Blog Syndicate

Trump Sweeps Into My New Store

No matter what garbage comes out each day, Trump just sweeps it under the patriotic rug so it becomes invisible to his supporters.

I drew a similar cartoon some years ago, when I was angry with Obama for sweeping our civil rights under the constitution-rug with his massive system of surveillance on everyday folks …

Sometimes it seems like only the rugs change.

Do you like the Trump flag-rug cartoon? Come visit my cool new store site where we have framed prints and cool products, like this coffee mug …

… and this phone case …

We’ve gotten requests for framed prints for a long time. We have some nice ones in now …

I selected by most popular cartoons for Come take a look!

Blog Syndicate

New Suit for Manafort

Paul Manafort has lots of fancy, $15,000 suits from the House of Bijan, which seems to be the most expensive men’s clothing store around. Customers shop at this store by appointment only, but I suspect that Manafort had the fancy tailor come to him. Manafort paid clothing bills of hundreds of thousands of dollars by bank wire transfers, from his secret bank accounts on the island of Cyprus. These bank accounts were so secret that Manafort claims to have known nothing about them – at least that’s what he claims to the IRS, not to his tailor.

Blog Syndicate

Russian Tic-Tac-Toe

It looks like Jeff Sessions is the next in line to be brought down by a fishy relationship with Russia.

All three of these guys are easy to draw, and in that respect, I hate to see them go. Paul Manafort was Trump’s campaign manager, Michael Flynn was the National Sercurity Advisor, and Jeff Sessions is the Attorney General who just recused himself from an investigation which may or may not exist.

What is it with Trump and Russia? I could ask, what is it with cartoonists and those Russian nesting-dolls – is it possible to have any more nesting-doll cartoons? Sadly, I think we’re facing a bleak future of many more nesting-dolls cartoons. I haven’t drawn one yet, but I think everyone else has. Here are a few recent ones. Maybe we’ll see more nesting dolls than Pinocchios … someday … I can only dream.

Cartoon by Steve Sack
Cartoon by Simanca
Cartoon by Chappatte
Cartoon by Koterba
Cartoon by Granlund
Cartoon by Van Dam