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Most Popular Cartoons of the Week!

Here are the ten most popular cartoons of the week (April 25 -May 2). Sorry I’m a little late this week, we had some technical problems over the weekend –but here they are!

20% of the cartoonists draw 80% of the cartoons that get reprinted. We have dozens of cartoonists in our little syndicate, but only a few cartoons each week catch the fancy of editors and that is easy to see this week. Bruce Plante of The Tulsa World newspaper in Oklahoma has three cartoons in this week’s top ten most reprinted cartoons. Gannett’s freelance cartoonist Dave Granlund and John Cole of The Times-Tribune in Scranton Pennsylvania round out the list with two each, with John taking the prize for the most popular cartoon of the week –about golf.

Our reader supported site,, still needs you!  Journalism is threatened with the pandemic that has shuttered newspaper advertisers. Some pundits predict that a large percentage of newspapers won’t survive the pandemic economic slump, and as newspapers sink, so do editorial cartoonists who depend on newspapers, and along with them, our site, that our small, sinking syndicate largely supports, along with our fans.

The world needs political cartoonists more now than ever. Please consider supporting and visit

We need you!

The most popular cartoon of the week was this one by John Cole.

The second most reprinted cartoon is this one, by Bruce Plante.


The third most popular cartoon with newspaper editors this week is this one, also by John Cole.


Bruce Plante is on a tear this week, with a whopping three cartoons in the top ten. Here are two more winners from Bruce.

Here’s Rick McKee, with one of two non-coronavirus cartoons in the top ten.

Dave Granlund has two in the top ten, including the other non-coronavirus cartoon.

This popular coronavirus gem comes from Dave Fitzsimmons.

And number ten is this graduation cartoon by Jeff Koterba.

Jeff posted a movie on twitter, showing him drawing the cartoon on his iPad.

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Don’t miss our previous most popular cartoon lists:
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through May 30th, 2020
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through May 23rd, 2020
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through May 16th, 2020
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through May 8th, 2020
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Pandemic (as of May 4th)
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week through May 2nd, 2020
The Most popular Cartoons of the Week through 4/26/20, (all coronavirus)
The Most popular Cartoons of the Week through 4/18/20, (all coronavirus)
The Most popular Cartoons of the Week, through 4/11/20 (all coronavirus)
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week, 4/4/20 (all coronavirus)
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week, 3/29/20 (all coronavirus)
The Most Popular Cartoons of the Week, 3/21/20 (all coronavirus)



Blog Newsletter Syndicate

Weyant Decade!

Chris Weyant’s favorite cartoons of the past decade are below!  Chris draws for The Boston Globe and he’s a regular cartoonist for The New Yorker.  See Chris’ favorite cartoons of the decade on USA Todaywhere you can click on each cartoon and see it blown up to fill the screen with a pretty, high-resolution image.  See the complete archive of Chris editorial cartoons here.

Look at our other, great collections of Cartoon Favorites of the Decade, selected by the artists.

Pat Bagley Decade!
Nate Beeler Decade!
Daryl Cagle Decade! 
Patrick Chappatte Decade!
John Cole Decade!
John Darkow Decade!
Bill Day Decade!
Sean Delonas Decade!
Bob Englehart Decade!
Randall Enos Decade!
Dave Granlund Decade!
Taylor Jones Decade!
Mike Keefe Decade!
Peter Kuper Decade!
Jeff Koterba Decade!
RJ Matson Decade!
Gary McCoy Decade!
Rick McKee Decade!
Milt Priggee Decade!
Bruce Plante Decade!
Steve Sack Decade!
Bill Schorr Decade!
Kevin Siers Decade!
Ed Wexler Decade!
Adam Zyglis Decade!
Chris Weyant Decade!

We need your support for (and! Notice that we run no advertising! We depend entirely upon the generosity of our readers to sustain the site. Please visit and make a contribution. You are much appreciated!


Blog Newsletter Syndicate

Granlund Decade!

Here are Dave Granlund’s favorite cartoons of the past decade!

