
How to Draw an Ugly Health Plan and Make it Pretty

I know how you all like to see my sketches and I get lots of requests to explain my cartoons, so here is the latest one.

The goal with this one was to comment on the speculation that the Democrats would use sentiment about Teddy Kennedy’s death to push health care legislation, possibly by attaching Kennedy’s name to the bill.  I started by making the health care character a generic ugly creature, but it occurred to me that a warthog is a better choice, because a warthog is understood to be ugly and it has the aspect of being a pig, to signify waste. Making the health plan a female is a little sexist, I suppose.  I think of a woman wanting her photo to look pretty, so making the wart hog a female made the gag work a little better for me.

Next I had to deal with the mask that actually makes the warthog pretty, and I thought that using a photo of Kennedy rather than drawing his face made the cartoon more interesting.  The mask was a little tricky because it had to have some perspective and Kennedy’s face is defined by its width, so squishing it makes it look less Kennedylike.  I found this photo that seems to be everywhere, and it looks pretty good, even squished, so that was the first hurdle to cross.  Nice photo, I like his eyes.

I did my usual quick pencil sketch.  The donkey didn’t look good so I drew a new one on top with a Sharpie marker.  That usually works for me; if I don’t like what I do after a Sharpie marker I’ll start over.  Here’s the sketch:

After that, I drew the finished line art on a vellum overlay.  In Photoshop I squashed the Kennedy photo into the sign, and drew outlines around it with a wider facing edge to make it look more two dimensional.  And I added gray tone to the rest of the drawing, so it would live in the same world as the photo.

That’s how to draw an ugly health plan, and make it pretty.


Best Wishes for Mike Lane’s Recovery

Our thoughts are with Mike Lane, our brilliant, liberal, award-winning cartoonist, who is in the hospital after undergoing open-heart surgery.  He was scheduled to get an aortic valve (pig’s valve) replacement and one bypass.  Shortly before his surgery, Mike wrote: “I’m asymptomatic (pain and evidence free) but the valve’s about closed now and will kill me down the road, without surgery.  So, it doesn’t look like I’ll draw much in September.”

We’ll keep Mike’s spot on our site warm and we’ll report any news on Mike’s condition when Mike is feeling up to telling us how he’s doing.  Anyone who would like to send warm wishes to Mike can e-mail him.  Visit an archive of Mike’s cartoons here.  That’s one of Mike’s recent masterpieces below.


Something Fishy About These Cartoons …

It amuses me to reuse old cartoons; I don’t find much opportunity to do it, but when I do, I chuckle to myself and take an extra hour for lunch.  Today’s deja-toon is the stinky White House fish, which is “Crazy Spending” taking attention away from the Obama Administration’s health care planning.

Back in January of 2007 the fish was the Iraq War, stinking up george W. Bush’s White House when he wanted everyone to think that things smelled fine.

Back in July of 2003, before the days of color cartoons, there was a brewing scandal in the CIA, which lent its aroma to the Bush White House.

In January of 2002, the first dead fish to land on the White House was the stinky Enron scandal.

What I find most interesting about my bi-annual parade of dead White House fish, is that no one has ever noticed.  I haven’t even gotten a friendly email from a fan or editor saying, “Haven’t I seen that fish before, Daryl?”  No one remembers the fish.  It is entirely forgettable, which, I suppose, makes the point.  The White House never seems to notice the fish either.


New Cartoonist on

I’m delighted to announce a new addition to our site, cartoonist Mike Scott.  Mike used to illustrate as a staffer for the Newark Star Ledger, now he works for the start-up web site  See Mike’s cartoon archive here.


More of My Sketches

Readers seem to like it when I post my rough sketches, so here we go again, with my sketches for my last couple of cartoons.  The first one is the Obama Healthcare Caduceus.  I do the rough sketch in hard pencil on slick paper, so I’m not tempted to do details and render.

Then I trace over the sketch on drafting vellum, with a hard pencil that I scan to look like ink and save as a bitmap file for black and white printing.  The image below is what most readers see in the newspaper.

