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Women’s March Overshadowed by Shut-down

This weekend’s women’s march would have been much bigger news if the government shut-down hadn’t dominated the news.

I think that’s disappointing. The march deserved more attention. Any participants in future women’s marches are welcome to use my cartoons on their signs – just e-mail me, ask and I’ll e-mail you the high resolution image file. I’ll ask you to send me a photo of yourself with your sign to post on my blog. Here’s fan Shelly Carpenter who did just that at the women’s march in Seattle this weekend.

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On Saturday, the day after President Trump’s inauguration, we’ll see the Women’s March on Washington where the protest fashion of the day is “Pussyhats.” The hats are based on Trump Access Hollywood comments about “grabbing women by the pussy.” My wife is busy knitting pussyhats for herself and my daughter.

Since Liberty and Justice are the most important women in government, they should march with Pussyhats too. The idea of knitting as a protest makes me smile.

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Trump’s Stinky Quote

I was away at the cartoonists convention in France when Trump’s Access Hollywood tape came out. It always happens that when I’m away I really want to draw a cartoon! So, excuse this one being late, but it is still what everyone is talking about.

Does this fart-face cartoon look familiar? Remember my entry in Iran’s Holocaust Cartoon Contest a while back?

I liked this cartoon, and those darn Iranian folks didn’t choose to include it in their exhibition, so there weren’t many people who saw it – the perfect excuse to dust off this classic for Donald Trump!

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Trump in the Toilet

Trump looks like he is spinning down the tubes. I wasn’t sure that this cartoon would work, since it is rather odd, and there may not be room for his body under his head in the toilet … but maybe there is. I think the fun part of this is the swirl of hair at the top.

Last week when I was at the big editorial cartooning festival in St Just le Martel, France, I was in a “cartoon fight” against a Romanian cartoonist named “Clear,” who wore his vampire cape. They built a boxing ring and had big easels for us. The theme was Trump and I drew The Donald grabbing the Statue of Liberty’s “pussy” – an image I was sure would be the Yahtzee of the week. I think the nicest Liberty-“pussy” cartoon is this one at the right by Alen Lauzan from Chile.

I’ll post more on the convention in France soon! And when I get over the euro-cold I brought back with me I’ll start live-streaming cartoons again – stay tuned.