
Distracted Driving Cartoons

What do cartoonists think of all those crazy, distracted drivers out there behind the wheel? Check out our Distracted Driving cartoon collection to find out.

Cell Phone Texting driving funny cartoons
Jeff Parker / Florida Today (click to view cartoon collection)


Eurobomb COLOR © Daryl Cagle,,Europe, Euro, money, currency, banking, economy, debt crisis, loans, bailouts


Dover AFB Mortuary Scandal

Dover AFB Mortuary Scandal COLOR © Daryl Cagle,,Dover Air Force Base, Dover AFB, Mortuary, landfill, military, remains, burial, trash, flag draped coffin, funeral


Charges Still Pending Against Susie Cagle

There have been reports around the Web that charges were dropped against my daughter, Susie. Unfortunately, the reports are untrue. Susie sent me this for the blog:

My arrest while covering Occupy Oakland has taught me a great deal about the dehumanizing power of law enforcement and the presumption of guilt in detention of political protesters, about the power of bureaucracy versus the power of the human spirit.

I didn’t also expect a lesson in media literacy, sinking standards and the flow of information.

Following my arrest on November 3 at Occupy Oakland, where I have been reporting for several outlets since October 10, I have worked very hard to get my charges dropped. This has been a long and complicated process. Ultimately the only thing that got the Oakland Police Department’s attention as a formal letter from the Society of Professional Journalists Freedom of Information committee. A week or so after they sent it, I received a call from the OPD Public Information Officer telling me that she had spoken with the investigator, who would not be pursuing my misdemeanor.

I have yet to receive anything in writing, nor have I received verbal confirmation of my dropped charges from either the Oakland Police Department leadership or the Alameda County District Attorney. I’m still in this gray area waiting stage where I don’t really know what’s happening. Things could certainly be worse and even more vague for me. I remain confident that because the PIO has taken it upon herself to lobby on my behalf, I am likely to eventually be “P2-ed” with my charges dropped — but my arrest record remaining.

Still, because of the lack of clarity, I chose to keep the story mostly quiet, but for one email to Mediabistro’s Fishbowl LA — an email which was selectively quoted, and then became the basis for several more posts in the comics and media press from authors who could not be bothered to email me and ask, Hey Susie, what’s up?

Occupy is a difficult story to cover, in large part because of its decentralized nature. There are very rarely clear answers and clear people to try to get them from. There have been many times I needed comment from someone who wasn’t willing to give me their full name let alone contact information, many times where I wished all I could do was email someone and ask, Hey, what’s up? It’s unfortunate to see that standards in web journalism have sunk so low that no one could bother to do that for me.

So for next time (though I surely hope there won’t be a next time): it’s [email protected].

– Susie Cagle

Read Susie’s blog here: And read Susie’s illustrated report here:


RIP Jerry Robinson

Jerry Robinson

I’m saddened to learn that my longtime friend, Jerry Robinson, died in his sleep on Wednesday night. He was 89. Jerry was best known as the cartoonist creator of Batman’s arch-nemesis The Joker.

Jerry started his long career in comics in the late thirties when Batman co-creator Bob Kane hired him. He worked side-by-side with Kane and Bill Finger; he came up with the name “Robin,” and contributed to the creation of Two-Face and Alfred, Bruce Wayne’s butler.

With such a prolific career in comics, most people don’t know he was also a prolific political cartoonist, and drew 6 political cartoons a week as part of two features, Still Life and Life With Robinson, that were internationally syndicated for 32 years. Jerry drew a cool Sunday comics feature called True Classroom Flubs and Fluffs illustrating crazy things that kids really said in school. Jerry is the only cartoonist to serve as president of both the AAEC and NCS. In 2000, Robinson was awarded the NCS’s Milton Caniff Lifetime Achievement Award and was inducted into the Comic Book Hall of Fame in 2004.

Some of Jerry's irreverent wit from Still Life

Jerry was also a stanch defender of artists’ rights; he was an important supporter of Jerry Seigel and Joe Shuster in their struggle with DC Comics to win recognition and compensation as the creators of Superman. He played a leading role in defending the rights of oppressed, international editorial cartoonists and did important work to defend the right of editorial cartoonists to use trademarked characters in their cartoons in the landmark “Reddy Kilowatt” case.

I first met Jerry in 1979 when I took his college course in cartooning at the New School in Manhattan; it was a great class and was important in shaping my career as a cartoonist. Jerry emphasized cartoon history and marketing in his class, and he took us all to visit his studio in his Riverside Drive apartment. At that time Jerry was just starting his editorial cartoon syndicate with his own “Life with Robinson” cartoon panel, breaking away from his old syndicate. Jerry’s entrepreneurship with his own cartoons led to the creation of his own syndicate, Cartoonists and Writers Syndicate, now run by his son, Jens.

Jerry was a seasoned world traveler, known to cartoonists around the globe. He was a great guy who made a big difference in my career. I’ll miss him.

Here are some examples of Jerry’s editorial cartoon, Life with Robinson. Check out more here.



EuroBomb © Daryl Cagle,,Europe,Euro,money,currency,banking,economy


GOP Christmas

GOP Christmas COLOR © Daryl Cagle,,elephant, Republican, Christmas, xmas, Christmas Tree, children, election, campaign 2012, president, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich


5 Great Newt Gingrich Cartoons

Seemingly against all odds, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich has surged in the polls after the fall of Herman Cain to lead in Iowa and South Carolina. Does Newt have what it takes to win the GOP Presidential Primary? Or more appropriately, do Republicans hate Mitt Romney enough to vote for a politician with more baggage than LaGuardia’s luggage claim area?

Our cartoonists have certainly had a lot of experience covering Newt. Here are five sharp Newt Gingrich cartoons.

Nate Beeler / Washington Examiner (click to view more cartoons by Beeler)


Bill Day / Cagle Cartoons (click to view more cartoons by Day)
Monte Wolverton / Cagle Cartoons (click to view more cartoons by Wolverton)
Pat Bagley / Salt Lake Tribune (click to view more cartoons by Bagley)
Bob Englehart / Hartford Courant (click to view more cartoons by Englehart)

RELATED: More Newt Gingrich cartoons


5 Funny Herman Cain Cartoons

As we all wait for Herman Cain’s announcement today about whether infidelity and sexual harassment allegations are enough to shutter his campaign, I thought it would be fun to post five of the funniest cartoons our cartoonists have drawn about Mr. Nine-nine-nine.

Rick McKee / Augusta Chronicle (click to view more cartoons by McKee)
Adam Zyglis / Buffalo News (click to view more cartoons by Zyglis)
Bill Day / (click to view more cartoons by Day)
Brian Fairrington / Cagle Cartoons (click to view more cartoons by Fairrington)
Cam Cardow / Ottawa Citizen (click to view more cartoons by Cam)

RELATED: More Claims against Cain cartoons


Pakistan and Obama

Pakistan and Obama COLOR © Daryl Cagle,,Barack Obama, Pakistan, terrorisn, war, suicide, dynamite.guns, money, grenade, bomb, AK-47