
Obama Sends More Troops to Iraq

156082 600 Obama Sends More Troops to Iraq cartoons


ISIS, Ebola and the Media!

Here’s Isis/Isil/I.S./Islamic State, Ebola and the fickle media.

I like fickle media cartoons. It is fascinating how ebola has taken over cable news – to the exclusion of all else. That has to be frustrating to those media hog/hams over at Isis/Isil/I.S./Islamic State.

The fickle media serves me well.  Here is the media pushing Obama into war …

Here’s the school shooting in Connecticut back in 2012…

Here’s Obama, the media and the Secret Service prostitution scandal …

In the 2012 election, here’s the media focus moving from the Iowa Caucuses to the New Hampshire Primary …

Remember back in 2009, when the media was obsessed with the Obama girls getting a new puppy, when they should have been paying attention to Obama dumping money on his evil Wall Street buddies?

I love the media.


Blog Columns

All My Favorite Putins!

I’m going to the big, euro-editorial-cartoonists convention in St. Just France again this year, along with four Cagle Cartoons star cartoonists, Nate Beeler, Adam Zyglis, Rick McKee and Steve Sack.

We’re putting together a show at the St. Just cartoon museum on American Views of Vladimir Putin and I’ve been scouring my own archives for my favorite, recent Putin cartoons, some are posted below, there will be a lot more in the show.

Putin is a wonderful cartoon character.  I like how Putin looks bored in every meeting.  Putin is funny for being macho and taking off his shirt.  Like Bill Clinton, who had his pants down, showing his underwear enblazoned with little hearts almost all of the new Putin cartoons have him shirtless. Putin has been a big cartoon character recently, with his annexation of Crimea, the downing of the Malaysian Airlines jet, economic sanctions, the Winter Olympics, and Putin’s support for Syria’s Assad regime.  Putin pokes his spooky nose into lots of current events.

I researched traditional Ukrainian dress for the cartoon below, with a standard, shirtless, caveman Putin.


I like this Ukrainian chick as my symbol for Ukraine.  I used her again in the cartoon below, with shirtless Putin robbing her of her Crimea purse, with hapless Obama standing by.


I draw digestion/cross-section cartoons every so often.  Here’s shirtless Putin below, digesting little countries and pooping out a stinky, new Soviet Union!


Maybe I should draw Putin with no pants too.  I drew this cartoon when Miley Cyrus did her TV “twerking,” which was much bigger news than the antics Putin was pulling at the time. Twerking amuses me. I wonder if the media covers all the twerking news in Russia, as they do here.


Obama was eager to invade Syria, to help out those ISIS rebels, before Putin pulled the rug out from under Obama, with a plan for Syria to destroy their chemical weapons.  This is one of there rare occasions where I like what Putin does.  The news was all about Putin “putting Obama in a box.”


Here’s Putin pulling the old-Syria-switcheroo on Obama like the Alien movies.

Here’s my most recent Putin cartoon, featuring Putin with his Ukrainian rebel puppet.

My cartoonist daughter, Susie, just sent me some new Photoshop brushes that she’s urging me to use.  I may be getting away from these sponge/stamp textures soon. I really need to improve my color.  I know.  I’m on the case.


My Solution to the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict

I’m guessing that most people won’t like my solution to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict – but, hey, I usually only complain, so here’s a solution. Stop Grousing.

Interesting that the Israel/Palestinian stuff makes readers so angry and makes for lots of passionate comments, but when this topic is featured on it gets little traffic – people want domestic news and celebrity crap.
Beyond the passionate constituencies, I think the Israeli/Palestinian conflict suffers from a weary, disinterested audience-at-large. It may be that the ultimate solution will be that the conflict fades from view, like a TV show that is quietly cancelled without ever resolving the story line.
Click on my Solution to the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict cartoon to see a bigger version!



Solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

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Solution to the Israeli Palestinian Conflict

151453 600 Solution to the Israeli Palestinian Conflict cartoons


It Sucks to be You

Iraq’s president Nouri Al Maliki is a thug; I’m not too troubled to see Maliki’s Shiite Iraq taking a tumble.  I almost had Obama saying, “I told you so …” but that wasn’t very funny.  “It sucks to be you,” strikes me as funny, and the gist of what Obama seems to be saying to Maliki.

