob Tornoe / (click to view more cartoons by Tornoe)
Cam Cardow / Ottawa Citizen (click to view more cartoons by Cardow)
R.J. Matson / St. Louis Post-Dispatch (click to view more cartoons by Matson)

North Carolina’s Gay Marriage Ban

Today voters in North Carolina’s primary get to decide whether to approve a state constitutional amendment that would ban same-sex marriage and civil unions.

John Cole, the teriffic staff cartoonist for the Scranton Times-Tribune, spent years drawing cartoons about North Carolina’s wacky political scene for the Durham Herald-Sun. Even though he moved to Pennsylvania, he still draws a cartoon a week for North Carolina Policy Watch. He’s drawn several cartoons about Amendment One, so I asked him to weigh in with this thoughts:

North Carolina always had this feel about it that’s different from a lot of other Southern states. It combined forward-thinking progressivism (exemplified by guys like Jim Hunt, Terry Sanford and Bill Friday), a booming modern high-tech-based knowledge economy and the more traditional social conservatism of pols like Jesse Helms. These things more or less held each other in balance for years. Amendment One upsets that balance and represents a huge step backward for a state that I’ve generally regarded as more open toward and tolerant of differing views and lifestyles.

Here are John’s cartoons about the potential Gay Marriage ban in North Carolina. What do you think – right move or drastic overstep? Comment below or give us your thoughts on our Facebook page.


Bert & Ernie in Boston

Bert & Ernie in Boston © Daryl Cagle,,gay, homosexual, civil union, civil liberty, civil liberties, lesbian, marriage, Bert, Ernie, Sesame Street, Boston, same sex, puppets