
Women in Combat

Women in Combat © Daryl Cagle,,Army,air force,navy,marine corps,military,Secretary of Defence Leon Panetta,women,medals.children,equal rights,women in combat


Hillary Clintons Testimony

Hillary Clintons Testimony © Daryl Cagle,,Hillary Clinton,Secretary of State,testimony,congress,Benghazi,Libya,Senate,best-of-hillary-clinton,benghazi coverup, benghazi inquiry, best of hillary clinton, hillary 2016


Second Term Transformation

Second Term Transformation © Daryl Cagle,,liberal,transformation,metamorphosis,Barack Obama,president,1st term,2nd term,second term,inauguration,speech, best of obama,obama second term


Soup to Nutz Kickstarter

 Soup to Nutz Kickstarter cartoons

I’m a big fan of the comic strip Soup to Nutz by my cartoonist buddy, Rick Stromoski. Rick has started a Kickstarter campaign to do a new book – come see it here.  I’d love to see Rick reach his goal and see the book happen.  I asked Rick to write a few words for my blog …

Since publication of my first Soup to Nutz collection in 2003 I’ve been asked by many readers of my strip when a second book would be coming out. After much consideration and speaking with other cartoonists who have had success with alternative ways of getting their work published, I decided to try the Kickstarter route. The thing that excites me most is the overwhelming positive response in the first few days where I’ve reached nearly 60% of my goal. I also like the feeling of control over what goes into the book and how it will be distributed. Lastly I’m encouraged by the kind words and supportive calls and emails I’ve reeived in these first few days. So I thank you in advance for your continued interest and support.

The Nutz family is definitely not the Cleavers, the Waltons or the Bradys. But you’ll undoubtedly recognize them anyway. Most likely, they’re a lot like the family you grew up in… Where the oldest boy Royboy when not torturing his younger brother, digs up deceased pet turtles weeks after their backyard funerals, middle child Babs advocates for veganism and solutions to global warming, and youngest brother Andrew would rather wear a tutu than a football helmet and prefer Barbies over GI Joe.

Soup to Nutz is a family comic strip unlike most family comic strips.

Soup to Nutz: A Second Helping is a project long overdue …the second collection of Soup to Nutz daily newspaper comic strips most not seen for a number of years.



Obama Knot and The National Lampoon

Here’s my new cartoon – Obama tied in a knot.  As I was watching the inauguration it seemed to me that Obama won’t be moving too quickly to make all the changes he urged in his speech – therefore, he’s tied up in a knot.  Not too deep, but fun to draw.  Here is the rough pencil sketch …

ObamaKnotSketch600 Obama Knot and The National Lampoon cartoons

I had to erase and think a bit to figure out how to tie the president into a knot. I was a lousy boy scout.  Here he is in line art, the way most people will see the cartoon in the newspapers.

ObamaKnot600BW Obama Knot and The National Lampoon cartoons

… and here he is in color.

Obama600WideColor Obama Knot and The National Lampoon cartoons

And here is the cartoon the very next day in my local newspaper (The Santa Barbara News-Press).

NewsPressKnot600wide Obama Knot and The National Lampoon cartoons

3634918376 16c64e4bc8 o Obama Knot and The National Lampoon cartoonsMy previous cartoon was based on a famous old National Lampoon cover. I loved the old National Lampoon – this great one is from 1973, when I was a junior in high school. One of my favorite parts of the National Lampoon was the Chicken Guts comics by Randall Enos – who I now syndicate as an editorial cartoonist!

Unfortunately, I don’t think this cartoon will get reprinted much, because it is name-calling-Republican-bashing, because it requires some popular cultural knowledge, and because it is in a vertical format, which doesn’t fit the standard hole that editors leave open for the editorial cartoon.  Oh well – I’m the boss here at Cagle Cartoons, so I can draw what I want, even if nobody else wants it.

125654 600 Obama Knot and The National Lampoon cartoons


Watch Steve Sack Draw Lance Armstrong

Here is a movie of Steve Sack drawing his latest Lance Armstrong cartoon on his iPad.

And here is the cartoon …

125591 600 Watch Steve Sack Draw Lance Armstrong cartoons


Check out our great collection of Lance Armstrong cartoons.




National Buffoons

National Buffoons © Daryl Cagle,,Republicans,gun,pistol,handgun,debt ceiling,deficit spending,dog,shoot,kill,National Lampoon,magazine,Debt Ceiling


Bill Day Fundraising Update – Only $2,000 To Go!

aa bill day Bill Day Fundraising Update – Only $2,000 To Go!  cartoons
aa day total Bill Day Fundraising Update – Only $2,000 To Go!  cartoonsClick here to make a contribution to save Bill Day!With 10 days left in our Indiegogo fundraising drive to fund the work of brilliant, unemployed cartoonist Bill Day, I’m happy to report that we’re less than $2,000 away from reaching our goal!

