Our brilliant but knuckle-dragging conservative cartoonist, Eric Allie, weighed in on the Washington Post’s Mitt Romney bullying story with this funny but risqué cartoon I imagine many editors will pass up for safer cartoons:

I asked Allie to weigh in with his thoughts on the cartoon, but he preferred to let it speak for itself.
“It’s crude,” he told me. “And if I offended anyone, sweet. That’s what I intended.”
There were certainly some readers offended on our Facebook page, but there were also a lot of readers who seemed to enjoy the cartoon, even as they disagreed with its message. Here’s a sampling of what readers had to say:
Gregory Kauffman: Demonstrates the wholesome family values of our conservative friends.
Sharon Foust: LOL Oh dear! That is a little risque but accurate. I used to read WaPo every day online. I got so tired of the editorial board sucking up to The Anointed One I stopped reading it.
Joshua Delano: Love it, Bill only had one Intern down there…Barack found a way to have a whole newspaper on their knees for his perpetual pleasuring. Monica had to at least come up for air…
William S E. Coleman: Tasteless and foul. Beyond that, it is stupid.
Matt Doyle: The media has always been in bed with Obama, but this is immature.
David Dolkart: Linda Lovelace would be amused, Mark Felt and Ben Bradlee wouldn’t.
Carlton Godbold: Ugly and stupid, like so much of the senseless Teanderthal bashing. Definitely a low blow.
Alexander Thorburn Hoffman: It sure beats cartoons that are so safe and bland with nothing important to say.
Joseph Edward Bodden: Snide, baseless, intended to be inflammatory, fraudulent and misleading and divert attention away from sober, intelligent consideration of the real issues and their real world relevance.
Jeffrey McMillian: Another lowering of the “common” denominator.
Skip Simons: The GOP has a” Democrat fellatio fetish”, I think… they all want to get serviced, but, their “Conservative Values” prohibit it…. First Lewinsky, now this…
Tim Harshman: Actually you could substitute any of the major networks and the NY Times and it would still fit.
John Swegan: Interesting that the one guy in Washington not caught cheating on his wife would be depicted this way.
What do you think of Allie’s cartoon? Comment below, or drop us a line on our Facebook page.