Blog Syndicate

Summit Butt Kiss

The big summit in Helsinki is tomorrow, where President Trump will kiss Vladimir Putin’s butt, even though we now know the details of the Russian cyber-campaign to boost Trump and bash Hillary in the 2016 election.

Yes, Trump is off target. He needs to move a little to the left. Just to show that I’m an equal opportunity cartoon butt kisser, here is a butt-bonus oldie – President Obama kissing the butt of the king of Saudi Arabia.

Blog Syndicate

Talking Trump

I enjoyed watching the coverage of former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony in congress on Fox News, where the talk was all about Hillary’s emails and Benghazi. I’ve noticed that this is a pattern; when the Trump-bashing gets heavy, conservatives retreat into their “happy place” of Hillary (and to a lesser degree, Obama) bashing.

There isn’t a lot of depth to the Republican responses to each increment of Trumpocalypse news. I see it in my e-mail now, when conservatives complain about the Trump cartoons they often ask why we don’t have an equal number of Hillary-bashing cartoons – even though Hillary is defeated and gone.


Kim Jong Un and his Sony Hackers

The Sony Pictures hacker attack and the cowardly withdrawal of “The Interview” movie has been dominating the cartoons. I drew two!

A universal truth about evil dictators is that they have no sense of humor, so I suggest we mock the despots mercilessly. In fact, mocking mercilessly is really the only tool in my cartoonist tool belt – you know, if all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

My second cartoon was quite popular on Facebook, featuring Kim Jong Un and the entertainment industry chickens. This one reminded me of my old Muppet days drawing Gonzo’s girlfriend, Camilla and all her chicken friends.

Today we got the news that North Korea’s internet service went down. Not much of a surprise – and probaby only a dozen people in North Korea have access to the internet – still interesting. North Korea makes a target of itself, which reminds me of a favorite Kim Jong Un oldie I drew below, which I should take out of mothballs.

And here’s one last Kim Jong Un oldie:

History keeps repeating itself! See more great North Korea cartoons on!


North Korea Response

North Korea Response © Daryl Cagle,,Kim Jong Un,clown,bloody hands,kick me,propeller hat,stupid,Sony Pictures,James Franco,Seth Rogan,The Interview,Media,Hollywood,movie,cyber,hacking,technology,response,internet,hackers,North Korea


Kim Jong Un and Sony Pictures Chickens

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Chinese Dragon and Me

I drew a self-portrait in today’s cartoon. All the news about Chinese hacking strikes close to home as we’ve had lots of trouble with hacker attacks on our servers, that our ISP has traced to China. I’m guessing that the Chinese junta doesn’t like American editorial cartoons much. I drew a Chinese dragon looking over my shoulder.

I did a State Department sponsored speaking tour in China some years ago, and I told the Chinese audiences that when I draw cartoons about China I represent China with a Panda, or a dragon, or the Great Wall, or that guy standing in front of a tank in Tienanmen Square.  The Chinese audience would always murmur and look at each other when I mentioned the tank in Tienanmen Square, which was quite provocative for them and always stirred up the crowd. At one college I said that line and one excited college kid stood up and asked in English, “Oh! Oh! What KIND of dragon?!” That still makes me laugh.

Here’s my very rough pencil sketch.

DragonSketch600wide Chinese Dragon and Me cartoons


Next I do the finished line art, in dark, hard pencil on a 14″x17″ piece of Duralene drafting vellum. This is what most people will see in the newspapers since most of them still print in black and white.

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Here is the color version. The color on this one was fun. I grabbed a bunch of Chinese dragons from Google Images for scrap on the dragon, and I pulled details from three or four different dragons that I thought were cute.

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I don’t know what kind of dragon it is. Sorry.