Both the Same Candidate
Best Cartoons of the Week
Every Friday, we collect the best political cartoons of the week and stuff them into one big, glorious slideshow.
So just relax and catch up on a week’s worth of news with our Best Cartoons of the Week slideshow.

John Edwards Doggie Ridiculous
Cartoonists Dig In on Obama Dog Meat Story
Yesterday, The Daily Caller “broke” the story that while living in Indonesia with his stepfather, a young President Obama ate many adventurous meals, including dog meat.
From a passage of his book “Dreams From My Father,” Obama recounts that he “learned how to eat small green chili peppers raw with dinner (plenty of rice), and, away from the dinner table, I was introduced to dog meat (tough), snake meat (tougher), and roasted grasshopper (crunchy).”
Romney supporters leaped on the news, as the former Massachusetts governor has been dogged by the story of the family’s Irish setter Seamus, who traveled in a crate strapped to the top of the family’s station wagon on a 1983 trip from Boston to Canada.
Leave it to our terrific conservative cartoonist Eric Allie to nail the president with his latest cartoon:
Nate Beeler, the new staff cartoonist for the Columbus Dispatch, also weighed in on “Dogmeatgate”:
I asked Nate about his dog meat cartoon, and if he thought either dog story were fair game for reporters. Here are his thoughts:
The “Obama ate a dog” story was too juicy (apologies) to ignore. It’s just plain funny. Adding to the comedy is the fact that people are talking about the candidates’ decades-ago treatment of dogs in the first place. Obama’s campaign is “obsessed with the dog thing,” as even liberal commentators like Chris Hayes acknowledge. And now Romney supporters will obsess over the ate-a-dog thing. There are much bigger fish to fry — and like most people, I prefer seafood over canine. When it comes to election politics, fairness goes out the window. I hope my cartoon helps highlight how silly it is.
So what do you think – is it fair to attack Obama on something he did as a child? Comment below and let us know, or leave a note on our Facebook page.