On this day 37 years ago, Saigon, the capital of South Vietnam, was captured by the People’s Army of Vietnam and the National Liberation Front. The event market the end of the Vietnam War and the start of formal reunification of Vietnam into a communist state.
One of the most famous images of the 20th century is this photo by Dutch journalist Hubert van Es showing Americans trying desperately to secure a seat on one of the last helicopters evacuating people to U.S. Navy ships off the coast of Vietnam.
Cartoonists are visual creatures, so it makes sense that this iconic image of desperation has been used and twisted in a number of cartoons over the years. Here are some examples from our archives…
JD Crowe / Mobile Press-Register (click to view more cartoons by Crowe)Pat Bagley / Salt Lake Tribune (click to view more cartoons by Bagley)Adam Zyglis / Buffalo News (click to view more cartoons by Zyglis)Jimmy Margulies / The Record (click to view more cartoons by Margulies)Rob Tornoe / PoliticalCartoons.com (click to view more cartoons by Tornoe)
For those of you feeling weary of this GOP Primary and hoping it will end soon can start crying now. Super Tuesday has come and gone, and we’re no closer to having this race sorted out then we were yesterday.
Yes, Mitt Romney won Ohio, but not by much. Santorum managed to snag Tennessee and Oklahoma, but is still being kept in check by Newt Gingrich, who won his home state of Georgia and is helping to split the conservative vote.
About the only thing anyone can agree on is that Super Tuesday has set up a long, draw-out slugfest to the GOP nomination. With that in mind, here are some cartoons that I thought fit the mood moving forward…
Tim Eagan / PoliticalCartoons.com (click to view more cartoons by Eagan)Nate Beeler / Washington Examiner (click to view more cartoons by Beeler)Rick McKee / Augusta Chronicle (click to view more cartoons by McKee)Joe Heller / Green Bay Press-Gazette (click to view more cartoons by Heller)Chris Weyant / The Hill (click to view more cartoons by Weyant)Adam Zyglis / Buffalo News (click to view more cartoons by Zyglis)
Following last night’s debate, GOP Presidential hopefuls have hit the trail in hopes of securing a win in the South Carolina primary. For Romney, a win would all but secure his nomination, while Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich hope to pull off an upset with the state’s strong conservative voters.
Last week, our brilliant caricacturist Taylor Jones (view more of Taylor’s cartoons here) drew a cartoon featuring Ron Paul wearing a Klansman’s robes. This was in response to the news of racists diatribes appearing in newsletter printed by Ron Paul more than 20 years ago. Paul has denied writing these, but refuses to say who might have, or explain how they ended up in his newsletters.
The cartoon obviously toched a nerve for Ron Paul supporters and non-supporters alike. We asked what you thought of the cartoon, and boy, did you tell us! Here’s a sampling:
Sandra Chung – If GOP candidates can make crap up about their opposing members, or others, then they shouldn’t be surprised or offended when their own past comes back to bite em on the ass.
Johnz Thomaz – He is not a racist, and has supported policies for years that would treat people as individuals, which is the ultimate way to break racial walls.
Dennis Jasinski – Typical political mud-slinging.
John Berger – When all else fails, call the person a racist, bigot, sexist, homophobe, adulterer, drug user, nazi, etc. and go back as far in time as is necessary to justify it.
Tyler Yaeger – At this point, I don’t think it’s fair to call Paul a racist, but he’s certainly worked with a lot, and has the support of a lot of them.
James Chapman – Absolutely fair. If he is going to demonize Hispanics, African-Americans, and Homosexuals then he better be prepared for the blowback. Besides I don’t see him giving back that $1 million that was raised from those racist newsletters.
Joe Sexton – There must be some reason why certain racists support him and donate money to his campaign. Does that make him a racist or just an opportunist–like just about all politicians?
Anika Denton – I loathe Ron Paul and his brain dead acolytes, but this is just lazy and not even clever. It’s one thing to be a bigot, but a Klan robe should be reserved for the likes of Pat Buchanan or Rick Perry.
Supa Charger – Ron Paul would protect your right to do this, would any of the other do the same?
Eating Steak – This is all you got? Some years-old stale newsletters accusing the Republican who scores the highest with non-whites of being a racist?
History Squared – Not really fair, since they weren’t his words, whereas Obama says he lied and was ashamed of his white heritage. Anything on that? Of course not.