
My Walter Cronkite Cartoon and a Reader Comment

This is what my mailbox is like each day …

Patrick Ferrell
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 3:19 PM

You should have Daryl do a comparison between Cronkite and Ed Schultz, or that moron left wing Keith Olberman, oh but wait, I know, it might cut down the ratings of MSNBC even MORE if he did that lol”¦.you have to put somebody that people KNOW in a cartoon so you can try to make it funny, and nobody knows any of those so called newspeople at MSNBC so even if he did do one, nobody would get it. Besides, everybody knows how left wing Cronkite was, and he would have been right at home on MSNBC. I am surprised you guys have not picked up Dan Rather. Yeah”¦he probably would like a chance at ratings, so you couldn’t get him over there without busting your $2000 per day budget. If you could only print money like President Hussein is doing”¦.oh well”¦

I didn’t realize Daryl was so desperate, he had to work at MSNBC”¦..I guess I will have to cancel my subscription to his biased cartoons now. I thought he used to hit everybody, but working for MSNBC and doing that would get you fired, and you cant be fired these days and find a job”¦..ask Obama HA HA HA HA.

Good riddance
Patrick Ferrell


First Cartoon We’ve Killed in a Year

Cartoon by Jiho for the Nice-Matin newspaper in France.
Cartoon by Jiho for the Nice-Matin newspaper in France.

I got an e-mail from our Cagle Cartoons managing editor, Cari Bartley this morning.


I started getting calls from subscribing editors real early this morning. This would be odd for a Saturday, so I answered.  The last editor said that forcing his employees to search through the current cartoons could actually be construed as sexual harassment and get him in trouble.

I pulled the cartoon from the download site and attached the cartoon to this email.


It is pretty rare for us to censor a cartoon, but sometimes foreign sensibilities don’t quite mesh with our American expectations.  This cartoon was drawn for the Nice-Matin newspaper in France by Jiho, who doesn’t much care for Lance Armstrong.  Alas, no one here will see this charmer, outside of our blog.

The cartoonists upload their own cartoons to our syndicate site, without going through a censor (other syndicates censor first).  This rarely creates a problem for us, although editors often complain about having to look at cartoons that annoy them, that they don’t print and would never have to suffer looking at from other syndicates.  Some cartoonists think we should never kill a cartoon in syndication, because it is up to the editors to decide whether to print it or not.  We’ve posted some offensive whoppers … but sometimes … well …


Michael Jackson Still Dead (and God)

Ok, here’s the Michael Jackson cartoon I promised you all on Twitter.  Let me know what you think.


See Me at Comic Con

I’ll be moderating a panel of Editorial Cartoonists again this year at the San Diego Comic Con!  We may have one or two more cartoonists than what has been announced.

I’ll also be spending a chunk of time hanging out at the National Cartoonists Society booth.  Stop by and say hello.

Sunday, July 26th, 11:30-12:30, Room 5AB, Newspaper Editorial Cartoonists“” Daryl Cagle, the cartoonist for, moderates a panel of top editorial cartoonists including Steve Breen of the San Diego Union-Tribune, the most recent Pulitzer Prize winner; Michael Ramirez of Investor’s Business Daily, the previous year’s Pulitzer winner; Jeff Koterba, nationally syndicated cartoonist for the Omaha World-Herald; Glenn McCoy, who draws the comic strip The Duplex in addition to his nationally syndicated political cartoons; and Rich Moyer (animated editorial cartoons). Editorial cartoonists are seeing their newspaper clients diminish as their audience on the web grows, raising lots of questions for the profession that these cartoonists will address.


Video: Interview with Mikhaela Reid and Jen Sorensen

Here is another interview from this year’s Association of American Editorial Cartoonists (AAEC) Convention. This time, I sit down with Mikhaela Reid and Jen Sorenson, two successful female alternative cartoonists featured on our site, and discuss the state of the industry and the uphill battle female cartoonists face.

In fact, the conversation was so good, we had to break it up into two parts:


Here are some of Mikhaela’s recent cartoons:

And here are some of Sorenson’s:


Video: Interview with Tim Eagan of Deep Cover

At the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists (AAEC) convention in Seattle, I had the pleasure to speak with Tim Eagan, the wonderful cartoonist behind the weekly comic Deep Cover (which you can read here):



Cam Cardow’s Nation Newspaper Award Winning Cartoons

My good friend, Ottawa Citizen cartoonist Cam Cardow. Cam recently won Canada’s highest award in journalism, the National Newspaper Award (NNA), which is their equivalent to our Pulitzer Prize.

Here are his winning cartoons (view more of Cam’s fantastic cartoons here), along with a video Cam made about receiving the award:


Check back for more videos from this year’s American Association of Editorial Cartoonists (AAEC) convention!


Video: Interview with New Orleans Cartoonist Steve Kelley

Walking around the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists (AAEC) annual convention here in Seattle, and I came across my buddy Steve Kelley, the staff cartoonist for the New Orleans Times-Picayune and one of the funniest cartoonists working today.

Here’s our conversation:


And here are some of his recent cartoons (View more of Steve’s cartoons here):


Video: Interview with Syndicated Cartoonist Matt Bors

I’m still here in Seattle at the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists (AAEC) annual convention, and in this video, I speak with syndicated cartoonist Matt Bors.


Matt is in a tough position in the market, as he is a left-wing multiple-panel cartoonists in an environment where editors like to buy single-panel conservative cartoons.

Matt and I talk about the marketplace for his cartoons, why he chooses to continue down the path he’s chosen and what the future of the cartooning profession holds.

Here are some of Matt’s cartoons that we featured in the video (view more of Matt’s cartoons here):



Video: Cartoonists on using Twitter, Facebook


Here’s part two of my lunch interview with Jeff Parker of Florida Today, Mike Peters of Mother Goose & Grimm and the Dayton Daily News, Monte Wolverton, brilliant weekly editorial cartoonist and Mad Magazine alumni and the Ottawa Citizen’s Cam Cardow. We’re all here in Seattle at the annual Association of American Editorial Cartoonists convention talking shop about the future of editorial cartooning.

In this video, we speak about social networking tools like Facebook and Twitter aiding us as cartoonists. You’ll even see a glimpse of me peek in and speak about the night Michael Jackson died, and how I was able to shoot ideas by my Twitter followers (follow me on Twitter here), ending up with a cartoon that resulted from their suggestions.

Here’s the cartoon I ended up with (and note the thank you I added for all my twitter followers):

Check back for more videos from the convention.