Today has also been labeled “Bill Day Day” by the folks behind the popular Facebook page The Pragmatic Conservative. They are posting a Bill Day cartoon every hour, on the hour. So make your way to their page, “like” Day’s cartoons and share them with your friends on Facebook.

Hopefully, we can raise the $2,000 needed and put Bill over the top today! So please continue to spread the word – we may be in the final stretch, but we’re not going to get there without your support, and Bill needs your help now more than ever!

Click here to make a contribution to save Bill Day!

If you haven’t donated yet, please consider doing so. There are some really great perks still available for donors – everything from signed prints of Bill’s work to an actual original piece of Bill Day artwork that you can frame and hang up in your home or office!

Donate enough and you could even receive a custom Bill Day cartoon drawn about any subject or topic important to you! That’s a one of a kind item that you can cherish your entire life!

And forward this newsletter to your friends, relatives, co-workers, enemies – the more people that know about our fundraising drive, the more likely we’re going to be successful in preserving one of the most important political cartoon voices in the country.

Again, thank you for all your generosity and support of political cartoons. You guys are the best!

Click here to make a contribution to save Bill Day!


Edward Hopper and the Trillion Dollar Coin

Here is my new cartoon, based on Edward Hopper’s famous 1942 painting, Nighthawks. and the original for comparison.

Hopper Debt 600wide Edward Hopper and the Trillion Dollar Coin cartoons

HopperNighthawks Edward Hopper and the Trillion Dollar Coin cartoons

Here’s a little detail, blown up as it can be hard to see on the Web …

HopperDetail Edward Hopper and the Trillion Dollar Coin cartoons

This was fun.

Here is my previous cartoon, on the trillion dollar coin.

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The trillion dollar coin is a great idea, and should be great fun for cartoonists.  This one by knuckle-dragging, conservative cartoonist, Eric Allie, is quite funny.

125384 600 Edward Hopper and the Trillion Dollar Coin cartoons

There haven’t been as many trillion dollar coin cartoons as I expected – maybe they are coming soon.

By the way, back when I was working in the toy industry it was a time when toy execs were getting lots of government pressure and press criticism about unsafe toys. I often heard the toy industry argument that many more kids are killed each year by choking on coins than by toys, and the government could fix that easily by putting holes in the middle of coins, as some foreign countries have done.  But nobody cares about unsafe coins and the government was being hypocritical by focusing on unsafe toys while doing nothing about unsafe coins. That’s also an interesting argument with the gun debate, since so many kids continue to be killed by coins, but I’ve never thought of a way to do it in a cartoon, since kids choking on coins (or shot by guns) is nothing anyone wants to see in a cartoon.

Now I’m rambling.  Time to stop.



Bill Day Fundraising Update – Over $30,000 Raised and Editor & Publisher

hdr bill day support Bill Day Fundraising Update   Over $30,000 Raised and Editor & Publisher cartoonsClick here to make a contribution to save Bill Day!

I have two cool news items to report in our Bill Day fundraising drive. First, we’ve exceeded $30,000, and now just have $5,000 remaining to successfully fund the work of brilliant, unemployed cartoonist Bill Day!

Second, Editor & Publisher magazine did a story on our fundraising campaign. E&P’s Rob Tornoe spoke with Bill, who said the outpouring of support in this crowd-sourcing effort means a great deal to him.

Picture 16 Bill Day Fundraising Update   Over $30,000 Raised and Editor & Publisher cartoons“If we’re successful, it will allow me to continue my passion of drawing editorial cartoons at a time when it’s very difficult for me to continue,” Day said. “We’re so close, and I feel honored that so many readers feel so strongly about my cartoons to support me.”

Day went on to say that he is moved by the experience, and is thankful to everyone who has donated “for their willingness to help the cause and promote the art of editorial cartooning so it doesn’t die… their generosity is truly touching.”

Click here to make a contribution to save Bill Day!

Please continue to spread the word about our fundraising campaign. We’re in the final stretch, and need your help now more than ever!

If you haven’t donated yet, please consider doing so. There are some really great perks still available for donors – everything from signed prints of Bill’s work to an actual original piece of Bill Day artwork that you can frame and hang up in your home or office!

Again, thank you for all your generosity and support of political cartoons. You guys are the best!