Blog Editors Desk

COVID California

We’re having an alarming increase in coronavirus cases in Southern California. Restaurants are closed. Hospitals are filling up. Masks are mandatory as Trumpies demand their rights to go maskless. Fox News and President Trump tell us not to believe our lying eyes.

This California Bear cartoon seems especially apt right now. I drew this one a few years ago as California was suffering from an economic malaise and a variety of other problems that seem trivial now. I dusted this oldie off, gave it a fresh coat of paint and it is better now than ever, so I sent it out to newspapers again.

Our past economic problems seem quaint now. As I was rummaging around in my bear flag oldies I found the next one about California drowning in a sea of red ink. Cartoons like this don’t travel well. Outside of the USA, people don’t know our California flag, and they don’t know what “red ink” means (it means debt). To freshen this oldie up I added some coronavirus balls to the drowning bear in the red-ink red-stripe.

Back in the old days, California was drowning in red ink because of unfunded pension obligations and poor financial decisions by our irresponsible elected officials; the good old days. I exaggerate so much in my cartoons that my drawings for mildly bad times seem just as appropriate when times are much worse –there’s a cartoon “silver-lining” that we can all be grateful for.

See more of my favorite California Bear cartoons here.

Our reader supported site,, still needs you!  Journalism is threatened with the pandemic that has shuttered newspaper advertisers. Some pundits predict that a large percentage of newspapers won’t survive the pandemic economic slump, and as newspapers sink, so do editorial cartoonists who depend on newspapers, and along with them, our site, that our small, sinking syndicate largely supports, along with our fans.

The world needs political cartoonists more now than ever. Please consider supporting and visit  We need you! Don’t let the cartoons die!

Please forward this to your friends – tell them our email newsletters are FREE and FUN! They can join the newsletter list at

Blog Newsletter Syndicate

The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week

Here are the ten most widely published cartoons of the week (June 27 through July 4, 2020). As usual, no drawings of President Trump are among the most reprinted cartoons.  We had no Most Popular list last week, and no list for the month of June, because we had a technical glitch, losing client download data for three days. Sorry about that. But the stats are working this week!

Editors always love cartoons about holidays and anniversaries – that is clear to see this week as five Fourth of July cartoons made the list. This week was unusual because the steep curve we usually see between the few cartoons editors like and all the other cartoons was flattened, so the most popular cartoons were less popular than usual, and the less popular cartoons were more popular than usual. Cartoons number 11 through 30 aren’t so far behind numbers 1 through 10. Perhaps because the curve flattened and the Top Ten is more tightly bunched this week, we have more ties. So … good job everyone! Everybody getting more reprints is what I like to see!

Our Top Ten is a measure of how many editors choose to reprint each of our cartoons, from the 62 cartoonists in our syndication package. Just about half of America’s daily, paid circulation newspapers (around 700 papers) subscribe to

Congratulations to Dave Granlund for drawing the most reprinted cartoon this week! Kudos to Jeff Koterba for placing an impressive THREE cartoons in the Top Ten and to Milt Priggee with TWO of the most reprinted cartoons on the list! And congratulations to the rest of the cartoonists who drew the most reprinted cartoons this week: Steve Sack, John Darkow, Bruce Plante and Nate Beeler.  Great work, gentlemen!

Our reader supported site,, still needs you!  Journalism is threatened with the pandemic that has shuttered newspaper advertisers. Some pundits predict that a large percentage of newspapers won’t survive the pandemic economic slump, and as newspapers sink, so do editorial cartoonists who depend on newspapers, and along with them, our site, that our small, sinking syndicate largely supports, along with our fans.

The world needs political cartoonists more now than ever. Please consider supporting and visit  We need you! Don’t let the cartoons die!


Congratulations to Dave Granlund who drew the #1 most reprinted cartoon this week.



Jeff Koterba was a very close second with this cartoon.



Bruce Plante takes third place.



Steve Sack is in 4th place.


We have a three way tie for 5th place, here’s  Milt Priggee.


Jeff Koterba also takes the 5th place spot.



Milt Priggee has a second cartoon that is tied for 5th place.



John Darkow is tied for 8th place.



Jeff Koterba is also tied for 8th place with his impressive THIRD cartoon in the Top Ten this week.


Nate Beeler rounds out the list in 10th.

