
Better not Insult Adam and Eve

Note to editors : The cartoon referenced in this column follows the text.

It didn’t take long for the new Islamist government in Egypt to start acting like other nutty Islamic regimes when it comes to political cartoons.

The latest wacko religious intolerance comes in response to a cartoon by Egyptian editorial cartoonist Doaa El Adl that shows an Egyptian man with angel wings lecturing Adam and Eve. The three characters are on a cloud beneath the infamous, forbidden fruit tree. The angel is telling Adam and Eve that they would never have been expelled from heaven if they had simply voted in favor of the draft constitution in the recent Egyptian referendum.

The cartoon ridicules proponents of Egypt’s constitutional referendum who were quoted saying that a “‘yes vote’ guarantees one a spot in heaven, while a ‘no vote’ guarantees one a spot in hell.”

The cartoonist, one of very few women cartoonists in the Arab world, is being sued by Egypt’s new “Secretary General for the Defense of Freedoms,” Khaled El Masry along with her editor, Yasser Rizk, and businessman Naguib Sawiris. The Secretary General Masry claims that the cartoon insults Adam, who is considered a prophet in the Muslim religion. Egypt’s Attorney General has ordered an investigation.

I met Doaa El Adl at the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists convention a couple of years ago in Florida, shortly after the revolution in Egypt. She was the only woman cartoonist in a large group of Arab cartoonists sent by the U.S. State Department to visit their colleagues in the USA. In our conversations she was beaming with pride and optimism about Egypt’s revolution and had high hopes and expectations about Egypt’s future. I was impressed with her.

In Egypt, editorial cartoonists are especially important. There are lots of popular, thriving, competing newspapers in Egypt, and most of the newspapers run their editorial cartoon in color on the front page. Editorial cartoonists are the most important voices in each newspaper, and clearly the most threatening voices to Islamic, extremist politicians.

I doubt that Doaa is being sued, and possibly prosecuted, because of insulting Adam; she is being sued to chill her voice, and make it costly to be a cartoonist who is critical of Egypt’s new religious junta.

This is a shame. Doaa is talented, brave and eager to seek a better future for Egypt — just what Egypt needs right now. Read more about her case on the Cartoonists Rights Network site at

Daryl Cagle runs the newspaper syndicate distributing editorial cartoons to more than 850 newspapers around the world including the paper you are reading now; he is a past president of the National Cartoonists Society. Comments to Daryl may be sent to [email protected]. Read Daryl’s blog at


How to Draw a Political Cartoon by Daryl and Steve

My cartoonist buddy, Steve Sack of the Minneapolis Star-Tribune just sent me this e-mail and video:

Hi Daryl,

That was the first time I drew an edit toon on the Ipad. I used a stylus, which is better than a finger but still not all that precise. App is called Sketch Club. Cost me three bucks. I may do more vids like that from time to time, depending on time and the image I’m attempting. The program doesn’t have all of the Photoshop features and effects one often needs. I just got it Sunday so I’m still learning how useful it will be.


I can’t get past drawing on paper, although I rely on Photoshop and my Wacom Cintiq.  Here is my rough pencil sketch, in pencil, on a piece of 11″x17″ paper.

PogoSketch600forWeb How to Draw a Political Cartoon by Daryl and Steve cartoons

Next I draw it with a 4H hard pencil on vellum and scan the drawing at high contrast and high resolution for most people to see in black and white in the newspaper – looking like an ink drawing.  I have to design everything so it works in black and white, and I usually like the black and white versions best – here I did that by making the speech balloons black, so they stand out and are readable making the point of the cartoon.

600wideBWDebt Ceiling Pogo How to Draw a Political Cartoon by Daryl and Steve cartoons

Next I put in the color in Photoshop, under the black line art layer.

PogoColor600wide How to Draw a Political Cartoon by Daryl and Steve cartoons


Better Not Insult Adam and Eve

entert03 Better Not Insult Adam and Eve  cartoons

Egyptian Cartoonist Doaa El Adl of the Al-Masry Al-Toum newspaper.

It didn’t take long for the new Islamist government in Egypt to start acting like other nutty Islamic regimes when it comes to cartoons.  The latest wacko religious intolerance comes in response to the cartoon below, by Egyptian editorial cartoonist Doaa El Adl.

