GOP Energizer Bunny Campaign
Gingrich Out
It’s official – Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich will suspend his presidential campaign next Tuesday.
It’s about time. If it wasn’t desperate enough that Newt Gingrich made Delaware his Waterloo, Newt was completely routed last night by Mitt Romney in all five primaries.
Newt’s campaign has been running on the fumes of $2.50 a gallon gas for a while. Here’s a round-up of cartoons about desperate Newt…

After much hand-wringing among Republicans anxious to end their primary blood bath, presidential candidate Rick Santorum has finally decided to suspend his campaign. Facing a potentially embarrassing loss in his home state of Pennsylvania, Santorum getting out of the race now makes a clear path for Mitt Romney to become the party’s nominee, bounced checks from Newt Gingrich not withstanding.
This has been an exciting race, and much like the Hillary/Obama primary back in 2008, cartoonists weighed in with an onslaught of terrific cartoons. You can view our complete collection of Rick Santorum cartoons here, but here are a handful I thought were cool…

Last night, in two hard-fought GOP primaries a real winner finally emerged from the frothy mess that has been the Republican field – the nation’s editorial cartoonists!
With Rick Santorum winning both Mississippi and Alabama, it almost guarantees this crazy GOP Primary will continue on, possibly all the way to the party’s convention in Tampa. And if Newt Gingrich drops out, Rick Santorum would become a formidable candidate for Team Romney to contend with. All this is good news for cartoonists, who have been enjoying this primary about as much a Mitt likes a bowl of cheesy grits.
Here are some cartoons about the great, white conservative hope.

And The Primary Marches On…
For those of you feeling weary of this GOP Primary and hoping it will end soon can start crying now. Super Tuesday has come and gone, and we’re no closer to having this race sorted out then we were yesterday.
Yes, Mitt Romney won Ohio, but not by much. Santorum managed to snag Tennessee and Oklahoma, but is still being kept in check by Newt Gingrich, who won his home state of Georgia and is helping to split the conservative vote.
About the only thing anyone can agree on is that Super Tuesday has set up a long, draw-out slugfest to the GOP nomination. With that in mind, here are some cartoons that I thought fit the mood moving forward…

Newt Gingrich Deflates
Best Political Cartoons of the Week
Five Reasons Donald Trump is a Joke
So Donald Trump is back in the news today. Apparently, The Donald has decided to endorse Mitt Romney for president in what might be the most awkwardly timed campaign event so far in this campaign. Think about it, after getting slammed over a flub for saying he doesn’t care about the poor, Romney is going to accept the endorsement of the world’s most notorious billionaire, whose catchphrase is, “You’re fired!”
At least cartoonists are ahead of the curve when it comes to Trump. But who’s the more foolish – the fool, or the fool who follows him? Here are five cartoons to help you decide…

Groundhog Day Cartoons
Today is Groundhog Day! According to reports, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, which means we’ll all be experiencing six more weeks of winter. Which for most of us means we might finally start to experience winter for the first time this year.
Speaking of shadows, our cartoonists like to cast big and long ones with their work. Check out what they think in our new Groundhog Day cartoon collection.

Newt vs. Mitt – My Cartoons
The GOP Primary has come down to an epic battle between front-runner Mitt Romney and Washington insider outsider Newt Gingrich. Here are my most recent cartoons about these two fun-to-draw candidates: