Blog Editors Desk

COVID California

We’re having an alarming increase in coronavirus cases in Southern California. Restaurants are closed. Hospitals are filling up. Masks are mandatory as Trumpies demand their rights to go maskless. Fox News and President Trump tell us not to believe our lying eyes.

This California Bear cartoon seems especially apt right now. I drew this one a few years ago as California was suffering from an economic malaise and a variety of other problems that seem trivial now. I dusted this oldie off, gave it a fresh coat of paint and it is better now than ever, so I sent it out to newspapers again.

Our past economic problems seem quaint now. As I was rummaging around in my bear flag oldies I found the next one about California drowning in a sea of red ink. Cartoons like this don’t travel well. Outside of the USA, people don’t know our California flag, and they don’t know what “red ink” means (it means debt). To freshen this oldie up I added some coronavirus balls to the drowning bear in the red-ink red-stripe.

Back in the old days, California was drowning in red ink because of unfunded pension obligations and poor financial decisions by our irresponsible elected officials; the good old days. I exaggerate so much in my cartoons that my drawings for mildly bad times seem just as appropriate when times are much worse –there’s a cartoon “silver-lining” that we can all be grateful for.

See more of my favorite California Bear cartoons here.

Our reader supported site,, still needs you!  Journalism is threatened with the pandemic that has shuttered newspaper advertisers. Some pundits predict that a large percentage of newspapers won’t survive the pandemic economic slump, and as newspapers sink, so do editorial cartoonists who depend on newspapers, and along with them, our site, that our small, sinking syndicate largely supports, along with our fans.

The world needs political cartoonists more now than ever. Please consider supporting and visit  We need you! Don’t let the cartoons die!

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Goldman Sachs Blackjack

Goldman Sachs Blackjack Color © Daryl Cagle,,Goldman Sachs,business,economy,financial crisis,sub-prime,subprime,mortgages,fraud,securities,derivatives,casino,21,blackjack,gambling


EU and Greece Crisis

EU and Greece Crisis © Daryl Cagle,,Venus de Milo,statue,European Union,EU,Greece,financial Crisis,debt,economy,greek


Timeline of the Financial Crisis in Cartoons – and Farts

Thanks to my loyal assistant, Stacey Fairrington, for putting together this excellent cartoon slideshow for, telling the story of the financial crisis of the past year.

I do a Week in Political Cartoons slideshow for that goes up every Friday morning. The newest slideshow can always be seen on our archive page with all the past weekly slideshows.

I’m a big fan of Sandy Huffaker; we used to syndicate his work but Sandy retired when Obama was elected, telling me he had lost his inspiration when he didn’t have President Bush to kick around anymore.  Sometimes Sandy still gets inspired and sends in a cartoon, like the Glenn Beck cartoon below that I put into the latest weekly slideshow. It looks like Beck really made Sandy mad.

I’ve noticed a recent pattern where nutty conservatives are inspiring cartoonists to draw fart jokes.  There was a time when drawing a fart cartoon insured that your cartoon wouldn’t be reprinted in newspapers, but I noticed this Pat Bagley conservative/fart cartoon (below) in my local paper this week.