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Planned Parenthood Cartoon Riled Up Our Readers

There has been an intense debate from both sides of the political aisle over the decision, and reversal, of Susan G. Komen for the Cure to cut their funding to Planned Parenthood.

Click to enlarge

One of our strongest conservative cartoonists, Gary McCoy, drew the cartoon to the right, juxtaposing Susan G. Komen’s mission to aid women’s health with the fact that Planned Parenthood performs abortions.

It’s a tough cartoon, as are most cartoons dealing with abortion, and several of our readers wrote in about it. Here are some of the opinions we received:

Rob C.: “This cartoon is obviously by a right wing evangelical. Obvious because he uses the term “pro-abortion” rather than the correct term “pro-choice”.  As with many of his ilk, he wants government out of people’s lives but, wants government to dictate his beliefs. I think the dictionary defines him as hypocrite.”

Bruce G.: “The cartoon was totally off-the-point but not surprising given how far off-base politics has gotten these day.  Komen wasn’t paying Planned Parenthood for abortions but for other testing.  Unfortunately, rhackos (right-wing whackos) think: Planned Parenthood = abortion. Not valid!  Planned Parenthood provides a lot of services for women, including abortions.  Go back to Venn diagrams folks — there’s some overlap but they’re not equivalent.”

James B.: “Apparently it is allowed to murder unborn babies while trying to cure cancer? Hypocrites!”

Phil K.: “While giving startling visuals, it factually devoid of any real accuracy.”

Vicky K.: “Since none of the funds received by Planned Parenthood from Komen were used for abortion, the cartoon was foul.  Perpetuating a myth for political purposes is dispicable.”

Paul K.: “This is the most absurd cartoon you have ever shown. I am always fine with differing views, but this is ridiculous. Taking a serious health issue like breast cancer and politicizing it with their emotional issues of abortion is outrageous. It is sickening and represents how broken things are right now – you should not be encouraging this kind of gutter politics in my view.”

Let us know what you think! Comment below, or post your thoughts on our Facebook page.


What Every Woman Should Know

Here’s what my daughter Susie has to say about her newest graphic report for the Cartoon Movement about the war that’s being waged against women’s health in the United States.

Some issues are straight forward and can be elegantly distilled into single panel editorial cartoons. Some are full of gray areas and require some deeper exploration. I think this story and the issue of faith-based crisis pregnancy centers in general falls into the latter category. They may do a great deal of good for some women, but at the same time they’re also standing in the way of legal choices for many women. This isn’t just about abortion! These centers provide misleading and even false information to women, pregnant or not, regarding contraception and basic reproductive health issues — and from people who are not licensed medial professionals, or even licensed counselors. To find this happening in what most would consider the liberal playground of San Francisco was surprising, and deserved further investigation.

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My New Cartoons

Here are my most recent cartoons …


Cut The Budget

Cut The Budget Color © Daryl Cagle,,donkey,elephant,democrats,republicans,abortion,budget,congress


Planned Parenthood and Abortion

As they attempt to live up to campaign promises and slash the federal budget, House Republicans are taking aim at Planned Parenthood, which provides reproductive health and child health services, including providing abortions.

Abortion is one of the most divisive issues in politics today, and political cartoonists don’t shy away from controversy. Here are some cartoons, both right and left, that have come in on the issue.

Pat Bagley of the Salt Lake Tribune sees members of the GOP praying to the alter of the Religious Right…

Steve Greenberg sees a new definition for abortion…

Slowpoke cartoonist Jen Sorensen sees a parallel in Republicans “Protect Life Act” and zombies…

While No Exit cartoonist Andy Singer sees life beginning at the earliest possible moment…

Denver Post cartoonist Mike Keefe sees Pro-Life extremists as believing they’re doing the bidding of God…

While Mike Lane sees the aftermath of women’s health if Planned Parenthood were to shut down…

Conservative cartoonist Gary McCoy has some serious thoughts about Planned Parenthood and abortion. Here are some of his cartoons…

Jimmy Margulies at the Bergen Record also has some individual thoughts about women’s rights. Here are some of his recent cartoons…


Spirited Discussion on this Gary McCoy Abortion Cartoon

I Twittered about this provocative abortion cartoon and got such a discussion on my Facebook page that I decided to post it here for comment.  Frankly, it seems to me that if pro-lifers really believed their own hot-headed rhetoric, that “abortion is murder,” we’d see many more desperate, violent responses, like the killing of this doctor.

Gary McCoy is our resident, knuckle-dragging conservative pro-lifer.  I’ll be interested to see the comments on this cartoon.  We got a crazy number of responses some years ago to a Michael Ramirez cartoon depicting a fetus in an electric chair.  I can always count on abortion, the Confederate Battle Flag, gun control and cartoons about Jews and Islam to bring on the most emotional, angry response.

Cartoon by Gary McCoy, our knuckle-dragging conservative, pro-life cartoonist at Cagle Cartoons.

Bennett Reprehensible

Bennett Reprehensible © Daryl Cagle,,Bill Bennett, abortion, race, black, african american, gambling, slot machine, radio, baby, morally, reprehensible, crime rate


Roberts and his Wife

Roberts and his Wife © Daryl Cagle,,John Roberts, Jane, abortion, baby, fetus, murder, catholic, christian, supreme court, life, lawyer, baby, partial birth, nominee, senate


The Brain of a Republican

The Brain of a Republican © Daryl Cagle,,elephant,cigar,regulation,business,abortion,gay,Iraq