
Academy Award Cartoons

It’s that time of year again, where we celebrate the movies and garnish actors and actresses with awards and accolades for keeping us entertained. Personally, I’m protesting the Oscars this year, not because I don’t enjoy movies or the spectacle of a big awards show. I just think the Presidential race has been much more entertaining.

Don’t agree with me? Check out our Academy Awards cartoon collection, and tell me who’s a better actor – George Clooney or Mitt Romney.

Dave Granlund / (click to view our Academy Awards cartoons)

My Valentine’s Day Cartoons

It’s Valentine’s Day, and while most guys are rushing around trying to get some flowers and chocolates impressive enough to satisfy their significant other, I’ve been selfishly co-opting the imagery of the holiday in a fleeting attempt to make readers happy.

Here are my Valentine’s Day cartoons for 2012. Between Obama and Mitt, I’d say Cupid has his work cut out for him…


Romney Valentine

Romney Valentine COLOR CORRECTION © Daryl Cagle,,Valentines Day, Mitt Romney, Cupid, Arrow, bow


Best Political Cartoons Of The Week

Every Friday, we collect the best political cartoons of the week and stuff them into one big, glorious slideshow.

So just relax and catch up on a week’s worth of news with our Best Cartoons of the Week slideshow.

Nate Beeler / Washington Examiner (click to start slideshow)

Best Political Cartoons of the Week

Every Friday, we collect the best political cartoons of the week and stuff them into one big, glorious slideshow.

So just relax and catch up on a week’s worth of news with our Best Cartoons of the Week slideshow.

Rick McKee / Augusta Chronicle (click to start slideshow)

Five Reasons Donald Trump is a Joke

So Donald Trump is back in the news today. Apparently, The Donald has decided to endorse Mitt Romney for president in what might be the most awkwardly timed campaign event so far in this campaign. Think about it, after getting slammed over a flub for saying he doesn’t care about the poor, Romney is going to accept the endorsement of the world’s most notorious billionaire, whose catchphrase is, “You’re fired!”

At least cartoonists are ahead of the curve when it comes to Trump. But who’s the more foolish – the fool, or the fool who follows him? Here are five cartoons to help you decide…

Taylor Jones / Cagle Cartoons (click to view more cartoons by Jones)
Rick McKee / Augusta Chronicle (click to view more cartoons by McKee)
John Darkow / Columbia Daily Tribune (click to view more cartoons by Darkow)
Randy Bish / Pittsburgh Tribune- Review (click to view more cartoons by Bish)
Joe Heller / Green Bay Press-Gazette (click to view more cartoons by Heller)

Groundhog Day Cartoons

Today is Groundhog Day! According to reports, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, which means we’ll all be experiencing six more weeks of winter. Which for most of us means we might finally start to experience winter for the first time this year.

Speaking of shadows, our cartoonists like to cast big and long ones with their work. Check out what they think in our new Groundhog Day cartoon collection.

Randy Bish / Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (click to view our Groundhog Day cartoons)

Newt vs. Mitt – My Cartoons

The GOP Primary has come down to an epic battle between front-runner Mitt Romney and Washington insider outsider Newt Gingrich. Here are my most recent cartoons about these two fun-to-draw candidates:


Florida Primary Cartoons

It’s Florida Primary day! Florida is the largest and most diverse state to cast their vote so far in the GOP Primary, with 50 delegates up for grabs in today’s winner-take-all contest, double the amount awarded in any other state so far.

With Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich bare-knuckle brawling to the bitter end, check out what our cartoonists think with our updated Florida Primary cartoon collection.

Rick McKee / Augusta Chronicle (click to view cartoon collection)

Mitt Newt and Jobs

Mitt Newt and Jobs COLOR © Daryl Cagle,,Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Speaker, jhomeless, jobs, President, Massachusetts, governor, campaign 2012, income taxes, form 1040, IRS, class warfare, carried interest