
Koran Burning Protests in Afghanistan

Here’s my new cartoon about protesters in Afghanistan fighting and killing because some dumb, bigoted pastor in Florida decided to burn a Koran for some publicity.

Koran Quran Terry Jones pastor Florida Afghanistan Islam
Click image to enlarge

The whole situation reminds me of the protests and violence following the Danish Cartooning Controversy that occurred back in 2005, when 12 editorial cartoonists were commissioned by the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten to draw caricatures of the Islamic prophet Muhammad in attempt to contribute to the debate regarding criticism of Islam and self-censorship. Even with a free press defined by law, there are other constraints regarding what can or can’t be published.

Here’s the cartoon I drew back then. It’s sad that for some, things never change.

danish cartoon Afghanistan Taliban prophet muhammad


Koran Burning Protests

Koran Burning Protests Color © Daryl Cagle,,Afghanistan, Koran, Terry jones, burning, riots, protests, Islam, Gainesville Florida


Foreign Cartoonists Weigh In on Quran-burning Pastor

Protests in Afghanistan against the burning of a Quran in Florida by Pastor Terry Jones has entered a third straight day. The Taliban seem to be stoking the fires of the angry mobs, who have already killed 20 people and injured nearly 100 more.

It’s always interesting to see how the world’s cartoonists react to an event like this – a single, idiotic American motivated by religious intolerance stirring up trouble and creating violence halfway across the world out of bigotry and hatred.

Slovakian cartoonist Martin Sutovec drew Pastor Jones trying to use the flames of liberty to get his Quran-burning started…

While Signapore cartoonist Deng Meil Coy shows us the face of terrorism.

Israeli cartoonist Shlomo Cohen shows Jones responding to warnings about creating violence in a Dirty Harry moment…

While Jordanian cartoonist Emad Hajjaj suggests it’s the media that are the true fire-starters.

Bulgarian cartoonist Christo Komarnitski draws a comparison between Jones’ Quran-burning and the terrorists behind 9/11.

Meanwhile, I just think he’s kind-of an ass…

RELATED: More cartoons about Quran-burning Pastor Terry Jones


Quran Burning Cartoons

Florida Pastor Terry Jones threatened to burn copies of the Koran back in September as part of a publicity stunt, but it wasn’t until March 20 that Jones ordered a copy of the Koran to be torched in a portable fire pit.

On Friday and Saturday, attacks by mobs in Afghanistan incited by the burning left at least 20 dead and more than 90 injured.

Click here to view our Koran Burning cartoon collection to see what the world’s best cartoonists think about this latest wave of hate and violence.

Terry Jones Koran burning Afghanistan U.N.
Daryl Cagle / (click to view slideshow)

Media Chasing the Idiot Pastor

Media Chasing the Idiot Pastor Color © Daryl Cagle,,media,news,television,tv,koran,quran,Terry Jones,idiot,pastor,florida church,pentacostal,minister


Koran Burning Pastor

Koran Burning Pastor Color © Daryl Cagle,,Terry Jones, Gainesville, Christian, Florida, church, burn Koran, Islam, Dove World Outreach Center, religion, book burning