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bert, Cartoons, ernie, flags, gay marriage, homosexual, law, lgbt, marriage equality, Missouri, muppets, scotus, sesame street, supreme court, wedding, wedding cake
bert, Cartoons, ernie, flags, gay marriage, homosexual, law, lgbt, marriage equality, muppets, Nebraska, scotus, sesame street, supreme court, wedding, wedding cake
bert, Cartoons, ernie, flags, gay marriage, homosexual, law, lgbt, marriage equality, muppets, north dakota, scotus, sesame street, supreme court, wedding, wedding cake
bert, Cartoons, ernie, flags, gay marriage, homosexual, law, lgbt, marriage equality, muppets, OHIO, scotus, sesame street, supreme court, wedding, wedding cake
bert, Cartoons, ernie, flags, gay marriage, homosexual, law, lgbt, marriage equality, muppets, scotus, sesame street, south dakota, supreme court, wedding, wedding cake
bert, Cartoons, ernie, flags, gay marriage, homosexual, law, lgbt, marriage equality, muppets, scotus, sesame street, supreme court, tennessee, wedding, wedding cake
bert, Cartoons, ernie, flags, gay marriage, homosexual, law, lgbt, marriage equality, muppets, scotus, sesame street, supreme court, texas, wedding, wedding cake
bishops, card, cardinals, Cartoons, catholic, francis, gay, homosexual, marriage, pope, translation, Vatican, wedding
bishops, card, cardinals, Cartoons, catholic, francis, gay, homosexual, marriage, pope, translation, Vatican, wedding