Please forward this to your friends – tell them our email newsletters are FREE and FUN! They can join the newsletter list at

Don’t miss our most popular cartoons of the week collections:
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through July 4th, 2020
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through June 20th, 2020
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through June 13th, 2020
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through June 6th, 2020

The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through May 30th, 2020
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through May 23rd, 2020

The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through May 16th, 2020
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through May 8th, 2020
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Pandemic (as of May 4th)
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through May 2nd, 2020
The Most popular Cartoons of the Week through 4/26/20, (all coronavirus)

The Most popular Cartoons of the Week through 4/18/20, (all coronavirus)
The Most popular Cartoons of the Week, through 4/11/20 (all coronavirus)
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week, 4/4/20 (all coronavirus)
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week, 3/29/20 (all coronavirus)
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week, 3/21/20 (all coronavirus)


Blog Newsletter Syndicate

The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week

Here are the ten most widely published cartoons of the week (June 13-20, 2020). Again this week, no drawings of President Trump are among the most reprinted cartoons. Drawing Trump seems to poison a cartoon with editors, limiting reprints.

John Bolton’s sensational new book ripping Trump dominated the news and generated many cartoons, but none of those cartoons were popular with editors and none made the Top Ten. There were no popular cartoons about Trump’s controversial rally in Tulsa. Only one of many cartoons about the Supreme Court’s landmark civil rights decision made the Top Ten. Foreign issues and foreign cartoonists were ignored by editors again this week. Fathers Day is usually popular with editors, but not this year with few cartoons drawn on the topic and only Gary McCoy’s defund the police/Fathers Day cartoon making the list at #10.

Our Top Ten is a measure of how many editors choose to reprint each of our cartoons, from the 63 cartoonists in our syndication package. Just about half of America’s daily, paid circulation newspapers (around 700 papers) subscribe to 20% of the cartoonists, and 20% of the cartoons, get 80% of the reprints. Editors think alike. Most of the cartoons in our flow get few or no reprints. The most popular cartoons dominate.

Congrats to Bob Englehart for drawing the most reprinted cartoon this week! Kudos to Dave Whamond for placing two cartoons in the Top Ten! And congratulations to the rest of the cartoonists who drew the most reprinted cartoons this week: Dave Granlund, Chris Weyant, Rick McKee, Dave Fitzsimmons, Jeff Koterba, Adam Zyglis and Gary McCoy. Great work, gentlemen!

Our reader supported site,, still needs you!  Journalism is threatened with the pandemic that has shuttered newspaper advertisers. Some pundits predict that a large percentage of newspapers won’t survive the pandemic economic slump, and as newspapers sink, so do editorial cartoonists who depend on newspapers, and along with them, our site, that our small, sinking syndicate largely supports, along with our fans.

The world needs political cartoonists more now than ever. Please consider supporting and visit  We need you! Don’t let the cartoons die!


Congratulations to Bob Englehart who drew the #1 most reprinted cartoon this week.



Dave Granlund was a very close second with this cartoon.



Also close, and almost number one, is Chris Weyant in third place.



Rick McKee takes 4th place.


Dave Whamond is in 5th place.


Dave Whamond also takes the 6th place spot.



Dave Fitzsimmons is in 7th place.



Jeff Koterba takes 8th place.



Adam Zyglis is in 9th place with the only cartoon about the Supreme Court’s landmark civil rights decision.


Gary McCoy is in 10th place with the only Top Ten cartoon about the police, and the only Fathers Day cartoon this week.


Please forward this to your friends – tell them our email newsletters are FREE and FUN! They can join the newsletter list at

Don’t miss our previous most popular cartoon lists:
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through June 20th, 2020
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through June 13th, 2020
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through June 6th, 2020

The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through May 30th, 2020
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through May 23rd, 2020

The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through May 16th, 2020
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through May 8th, 2020
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Pandemic (as of May 4th)
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through May 2nd, 2020
The Most popular Cartoons of the Week through 4/26/20, (all coronavirus)

The Most popular Cartoons of the Week through 4/18/20, (all coronavirus)
The Most popular Cartoons of the Week, through 4/11/20 (all coronavirus)
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week, 4/4/20 (all coronavirus)
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week, 3/29/20 (all coronavirus)
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week, 3/21/20 (all coronavirus)

Blog Newsletter Syndicate

My Favorite Cartoonist/Journalist!

I’d like to introduce everyone to my brilliant cartoonist/journalist daughter, Susie Cagle. Unlike the cartoons that everyone is used to seeing on, Susie’s work is non-fiction; she does original reporting in cartoons.