Then I add the color in Photoshop.  I use rather unsophisticated colors because newspaper printing is lousy, and if I use anything that isn’t pastel and bright I get complaints from editors.

Here’s the sketch for another health care cartoon.  Same thing here, hard pencil on slick paper.

I did the same thing with the pencil on vellum, but this time I just added a bit of gray tone to the drawing because I wasn’t quite inspired to color this one.


Welcome Back, Bill Schorr!

It wasn’t long ago that I was writing about Bill Schorr retiring from editorial cartooning.  I’m pleased to announce that Bill is coming back and will be drawing political cartoons that we will syndicate here at Cagle Cartoons, Inc. Bill worked as a staff cartoonist for the New York Daily News, The Kansas City Star and The Los Angeles Herald-Examiner. He one of the best guys out there.  See an archive of Bill’s cartoons here, and his most recent cartoon below.

–And here’s a nice article from E&P about Bill’s return. To subscribe to our package and Bill’s cartoons, visit us at and email [email protected]


Jeff Kotebra’s San Diego Comic-Con Presentation


Here is the second part of the editorial cartoonist panel I hosted at the San Diego Comic-con, which features Omaha World Herald cartoonist Jeff Koterba talking about his collection of cartoons. Jeff suffers from the effects of Tourette’s Syndrome, a disease he inherited from his father, and has recently finished a memoir about his life called Inklings.

You can view more of Jeff’s great cartoon work on our website here.


Video: Glenn McCoy’s San Diego Comic-Con Presentation


Those Darn Minority Prisoners

I just got this interesting email from the editorial page editor of the Pocono Record:

Cartoon by Daryl Cagle of

Hi Daryl,

Just wanted to pass along a criticism from a very, very angry white male reader.

On Sunday, Aug. 2 I ran an editorial on prison reform noting the U.S. claim to fame-high prison population and advocating that we look more closely at models where electronic monitoring, parole etc. are used.

This afternoon I came back from lunch to find a real lunatic-fringe, more than 5-minute-long diatribe on my voice mail. The guy ran out of time, so he called back and left another few minutes of vituperation.

To accompany the corrections-reform edit, I had used your March 5, 2008 cartoon of the guys in striped jail suits jumping out of the bursting can. I also ran, small, in the editorial, Adam Zyglis’ cartoon of the same date dealing with the same topic.

This caller was outraged because all the prisoners he could see in the cartoons were white. He took off on that big-time.

Adding fuel to the fire was a story we ran on page 1 that day featuring an interview of a local white woman whose son, a Marine, had been killed along with his black wife, while stationed in California. Four black guys, fellow Marines, have been charged. The guy took off on that, too, saying that if it had been four white guys it would be all over the news (It WAS all over the news, but apparently he missed that page-one point somehow · .)

Anyway I just wanted to pass along this guy’s seething, roiling criticism of the liberal media portraying criminals as white and victims as minorities.

So next time you depict jail birds, if you want to make this guy happy make sure they’re all black, okay?


Paula Heeschen
Editorial page editor
Pocono Record
Stroudsburg, PA

Cartoon by Adam Zyglis of the Buffalo News.

Glenn McCoy’s San Diego Comic-Con Presentation


This year, I hosted a panel at the San Diego Comic-con on political cartoons featuring myself and syndicated cartoonists Glenn McCoy, Jeff Koterba, Steve Breen and Michael Ramirez.

Here is the first part of the panel, featuring Glenn McCoy talking about a collection of his funny cartoons. Check back all this week for more videos from the comic-con.


Laid Off After 35 Years

In a cost cutting move, The Jerusalem Post has dropped “Dry Bones,” the comic strip by my buddy, Yaakov Kirschen who has drawn it for the Post for 35 years. We syndicate Yaakov’s cartoons and he will continue to draw Dry Bones for syndication.

See Yaakov’s cartoons here and see his blog.

Yaakov will be leaving Israel to do an “Artist in Residence” stint at Yale, which sounds like fun.