Here’s a Christmas collection from photo realistic, Dutch cartoonist Bart van Leeuwan. Bart is new to and and he is very different from what we’re used to seeing in political cartoons.
These Trump Christmas toys made me laugh. Bart knocks these realistic images out with the same frequency as normal cartoonists. I’m very interested to see if editors, who are typically averse to cartoons that are different, will accept photo realistic cartoons.
I think the two most common themes that foreign cartoonists apply to Americans are McDonalds and Superman. Bart certainly draws lots of pudgy Trump visiting McDonalds. Here’s Trump looking into the McDonalds window like a child peering into a toy store.
Add a Christmas tree and Trump’s everyday lunch becomes a Christmas cartoon.
Visit Bart’s archive to see much more. Bart has lots of recent Theresa May and Emmanuel Macron cartoons. His unique images make surprisingly powerful statements!