The cartoon, published on her newspapers online site, shows an Egyptian man with angel wings lecturing Adam and Eve.  The three are on a cloud beneath the infamous forbidden fruit tree.  The man is telling Adam and Eve that they would never have been expelled from heaven if they had simply voted in favor of the draft constitution in the recent Egyptian referendum.  Some of the supporters of the referendum were quoted as saying a “yes vote” guarantees one a spot in heaven, while a “no vote” guarantees one a spot in hell.  Neither Adam nor Eve in Doaa’s cartoon is uttering a word. In short, the cartoon is critical of Egyptians who have recently politicized religion.

The cartoonist is being sued by Egypt’s new Secretary General for the Defense of Freedoms, Khaled El Masry; he claims that the cartoon insults Adam, who is considered a prophet in the Muslim religion.  Egypt’s Attorney General has ordered an investigation.

DoaaElAdlToonAdamEveLectured Better Not Insult Adam and Eve  cartoons

This is the offending cartoon. The angel who appears to be a typical Egyptian man, is telling Adam and Eve that they would never have been expelled from heaven if they had simply voted in favor of the draft constitution in the recent Egyptian referendum.

I met Doaa El Adl at the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists convention a couple of years ago in Florida, shortly after the revolution in Egypt.  She was the only woman cartoonist in a large group of Arab cartoonists sent by the US State Department to visit their colleagues in the USA.  In our conversations she was beaming with pride and optimism about Egypt’s revolution and her high hopes and expectations about Egypt’s future.

In Egypt, editorial cartoonists are especially important.  There are lots of popular, thriving, competing newspapers in Egypt, and most of them run their editorial cartoon in color on the front page. The editorial cartoonists are the most important voices in each newspaper, and clearly, the most threatening voices to Islamic-extremist politicians. I doubt that Doaa is being sued because of insulting Adam, rather she is being sued to chill her voice, and make it costly to be a cartoonist who is critical of Egypt’s new religious junta.

This is a shame.  Doaa is talented, brave and eager to seek a better future for Egypt – just what Egypt needs right now.  Read more about her case on the Cartoonists Rights Network site.


Bill Day Fundraising Update – Closing in on $30,000

Click here to make a contribution to save Bill Day!

bill day Bill Day Fundraising Update – Closing in on $30,000 cartoonsOur fundraising campaign to pay a salary to brilliant, unemployed cartoonist Bill Day is now in its final stretch. With only 19 days left in our campaign, we really need your help to get to the goal of a $35,000 for Bill, to keep him drawing cartoons and avoid foreclosure on his house! Bill is an important cartoonist, we can’t afford to lose him!  Please help!

This weekend, Bill filmed a short video of his own, where he talked a bit about the history of political cartoons and their importance in the growth of our society. It would be a shame to lose Bill’s unique voice in our increasing homogenized media environment.

I’ve been struck by some of the heartwarming comments posted by people who have already donated to Bill’s campaign. “Bill Day is a brilliant political voice and I hope others will join in to keep that voice heard,” a donor named Gerald wrote.

Another donor named Jean commented, “Support Bill Day – he is a national treasure! He helps us see into the heart of things in a way no one else does.” I couldn’t agree more.

Picture 13 Bill Day Fundraising Update – Closing in on $30,000 cartoonsThe good news is you still have time to contribute to this worthwhile cause. Not only would you be helping to keep our dwindling profession alive, there are some really great perks you can receive for doing so – everything from signed prints of Bill’s work to an actual original piece of Bill Day artwork, suitable for framing.

Click here to make a contribution to save Bill Day!

So please, considering donating today, or even making a second donation – there is nothing more cool than an original Bill Day cartoon hanging on your wall – except TWO original Bill Day cartoons hanging on your wall!

And thank you all for your generosity and commitment to political cartoons!


Hate Hate Hagel

Hate Hate Hagel © Daryl Cagle,,Senator Chuck Hagel,Secretary of Defense,Defence,Barack Obama,elephant,Republican,Senate Confirmation,GOP


Welcome Steve Sack!

I’m happy to announce that we have added my cartoonist buddy, Steve Sack, of the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, to our newspaper syndication package.

Steve has been one of my favorite cartoonists for decades. Steve’s style is deceivingly cute and sweet, masking some nasty, hard-hitting commentary.  Here are a few of my favorites from Steve’s last year.  I’m still laughing at “Rice Konspiracies” below.

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This one surely made Republicans growl …

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Looney Michelle Bachmann is a local favorite for Steve in Minnesota …

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This Donald Trump hair cartoon is great …

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I thought this one was wonderful just because of the way Steve draws helicopters …

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I’d suggest that a cool way to spend New Years Day is a stroll through our
Steve Sack cartoon archive.  It is great fun.