Blog Syndicate


This will be my last batch of TRUE cartoons for my blog. I watercolored these for some reason that I forget! Back in the 1990’s, when this ran in newspapers, it ran in black and white and there was no color, Sunday TRUE. Gotta love color!

Blog Syndicate

TRUE Sex 2!

Another new collection of a dozen of my old TRUE cartoons about SEX! Take a look below!


Blog Syndicate

TRUE Crazy Stuff 4!

Here’s a new batch of my old TRUE cartoons. This first one is a self-portrait of younger me, sitting on the toilet, talking on my land-line rotary phone. Looking at the old True cartoons makes me feel young again, until I notice details that make me feel old.






Blog Syndicate

TRUE Business

These are some of my old TRUE! cartoons from 1995. I used to draw this as a syndicated daily panel for Tribune Media Services syndicate, which is now Tribune Content Agency because they named another company “Tribune Media Services.” I used to pour over stats in news reports and draw them into cartoons. These are really true, except the art, and the selection of the facts amounts to commentary.

I drew TRUE! for about a year, so I have hundreds of these cartoons and as I was going back through the archives, I thought I would start adding some that still look fresh to our database. This first batch for the database is on the theme of business.

I should add that back in 1995, Tribune Media Services didn’t allow the artists they syndicate to have their own web sites. Those were early days for the internet and most cartoonists hadn’t created their own sites yet. I started in 1996, as soon as I wriggled out from under Tribune Media Services and their “no web sites” policy.


The National Conversation About Race

We have a great collection of cartoons about the Grand Jury decision not to indict policeman, Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri – come take a look!

Here’s the rough sketch for my “National Conversation About Race” cartoon.


I draw pretty quick and messy in pencil on 11″x17″ tab size paper. Then I trace it neatly for the line art which most people see in the newspaper.

And here’s the color version for the Web and newspapers that print in color.

Somehow I think we’ll be drawing cartoons on this topic for quite some time.

Here is how the cartoon looks this morning in my local newspaper, the Santa Barbara News-Press.


So dark! I anticipate that all of my cartoons will darken when printed, but somehow I’m always surprised by how dark they get.


Protesters and Opportunists

156842 600 Protesters and Opportunists cartoons


Ferguson Media Priority

156841 600 Ferguson Media Priority cartoons


Ferguson Media Priority

156805 600 Ferguson Media Priority cartoons


Putin Ukraine Purse Bandit

145372 600 Putin   Ukraine Purse Bandit cartoons