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Kurds Screwed!

I’m back from our annual CagleCartoons trip to France!  I’ll post about that soon.  Sorry for the time away from the blog!

While I was gone, President Trump betrayed the Kurds and invited Turkey to invade Syria, setting up a chain of events that essentially hand all of Syria to Russia and Iran. Right when I should have been at the drawing board, I was away, and then bogged down in doing the quarterly artists royalties. Arrgh! Here’s my “Kurds Screwed” cartoon.

A lot of cartoonists drew the Kurds being stabbed in the back. I liked this one by Adam Zyglis …

This is a nice one from Rick McKee

This realistic cartoon by Bart van Leeuwen –I’m not sure I understand this one, but I know how much it hurts to step on Legos.

This one by RJ Matson made me laugh and cry.

Everything by Steve Sack is great …


Blog Newsletter Syndicate

Trump and Iran

I’ve been working on putting together cartoons for a CagleCartoons exhibition in St Just le Martel’s lovely cartoon museum on the topic of Trump and Iran. Here’s my cartoon from yesterday …

I got the idea for my cartoon while mulling over this wonderful, new cartoon by Pierre Ballouhey, which makes a point that is rather different …


I’d like to welcome Canadian cartoonist Guy Parsons, who recently joined and with this cartoon poking the Trump-hive …


These two cartoons about the Straits of Hormuz by Arend van Dam made me laugh …

Here’s Steve Sack‘s take on the Straits of Hormuz …


And here’s Stephane Peray‘s take on the Straits of Hormuz …


Here’s my last one on Trump and Iran …

Our photo-realistic cartoonist, Bart van Leeuwen drew this Trump and Iran cartoon …

We’ve got a lot of great Trump and Iran cartoons. It will be a great exhibition – starting the last weekend in September and running for a while.






Blog Newsletter Syndicate

Much to Juggle!

Presidents as clowns are a cartoon cliché that we’ve all drawn. They never get old. Here’s my new juggling Trump …

Way back in 2006 I also drew president Bush as a juggling clown. It looks like Iran and North Korea are still being juggled after 13 years. (I could have added quite a few more countries, but Trump’s four are most talked about at the moment.) Trump makes me miss George W. Bush.


Blog Syndicate

Split Congress and Sinking Oil Prices

Here’s one I drew a week ago that I forgot to post here! The Democrats have the House and the Republicans have the Senate – I look forward to seeing divided government at work again!

I’m impressed by how quickly oil prices are plummeting, and pulling down that stock market. The cartoon below was an oldie that I drew the last time this happened. There isn’t much news that is truly new news. The same old news seems to happen over and over, so sometimes I dust off an appropriate oldie.

This one needed to be in a vertical format, something that makes editorial cartoons sink. Editors like to leave a standard sized wide box as the editorial cartoon hole to fill each day, so deviating from the standard 1.5 wide by 1 tall box means a cartoon doesn’t get much ink.

But, sometimes I need to break out of the box. I hate being stuck in a box!

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Iran Pull-Out

My new cartoon is unusual for me because I would call it “pro-Trump.” I’m not bothered by this pulling the USA out of the Iran deal, as most of the world seems to be. The pallets of cash that were secretly delivered to Iran as part of the deal were enough to turn me against it, even if Iran wasn’t such an active bad actor on the world stage. My cartoon shows Iran’s Supreme Leader. I suppose readers won’t recognize the Supreme Leader, but what the heck, he looks pretty archetypal, so I didn’t give him a label.


I thought the rug should be a Persian carpet – it didn’t have to be, but it seems appropriate. I Googled Persian carpets and found that there are a number of artists who do paintings of Persian carpets. That sounds like fun; I enjoyed drawing the Persian carpet.

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Trump’s Wandering Eye

President Trump surprised the pundits and his own Republican party when he sided with the Democrats this week. Trump hasn’t been getting much from the grouchy, ineffectual Republicans, so it shouldn’t be surprising that his eye starts to wander.

That Democrat is quite a cutie.

This cartoon is similar to one I drew many years ago, when President George W. Bush was looking to jump into wars around the globe.

Men don’t change much, huh?


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Trump and Refugees

The media is energized by the “ban” on seven Muslim countries: Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, Libya, Iran, Iraq and Syria. Those are seven nasty places. I’d like to see a ban on refugees from all nasty places without regard to a religious test. There are lots more nasty places to add to this list.

Today’s cartoon is an upgrade to an oldie that I drew a couple of years ago.

Here’s the original, drawn when the GOP was opposing President Obama’s plans to welcome thousands of Syrian refugees.

My starting point for this one is this great cartoon from our Greek Cagle Cartoonist, Michael Kountouris, about the European Union.


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Obama Kisses Saudi King’s Butt

President Obama has threatened to veto a bill that would allow 9-11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia for their support of the 9-11 terrorists and would make public 28 redacted pages from the 9-11 Commission report that likely implicates Saudi Arabia. This week Obama traveled to meet with Saudi King Salman, so I drew this.


I’d like to see the bill pass and I’d like to see what is on those 28, top secret pages in the 9-11 Commission Report. The Saudis have threatened to sell all of their hundreds of billions of dollars of assets in America if the bill passes. That’s fine with me.

Here’s the first of two videos of my live stream drawing this one.

In the second video, below, I finish up the drawing and color it in Photoshop as I chat with my live viewers. Come to to follow me and be notified when I come online to draw the next streaming cartoon.

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Apple vs. the FBI and Third World Despots

The legal battle between the FBI and Apple promises to be epic. I come down on Apple’s side; we’ve seen how important technology is in undermining evil despotic regimes around the world. If courts can force tech companies to become foot soldiers in regime efforts to spy on their populations that will be a loss for freedom around the world.


I drew this one as a live stream. Watch me color it in Photoshop in real time in the YouTube video below (scroll past the timer at the beginning).

Click on the YouTube video below and it should start at 2:48:40 where I start drawing the Apple vs Despots cartoon. This was a long afternoon of work, and I drew the previous cartoon before this one. Sorry for the lack of editing, but hey, you see everything. I have nothing to hide.


A brave woman cartoonist was imprisoned in Iran for posting this cartoon on Facebook

Brave Iranian cartoonist Atena Farghadani was imprisoned in Iran for posting this cartoon on her own Facebook page. Please share the video and the cartoon – everyone should see it.

Read the latest news about Atena on the Cartoonists Rights Network site.

You can e-mail Iran’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations at Here is a suggested letter:

Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei,
President Hassan Rouhani
Head of Judiciary Ayatollah Sadeq Larijani

Honored Sirs;

I am writing to protest the outrageous sentence handed down against Iranian artist Atena Farghadani, and to urge her conviction be overturned and Ms. Farghadani freed.

Freedom of expression and association are universal human rights recognized by all civilized nations, including Iran as a signatory to the UN’s International Human Rights Conventions. The arrest and sentencing of Atena Farghadani is a clear violation of those rights, and also of Iran’s own statutes and international agreements. It cannot be allowed to stand.

In the interest of justice and to demonstrate its recognition of universal human rights, Iran must release Atena Farghadani.


your name
your city/state/country 
