Blog Syndicate

The Sky is Falling!

We hear from editors who want more “pro-Trump” cartoons – but editorial cartoons are a negative art form. Cartoons that support anything are lousy cartoons. And there are few conservative cartoonists to begin with. I drew what could be considered a “pro-Trump” cartoon below.

I think this is about as close as we’re going to get to “pro-Trump” cartoons over the next four years – cartoons that bash third parties, like crybaby Democrats or media bashing cartoons like mine.

I drew this one as a live stream on – you can watch in the videos below. The first one shows me doing the rough sketch and final line art …

And the next video shows me coloring the cartoon in Photoshop …

Blog Syndicate

Carson Tortoise and Trump Hare

Bombastic Donald Trump is falling behind Ben “slow and steady wins the race” Carson, which sounds to me like the Tortoise and the Hare fable.

Both of these guys are gifts to cartoonists. People find it disturbing whenever I mention this, but I like Donald Trump, compared to the other Republican candidates – it sounds crazy, but I think he’s more reasonable and moderate than Carson. It is only Carson’s demeanor that implies moderation.

Notice that I avoided drawing a tail on the turtle (most turtles have nice little tails). Given the position of the running turtle, there was no position I could find for a tail that didn’t look like a turtle penis. Self-censorship – its an ugly thing.