Cartoon journalism is still pretty rare, but it is very effective, especially for making dry topics more interesting and adding some feeling and humanity to stories where text falls flat. And as photojournalism has been made more difficult in our current strange circumstances, cartoon journalism works even when access is difficult. I’d love to see publishers embrace more reporting through cartoons.

Susie freelances from her home in Oakland, California for many major publishers. Here are links to more reporting gems that Susie did for The Nation, WNYC in New York, The Guardian newspaper and another one for The Nation. She’s busy while she’s sheltering in place and I’m delighted to write that she’s expecting a baby boy in November, who will be my first grandchild.

Susie is hoping to earn support from fans on her Patreon page! I encourage everyone to take a look, to see what’s new from Susie and support cartoon journalism! Look below for three excellent, pandemic cartoon interviews that Susie did recently for The Guardian newspaper and visit Susie’s Patreon page to see more.

Support Susie and see more of her work.

Please forward this email to your friends – tell them our email newsletters are FREE and FUN! They can join the newsletter list at




Blog Newsletter Syndicate

Can’t Get Away From Coronavirus

We had cartoons about nothing but the coronavirus for months and this week the cartoons abruptly changed to the George Floyd protests. Today I went back to the coronavirus with a silly cartoon that expresses no opinion, like newspaper editors prefer.

Our reader supported site,, still needs you!  Journalism is threatened with the pandemic that has shuttered newspaper advertisers. Some pundits predict that a large percentage of newspapers won’t survive the pandemic economic slump, and as newspapers sink, so do the editorial cartoonists who depend on newspapers, and along with them, our site, that our small, sinking syndicate largely supports, along with our fans.

The world needs political cartoonists more now than ever. Please consider supporting and visit  We need you! Don’t let the cartoons die!

I drew a sad couple at the TV yesterday. A goofy TV couple is more typical for me. This nice gag came from a comment on my wife’s Facebook page, so, thanks to whoever wrote that.

Even with the protests, some cartoonists managed to sneak the coronavirus in. Here are five nice ones from our Cagle Cartoonists …

Jimmy Margulies

John Darkow

Pat Bagley

Milt Priggee

Please forward this link to your friends – tell them our email newsletters are FREE and FUN! They can join the newsletter list at

Blog Newsletter Syndicate

The Most Popular Cartoons of the Month, May 2020

Here are the most popular cartoons of the month of May, 2020. Regular readers of my blog and newsletter will have seen all of these cartoons in our weekly roundups of the Top Ten Most Popular cartoons. Our Top Ten is a measure of how many of our subscribing newspaper editors choose to reprint each of our cartoons, from the 63 cartoonists in our syndication package. The list clearly shows that newspaper editors have been looking for cartoons about the lighter side of the pandemic.

I’d like to keep these lists to only ten cartoons, but this month we had a three way tie for the 10th place cartoon so there are 12 cartoons on the list. Out of the top 12, a whopping five cartoons are by Jeff Koterba of The Omaha World-Herald (Jeff sneaked two of those into the tie for 10th place). The #1 cartoon is by Steve Sack of The Minneapolis Star-Tribune. I had two cartoons on the list myself. Congratulations to the other cartoonists with the most reprinted cartoons this month, RJ Matson, Nate Beeler, Dave Granlund and Randy Enos.

20% of the cartoonists get 80% of the sales and reprints, and most of the cartoonists never make it into the Top Ten.  If you don’t like the Top Ten, take it up with your local newspaper editor. Just about half of America’s daily, paid circulation newspapers subscribe to

Our reader supported site,, still needs you!  Journalism is threatened with the pandemic that has shuttered newspaper advertisers. Some pundits predict that a large percentage of newspapers won’t survive the pandemic economic slump, and as newspapers sink, so do editorial cartoonists who depend on newspapers, and along with them, our site, that our small, sinking syndicate largely supports, along with our fans.

The world needs political cartoonists more now than ever. Please consider supporting and visit  We need you! Don’t let the cartoons die!


The most reprinted cartoon of the month is from Steve Sack.



The second most popular cartoon of the month is by Jeff Koterba.



This third most popular cartoon is also by Jeff Koterba.



RJ Matson takes 4th place with this gem.


My cartoon is in 5th place. See the Daryl Cagle archive here.


I’m also in 6th place. See my archive.


