
Ferguson Grand Jury Time Bomb

156326 600 Ferguson Grand Jury Time Bomb cartoons


Ferguson Grand Jury Time Bomb

156232 600 Ferguson Grand Jury Time Bomb cartoons

Blog Cartoons

The Ferguson Wave!

Here’s my new cartoon, the “Ferguson Wave.”

Apparently, this cartoon is a bit difficult to understand; I’ve been asked to explain it too often.  So, here goes, as the cop walks by, the black folks raise their hands, and to the old ladies, that looks like they are doing “the Wave” at the ball park.  That’s all there is.  Nothing more.  Really.  Not so funny when I have to explain it, huh?

Here’s the rough sketch.  I figure most of the drawing out in the rough sketch stage, then the rest is just rendering.


Most newspapers reprint my cartoons in black and white, and I usually do a separate coloring job for a grayscale cartoon for most readers to see.  Here’s the black and white version.  Somehow, I think black and white is always better.




Ferguson Wave

152660 600 Ferguson Wave cartoons


Gotta Love Those Policemen

Here’s my new cartoon, about the militarized police, reaching out to the community in Ferguson, Missouri.

Ferguson, police, race,riot,murder,killer cops,chocolate,flowers,military

The situation struck me as similar to the military trying to “win the hearts and minds” of people in Afghanistan. A couple of years ago, I drew the cartoon below …

afghanistan,soldier,hearts and minds,chocolate

Militaries break things well, they don’t build things well – including good relationships with the communities they occupy.  I don’t like seeing police departments act like the military.


Love the Police

152497 600 Love the Police cartoons


Racist Comments in the News

148094 600 Racist Comments in the News cartoons


Election Sprint and Romney Taxes

Election Sprint and Romney Taxes © Daryl Cagle,,Mitt Romney,presidential campaign,Barack Obama,Olympics,race,sprint,running,income taxes,IRS,election 2012



Trayvon © Daryl Cagle,,race,african american,black,Crime,Race,Trayvon Martin,hoodie,Arizona Iced Tea,Skittles,Sanford,Florida,George Zimmerman


Is This Obama Cartoon Grotesque and Racist?

John Darkow / Columbia Daily Tribune

As questions grew about the scope and focus of the Obama Administration’s offensive in Libya, Columbia Daily Tribune cartoonist John Darkow drew the cartoon above, suggesting that the “limited target” that Obama spoke off actually included the removal of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi.

But Daytona Beach News-Journal reader Martin Press couldn’t get past what he refered to as the “wildly exaggerated features” of President Obama.

“The caricature… is so disrespectful to the president of the United States that it could have been drawn by one of the nutty “birthers” who infest the media,” wrote Press in an letter to the editor.

We’ve had numerous discussions here about the unique difficulties that come into play when your exaggerating features and caricaturing the nation’s first black president. Is Press right about this Darkow cartoon being “grotesque and racist,” or is he just being too sensitive to race and the art of a political cartoonist to exaggerate the features of his subject, in this case President Obama?