
Zimmerman Get Out of Jail Free

134528 600 Zimmerman Get Out of Jail Free cartoons


Miranda Rights ALL OF THEM

Miranda Rights ALL OF THEM © Daryl Cagle,,Boston Marathon,bomber,Miranda Rights,Aurora Colorado,theatre,shooting,Batman,James Eagan Holmes,Joker,murder,Jarad Loughner,Tucson,Gabby Giffords,Dxhokhar Tsarnaev,boston marathon


Miranda RightsGray ALL OF THEM

Miranda RightsGray ALL OF THEM © Daryl Cagle,,Boston Marathon,bomber,Miranda Rights,Aurora Colorado,theatre,shooting,Batman,James Eagan Holmes,Joker,murder,Jarad Loughner,Tucson,Gabby Giffords,Dxhokhar Tsarnaev


Boston Bomber Miranda Rights

Boston Bomber Miranda Rights © Daryl Cagle,,Boston Marathon,bomber,Miranda Rights,Aurora Colorado,theatre,shooting,Batman,James Eagan Holmes,Joker,murder,Jarad Loughner,Tucson,Gabby Giffords,Dxhokhar Tsarnaev


Boston Marathon Memorial

Boston Marathon Memorial © Daryl Cagle,,Boston Marathon,candles,running shoes,runners,memorial,terrorism,bombs, boston marathon


Chinese Dragon and Me

I drew a self-portrait in today’s cartoon. All the news about Chinese hacking strikes close to home as we’ve had lots of trouble with hacker attacks on our servers, that our ISP has traced to China. I’m guessing that the Chinese junta doesn’t like American editorial cartoons much. I drew a Chinese dragon looking over my shoulder.

I did a State Department sponsored speaking tour in China some years ago, and I told the Chinese audiences that when I draw cartoons about China I represent China with a Panda, or a dragon, or the Great Wall, or that guy standing in front of a tank in Tienanmen Square.  The Chinese audience would always murmur and look at each other when I mentioned the tank in Tienanmen Square, which was quite provocative for them and always stirred up the crowd. At one college I said that line and one excited college kid stood up and asked in English, “Oh! Oh! What KIND of dragon?!” That still makes me laugh.

Here’s my very rough pencil sketch.

DragonSketch600wide Chinese Dragon and Me cartoons


Next I do the finished line art, in dark, hard pencil on a 14″x17″ piece of Duralene drafting vellum. This is what most people will see in the newspapers since most of them still print in black and white.

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Here is the color version. The color on this one was fun. I grabbed a bunch of Chinese dragons from Google Images for scrap on the dragon, and I pulled details from three or four different dragons that I thought were cute.

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I don’t know what kind of dragon it is. Sorry.


Media and the Connecticut School Shooting

Media and the Connecticut School Shooting © Daryl Cagle,,guns,media,news,newspapers,television,victims,Sandy Hook Elementary School,school shooting,children,connecticut shooting, Education, gun debate 2012, school violence


School Shooting Vultures

School Shooting Vultures © Daryl Cagle,,Connecticut,CT,Sandy Hook Elementary School,school shooting,gun,guns,violence,murder,gun control,media,television,



Trayvon © Daryl Cagle,,race,african american,black,Crime,Race,Trayvon Martin,hoodie,Arizona Iced Tea,Skittles,Sanford,Florida,George Zimmerman


Goldman Sachs Muppets

Goldman Sachs Muppets © Daryl Cagle,,Goldman Sachs,investment bank,wall street,Jim Hensons Muppets,Kermit the Frog,Miss Piggy,Gonzo,Animal,business,economy,crime,crooks