Jeff Koterba is tied for 7th place with his third cartoon on the most reprinted list.


Nate Beeler is also tied for 7th place.


Dave Granlund is in 9th place.



Here’s Randy Enos in a three way tie for 10th place.


Jeff Koterba has two of the three cartoons tied for #10


This is Jeff Koterba‘s second cartoon tied for #10. Jeff dominates with an impressive five cartoons on our most reprinted cartoons of the month list.

Please forward this to your friends – tell them our email newsletters are FREE and FUN! They can join the newsletter list at

Don’t miss our previous most popular cartoon lists:
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through May 30th, 2020
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through May 23rd, 2020
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through May 16th, 2020
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through May 8th, 2020
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Pandemic (as of May 4th)
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through May 2nd, 2020
The Most popular Cartoons of the Week through 4/26/20, (all coronavirus)
The Most popular Cartoons of the Week through 4/18/20, (all coronavirus)
The Most popular Cartoons of the Week, through 4/11/20 (all coronavirus)
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week, 4/4/20 (all coronavirus)
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week, 3/29/20 (all coronavirus)
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week, 3/21/20 (all coronavirus)

Blog Newsletter Syndicate

The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week

Here are the ten most popular cartoons of the week (May 23 -May 30).

The stats this week were unusual. The beginning of the week followed a familiar pattern of editors choosing light cartoons about the mature coronavirus story, with my own, light virus cartoon from last Sunday claiming the week’s top spot. Later in the week the news turned to Trump’s Twitter distraction and the murder of George Floyd. Few cartoons stood out in the stats this week as usage was flattened among a larger number of topics. The international cartoonists were virtually shut out and not reprinted at all.  There is a disconnect between what cartoonists want to draw, what editors want to print and what readers want to see; this week that divide was plain to see as cartoons that were popular on social media were ignored by editors.

Congratulations to Nate Beeler for coming in at #2, and Kudos to Randy Enos who makes his first appearance in the Top Ten at #3. Hearty congrats to the rest of the artists with cartoons that were the most reprinted in newspapers this week: Steve Sack, Adam Zyglis, Dave Whamond, Bruce Plante, Jeff Koterba, John Cole and Bob Englehart.

Our top ten is a measure of how many of our subscribing newspaper editors choose to reprint each of our cartoons, from the 63 cartoonists in our syndication package. 20% of the cartoonists get 80% of the sales and reprints, and most of the cartoonists never make it into the Top Ten.  If you don’t like the top ten, take it up with your local newspaper editor. Just about half of America’s daily, paid circulation newspapers subscribe to

Our reader supported site,, still needs you!  Journalism is threatened with the pandemic that has shuttered newspaper advertisers. Some pundits predict that a large percentage of newspapers won’t survive the pandemic economic slump, and as newspapers sink, so do editorial cartoonists who depend on newspapers, and along with them, our site, that our small, sinking syndicate largely supports, along with our fans.

The world needs political cartoonists more now than ever. Please consider supporting and visit  We need you! Don’t let the cartoons die!


My own cartoon claimed the #1 spot this week. See the Daryl Cagle archive here.



The second most popular cartoon of the week is by Nate Beeler.



This third most popular cartoon is by Randy Enos.



Tied for fourth place is this cartoon by Steve Sack.


Adam Zyglis shares 4th place with this cartoon.


Dave Whamond claims the 6th place spot.


Bruce Plante is in 7th place.


Jeff Koterba takes 8th place again, as he did last week.


John Cole is in 9th place.



Bob Englehart rounds out the list at #10.

Please forward this to your friends – tell them our email newsletters are FREE and FUN! They can join the newsletter list at

Don’t miss our previous most popular cartoon lists:
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through May 30th, 2020
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through May 23rd, 2020
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through May 16th, 2020
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through May 8th, 2020
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Pandemic (as of May 4th)
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through May 2nd, 2020
The Most popular Cartoons of the Week through 4/26/20, (all coronavirus)
The Most popular Cartoons of the Week through 4/18/20, (all coronavirus)
The Most popular Cartoons of the Week, through 4/11/20 (all coronavirus)
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week, 4/4/20 (all coronavirus)
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week, 3/29/20 (all coronavirus)
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week, 3/21/20 (all coronavirus)

Blog Newsletter Syndicate

Twitter Distraction

President Trump isn’t doing well in the polls. As the virus gets worse, Trump has silenced his coronavirus task force and has been looking for distractions to move the news away from harping on his virus failures as the death count passed 100,000.