See Dave’s favorite cartoons on USA Todaywhere you can click on each cartoon and see it blown up to fill the screen with a pretty, high-resolution image.  See the complete archive of Dave’s syndicated cartoons here.

Look at our other, great collections of Cartoons Favorites of the Decade, selected by the artists.
Pat Bagley Decade!
Nate Beeler Decade!
Daryl Cagle Decade! 
Patrick Chappatte Decade!
John Cole Decade!
John Darkow Decade!
Bill Day Decade!
Sean Delonas Decade!
Bob Englehart Decade!
Randall Enos Decade!
Dave Granlund Decade!
Taylor Jones Decade!
Mike Keefe Decade!
Peter Kuper Decade!
Jeff Koterba Decade!
RJ Matson Decade!
Gary McCoy Decade!
Rick McKee Decade!
Milt Priggee Decade!
Bruce Plante Decade!
Steve Sack Decade!

We need your support for (and! Notice that we run no advertising! We depend entirely upon the generosity of our readers to sustain the site. Please visit and make a contribution. You are much appreciated!



Blog Newsletter Syndicate

Delonas Decade

Here are Sean Delonas’ favorite cartoons of the past decade!  Sean was the staff cartoonist for the conservative New York Post for about twenty years.

See Sean’s favorite cartoons on USA Today where you can click on each cartoon and see it blown up to fill the screen with a pretty, high-resolution image!  See the complete archive of Sean’s syndicated cartoons here.

Look at our other, great collections of Cartoons Favorites of the Decade, selected by the artists.
Pat Bagley Decade!
Nate Beeler Decade!
Daryl Cagle Decade! 
Patrick Chappatte Decade!
John Cole Decade!
John Darkow Decade!
Bill Day Decade!
Sean Delonas Decade!
Bob Englehart Decade!
Randall Enos Decade!
Dave Granlund Decade!
Taylor Jones Decade!
Mike Keefe Decade!
Peter Kuper Decade!
Jeff Koterba Decade!
RJ Matson Decade!
Gary McCoy Decade!
Rick McKee Decade!
Milt Priggee Decade!
Bruce Plante Decade!
Steve Sack Decade!

We need your support for (and! Notice that we run no advertising! We depend entirely upon the generosity of our readers to sustain the site. Please visit and make a contribution. You are much appreciated!



Blog Newsletter Syndicate

Cole Decade!

Here are John Cole’s favorite cartoons of the past decade! John is the staff cartoonist for the Scranton Times-Tribune in Pennsylvania, and he also draws local cartoons about North Carolina for

See John’s favorite cartoons on USA Today where you can click on each cartoon and see it blown up to fill the screen with a pretty, high-resolution image. John’s cartoons are very impressive in a large scale!  See the complete archive of John’s syndicated cartoons here.

Look at our other, great collections of Cartoons Favorites of the Decade, selected by the artists.
Pat Bagley Decade!
Nate Beeler Decade!
Daryl Cagle Decade! 
Patrick Chappatte Decade!
John Cole Decade!
John Darkow Decade!
Bill Day Decade!
Sean Delonas Decade!
Bob Englehart Decade!
Randall Enos Decade!
Dave Granlund Decade!
Taylor Jones Decade!
Mike Keefe Decade!
Peter Kuper Decade!
Jeff Koterba Decade!
RJ Matson Decade!
Gary McCoy Decade!
Rick McKee Decade!
Milt Priggee Decade!
Bruce Plante Decade!
Steve Sack Decade!

We need your support for (and! Notice that we run no advertising! We depend entirely upon the generosity of our readers to sustain the site. Please visit and make a contribution. You are much appreciated!



Blog Newsletter Syndicate

Brainxit! By Rousso!

Please take a minute to check out a crowd-funding campaign for a book by my buddy, the French cartooning legend, Robert Rousso.

Robert is an editorial cartoonist and a longtime contributor to our site and our syndication package; he’s the beloved “dean” of the French political cartoonists. (Although some may call him the “titan,” I prefer the “dean.”

