Here are my new cartoons! The big news the past couple of weeks has been the run up to war, and the run down from the rup up to war with Syria. Obama pitched the idea as hard as he could to a war-weary nation.

When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

Putin saw an opportunity to jump in with a plan to get Syria to give up their chemical weapons, putting a damper on Obama’s bombing plans.

I see that I have fallen behind on posting these. I’ll try to do better … so, there was a lot of Putin this week. Putin is fun, he’s easy to draw and he’s a funny character with his shirtless macho swagger that reminds me of Miley Cyrus’ twerking.

A lot of pundits were talking about how Putin and Russia had “put America into a box.” which reminded me of Marcel Marceau.

Putin looks pretty French in this cartoon, huh? Here’s Putin and Assad as the “Alien” from the “Alien” movies.

I notice whenever the cartoons are about foreign news, our traffic goes down. We need more Miley Cyrus. Here’s my most recent cartoon, about the budget showdown in Congress, that hasn’t been getting as much news as it would if other things weren’t always happening.

This one is a little surreal, a little disturbing, and a little stinky. The last one is an oldie that I drew fifteen years ago when I was a local cartoonist in Hawaii, and there was a controversy about how gifted kids were treated in schools – as conscripted labor because they “didn’t need to study with the others.” This is something I recall with my gifted daughter, Susie, who was often put to work tutoring other students, by her lazy public school teachers.

That’s it for this week. Now I’m back to life in Nashville. For a guy who doesn’t go to church, doesn’t like football, doesn’t care about music and shouldn’t eat too much bacon – remind me, why am I in Nashville again?