Trump’s latest distraction has been Twitter, which finally bowed to criticism and put an innocuous link to more information, next to a tweet where Trump lied about voter fraud. This is raw meat for Trump’s base that doesn’t like those rich, liberal, San Francisco social media companies. Trump’s Executive Order against Twitter is inconsequential, but his deception lured the media and lots of the cartoonists into taking Trump’s bait, drawing non-coronavirus cartoons about Trump vs Twitter as the death toll passed a milestone. Here’s my cartoon.

Please forward this email to your friends – tell them our email newsletters are FREE and FUN! They can join the newsletter list at


Daryl Cagle

Here are a selection of five Trump vs Twitter cartoons drawn today and yesterday …

John Darkow

Kevin Siers

Dave Granlund

Bart van Leeuwen

This cartoon is by Stephane Peray, who draws as “Stephff” in Thailand (internationally, cartoonists prefer to use only one name, like Cher, Madonna, Lassie or Flipper). Stephff is a long time contributor to our little syndicate; he used to have a thriving freelance business drawing cartoons for newspapers around the world. Now Stephff has given up editorial cartooning because all of his papers have dropped his cartoons as a cost cutting measure. I was actually surprised to see that Stephff uploaded this new one today, just for us. The newly accelerated decline of newspapers, and by extension, editorial cartoons, is a grim, worldwide phenomenon. Our reader supported site,, and our editorial cartoonists need your support to stave off the death of our art form.

 Please consider supporting and visit  We need you! Don’t let the cartoons go extinct!

Don’t miss my other Coronavirus posts:
School and COVID-19
Broken Quarantine
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through May 23rd, 2020
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through May 16th, 2020
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Pandemic through May 4th
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through May 2nd, 2020
Best of the Grim Reaper, Part 1
Best of the Grim Reaper, Part 2
Dr Fauci PART 2
Dr Fauci PART 1
Trump and Disinfectant PART 2
Trump and Disinfectant PART 1
Most popular Cartoons of the Week through 4/26/20, (all coronavirus)
Forgotten Biden – Part 2
Forgotten Biden – Part 1
Most popular Cartoons of the Week through 4/18/20, (all coronavirus)
Blame China! Part Three
Blame China! Part Two

Blame China! Part One
Most popular Cartoons of the Week, through 4/11/20 (all coronavirus)
Planet COVID-19, Part 4

Planet COVID-19, Part 3
Planet COVID-19, Part 2
Planet COVID-19, Part 1
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week, 4/4/20 (all coronavirus)
Toilet Paper Part Two
Toilet Paper Part One
Trump and the Easter Bunny
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week, 3/29/20 (all coronavirus)
Tsunami Coming
Pandemics Compared
See, Hear Speak No Virus
The Best Coronavirus Sports Cartoons
New Coronavirus Favorites
The Most Popular Coronavirus Cartoons (as of May 4th, 2020)
My Corona Virus Cartoons
Corona Virus Quarantine Blues in China

Blog Newsletter Syndicate

School and COVID-19

Here’s my new “back to school” cartoon. This isn’t the “back to school” time of year, but there is a lot of news now about when and how schools will reopen with the coronavirus still raging.

Everyone tells me that I should post my messy rough sketches online. I’m told that this shows I’m a real person, and that readers love a “window into my process.” The temptation is to draw nicer looking roughs since I know people will see them, but that would take me down a slippery slope into cartoon madness.

Our reader supported site,, still needs you!  Journalism is threatened with the pandemic that has shuttered newspaper advertisers. Some pundits predict that a large percentage of newspapers won’t survive the pandemic economic slump, and as newspapers sink, so do editorial cartoonists who depend on newspapers, and along with them, our site, that our small, sinking syndicate largely supports, along with our fans.

The world needs political cartoonists more now than ever. Please consider supporting and visit  We need you! Don’t let the cartoons die!

I took a stroll through our archives for some recent, favorite coronavirus/school cartoons. Here are the ones I like!

Pat Bagley, The Salt Lake Tribune

John Cole, The Scranton Times-Tribune

Jeff Koterba, The Omaha World-Herald

Dave Whamond, our Canadian cartoon genius.