I voted for Obama to get us out of foreign wars, supporting one bad guy vs. another, only to see Obama jump into Libya and urge military action in Syria.  I’m afraid Obama will jump into Iraq again, and he’ll surely be delighted to leave troops in Afghanistan forever.  At least he hasn’t done jumped back into Iraq yet.



Obamacare Weightlifting

139765 600 Obamacare Weightlifting cartoons


Arab Spring, Obamacare, Republicans and Teachers!

Here are my three most recent cartoons! I just finished this one on the Republicans’ 40th vote against Obamacare and their recent attempt to shut down the government over Obamacare. They will be run over each time.  They don’t learn.

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Since you folks like to see my messy, rough sketches, here you go …

ObamacareSketch600 Arab Spring, Obamacare, Republicans and Teachers! cartoons

The next one is the Arab Spring in Egypt.  Here is the line art that most people will see in the newspapers.

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I try to do enough line work in these that I get some dark and medium areas to anchor the composition.  I wouldn’t worry so much about that if I knew it would only run in color.  The color version is below.  I’m trying to use more texture in my color now, mostly with a rubber stamp pattern in Photoshop that looks like a sponge.

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And I did this cartoon about teachers, then and now …

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This is a refurbished oldie which has been a big seller in pay-per-use. I noticed another nice book sale on this one in our system last week, and I thought the cartoon needed to be freshened up.  Here’s the original …

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I always tell cartoonists not to put the year in their cartoons.  For some reason artists like to put the year after a copyright circle ©, which just makes the old cartoons, that should sell as evergreens, suffer for their age.  Now this cartoon isn’t dated, and I think it is greatly improved with the black and white in the first,  1960 panel.

I noticed after I posted this last week that almost every newspaper subscriber was downloading it, even though I marked it as a revision.  Some cartoons strike a chord.  I got this idea from my Israeli cartoonist buddy, Uri Fink.  Thanks again, Uri.



Zimmerman, Arab Spring and Obamacare!

Here is my weekly post on my new cartoons.  My most recent cartoon, on George Zimmerman’s acquittal, was a quickie.  Here is my rough sketch – I took a scan of the Community Chest Get Out of Jail Free card, made it light in a print out, and did a rough sketch on top.

MonopolySketch Zimmerman, Arab Spring and Obamacare! cartoons

Then I dropped in the color.  I had it all done in ten minutes, a new record for me.  If only all of the cartoons were so quick and easy.  Usually I muddle and fiddle for a long time with each cartoon.  This one got a lot of attention in social media because it was fast.

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The previous cartoon was Obama in the Arab Spring bathtub, with lots of dangerous appliances.  Don’t stick a fork in the toaster!  Here is the rough sketch – this one took some muddle and fiddle time to get the position and appliances to be the way I wanted them.

ObamaTub Zimmerman, Arab Spring and Obamacare! cartoons


Then I did the finished line art, and added a bit of gray to make it read a bit more clearly. The black and white image is what more readers see in the newspapers.

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And here is the color that you see on our site, and the newspapers that print in color. I had fun with this cartoon.

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The previous cartoon was about the one year postponement in the employer mandate on Obamacare.  Republicans “jumped on this” as evidence of Obamacare’s “failure” and “chaos.”  Here is the rough sketch.

ObamacareSketch600wide Zimmerman, Arab Spring and Obamacare! cartoons

… And here is the line art, that most people will see in the newspapers that print black and white.  I always like to black and white version better.  There is something more elegant about black and white.  Readers always tell me that color is better.

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And here is the color.  I did this one a little differently, with quick, transparent colors.  I think I’ll probably do messier color like this going forward.  I really like Pat Bagley’s sponge texture – that’s the next thing I’ll try.

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POSTSCRIPT: Well, after writing that, I couldn’t get the sponge thing out of my head and I added a subtle bit of Bagley texture to the background.  I should do more of that.  And more boldly.  I’m timid starting out.  Here’s the revised version, not too different, but nicely textural. Zimmerman, Arab Spring and Obamacare! cartoons

Here’s a detail from the revised version.

detail Zimmerman, Arab Spring and Obamacare! cartoons