Blog Syndicate

TRUE Business

These are some of my old TRUE! cartoons from 1995. I used to draw this as a syndicated daily panel for Tribune Media Services syndicate, which is now Tribune Content Agency because they named another company “Tribune Media Services.” I used to pour over stats in news reports and draw them into cartoons. These are really true, except the art, and the selection of the facts amounts to commentary.

I drew TRUE! for about a year, so I have hundreds of these cartoons and as I was going back through the archives, I thought I would start adding some that still look fresh to our database. This first batch for the database is on the theme of business.

I should add that back in 1995, Tribune Media Services didn’t allow the artists they syndicate to have their own web sites. Those were early days for the internet and most cartoonists hadn’t created their own sites yet. I started in 1996, as soon as I wriggled out from under Tribune Media Services and their “no web sites” policy.

Blog Syndicate


On Saturday, the day after President Trump’s inauguration, we’ll see the Women’s March on Washington where the protest fashion of the day is “Pussyhats.” The hats are based on Trump Access Hollywood comments about “grabbing women by the pussy.” My wife is busy knitting pussyhats for herself and my daughter.

Since Liberty and Justice are the most important women in government, they should march with Pussyhats too. The idea of knitting as a protest makes me smile.


Women in Combat

Women in Combat © Daryl Cagle,,Army,air force,navy,marine corps,military,Secretary of Defence Leon Panetta,women,medals.children,equal rights,women in combat


International Women’s Day Cartoons

Amid all the talk about birth control and female reproductive rights, you might have forgotten that today is International Women’s Day. Countries around the world are celebrating the gains made by women in business, politics and education.

It’s sad that we don’t have many female editorial cartoonists working today that can express themselves on a topic like this. Maybe that itself is a sign of how far women’s right still have to go. Or maybe it means women just don’t like to draw cartoons.

Check out our International Women’s Day cartoon collection, and share it with a friend!

Chris Slane / (click to view cartoon collection)