Please forward this email to your friends – tell them our email newsletters are FREE and FUN! They can join the newsletter list at

Don’t miss my other Coronavirus posts:
School and COVID-19
Broken Quarantine
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through May 23rd, 2020
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through May 16th, 2020
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Pandemic through May 4th
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through May 2nd, 2020
Best of the Grim Reaper, Part 1
Best of the Grim Reaper, Part 2
Dr Fauci PART 2
Dr Fauci PART 1
Trump and Disinfectant PART 2
Trump and Disinfectant PART 1
Most popular Cartoons of the Week through 4/26/20, (all coronavirus)
Forgotten Biden – Part 2
Forgotten Biden – Part 1
Most popular Cartoons of the Week through 4/18/20, (all coronavirus)
Blame China! Part Three
Blame China! Part Two

Blame China! Part One
Most popular Cartoons of the Week, through 4/11/20 (all coronavirus)
Planet COVID-19, Part 4

Planet COVID-19, Part 3
Planet COVID-19, Part 2
Planet COVID-19, Part 1
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week, 4/4/20 (all coronavirus)
Toilet Paper Part Two
Toilet Paper Part One
Trump and the Easter Bunny
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week, 3/29/20 (all coronavirus)
Tsunami Coming
Pandemics Compared
See, Hear Speak No Virus
The Best Coronavirus Sports Cartoons
New Coronavirus Favorites
The Most Popular Coronavirus Cartoons (as of May 4th, 2020)
My Corona Virus Cartoons
Corona Virus Quarantine Blues in China


Blog Newsletter Syndicate

Broken Quarantine

Every state is starting to open up from their shelter-in-place orders. President Trump is insisting that states open faster, threatening to override the decisions of governors. The quarantining at home has taken a heavy toll on regular folks, which is the topic of my cartoon.

People tell me that they want to see my rough sketches, so here you go. I only drew the family in the bottle once, but I moved their eyeballs for the second panel.

Every so often I make an error and I draw a right hand where there should be a left hand, or a left foot where there should be a right foot, and I get letters from readers pointing out the error with glee, as if they had solved a puzzle and deserve a prize for informing me about an important issue that demands my attention.

When I was a kid and a fan of Marvel Comics, I remember how Stan Lee handled these letters by giving readers, who found similar errors, a “no-prize.” My friends used to argue about what a “no-prize” consisted of, without it ever occurring to them that a “no-prize” could actually be no prize.

I’ve decided to embrace this phenomenon. In this cartoon I have a family of four stuffed in the bottle, and they have five left hands. That makes me laugh. I’m watching my email box.

Our reader supported site,, still needs you!  Journalism is threatened with the pandemic that has shuttered newspaper advertisers. Some pundits predict that a large percentage of newspapers won’t survive the pandemic economic slump, and as newspapers sink, so do editorial cartoonists who depend on newspapers, and along with them, our site, that our small, sinking syndicate largely supports, along with our fans.

The world needs political cartoonists more now than ever. Please consider supporting and visit  We need you! Don’t let the cartoons die!

Please forward this email to your friends – tell them our email newsletters are FREE and FUN! They can join the newsletter list at


Don’t miss my other Coronavirus posts:
School and COVID-19
Broken Quarantine
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through May 23rd, 2020
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through May 16th, 2020
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Pandemic through May 4th
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through May 2nd, 2020
Best of the Grim Reaper, Part 1
Best of the Grim Reaper, Part 2
Dr Fauci PART 2
Dr Fauci PART 1
Trump and Disinfectant PART 2
Trump and Disinfectant PART 1
Most popular Cartoons of the Week through 4/26/20, (all coronavirus)
Forgotten Biden – Part 2
Forgotten Biden – Part 1
Most popular Cartoons of the Week through 4/18/20, (all coronavirus)
Blame China! Part Three
Blame China! Part Two

Blame China! Part One
Most popular Cartoons of the Week, through 4/11/20 (all coronavirus)
Planet COVID-19, Part 4

Planet COVID-19, Part 3
Planet COVID-19, Part 2
Planet COVID-19, Part 1
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week, 4/4/20 (all coronavirus)
Toilet Paper Part Two
Toilet Paper Part One
Trump and the Easter Bunny
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week, 3/29/20 (all coronavirus)
Tsunami Coming
Pandemics Compared
See, Hear Speak No Virus
The Best Coronavirus Sports Cartoons
New Coronavirus Favorites
The Most Popular Coronavirus Cartoons (as of May 4th, 2020)
My Corona Virus Cartoons
Corona Virus Quarantine Blues in China