Every cartoon fan should make a contribution to get Robert’s book, and to make sure the book is published! At this time, Robert has reached half of his modest fundraising goal.

Robert has a unique quirk where he draws with little curly-cues depicting details that typical cartoonists would not see as curly-cues, like ears and nostrils. Sometimes I think that Robert doesn’t like for his pen to leave the paper. I’ve studied some of Robert’s drawings where I think he actually never lifted his pen. Here’s is Robert’s archive on

Robert is 82 years old and although he’s been drawing editorial cartoons for many decades, this is his first book! The excellent, French satirical magazine “Zelium” is managing this campaign for Robert, who wrote this note:

It is no wonder that a 82 old timer like me has not yet released an album when we see the job that it represents!

Fortunately Cesare, of the excellent review Zélium, takes care of everything with efficiency and patience.

The most extraordinary thing is that Cesare manages to support me (whereas I do not know how to do it). But there is also something else, and I’ m not talking about the book, and that’ s the outpouring of sympathy and your encouragements, dear colleagues and dear former strangers (as they are no longer) I want to tell you that only for that, it was worth it –even if it had to stop now. Although, if it continues I will not see any problem!

See you very soon,  
Robert Rousso

Every cartoonist and cartoon fan should get Robert’s book. Hurry, help him and Zelium make the project happen!

Here are some recent favorites from Robert’s archive

Blog Newsletter Syndicate

Bath Time Cartoons!

As I drew my bathtub cartoon today, I was thinking about my favorite bathtub cartoons. Really. This is Iran’s Supreme Leader having his clean, happy time.


Bathtub fun is a cartoonists’ staple. Here’s my buddy, Steve Sack of the Minneapolis Star-Tribune with a Trump tub.


My bathtub favorite is this Trump and Li’l Kim classic from Taylor Jones.


Here’s what Chinese cartoonist Luojie thinks of how Uncle Sam manages his toys.


Here’s the oil bath-time of death from Mexican cartoonist, Dario Castillejos.


It isn’t really a bathtub cartoon, but Dutch photo cartoonist Bart van Leeuwen has a similar (but better) take on the same theme as my cartoon, at the beach.


Bart’s magnum opus is this beach cartoon about Trump and his wall. Bart loves the beach.

Now that we ended up at the beach, I think I need another bath. Here’s an old Obama favorite that could work as a Trump cartoon today.



Blog Syndicate

Trump ‘n Kim Summit

There are so many great quotes between Trump and l’il Kim that I thought it would be fun to draw the best quotes into a thinking cartoon.

I know. I know. Wordy cartoons are bad. But I didn’t write this one, and the words are crazy!

I think I’ll start drawing l’il Kim with devil horn hair from now on.

Blog Syndicate

Carrot and Stick

It looks like the on again, off again summit is North Korea’s Kim Jong Un is on again. Trump seems very motivated to have the meeting after cancelling the meeting a few days ago, leading me to draw a cartoon last week that probably didn’t get printed much.

This is an old standard, but it is fun to draw. We have a great section up on about Trump chasing the Nobel Peace Prize – my favorite is this one by Austrian cartoonist, Marian Kamensky:

This one is also a charmer, by Steve Sack of the Minneapolis Star-Tribune:

For any “carrot and stick” fans out there, don’t miss my Wall Street Coloring book!

What a great Fathers Day present this book is! Dad will be busy coloring evil Wall Street crooks all Summer!

Blog Syndicate

Wonderful Dialogue

Donald Trump called off the planned meeting with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un yesterday because of a typical, belligerent statement from North Korea. It was probably a good move to call off the summit; now North Korea is pushing for a new summit instead of the USA being the eager one, which is probably a strategic necessity. Unlike many in the media, I liked the letter that Trump wrote to L’il Kim, especially Trump’s line, “I felt a wonderful dialogue was building up between you and me.”

Since I’m cool with Trump’s response, I considered this to be one my my rare pro-Trump cartoons –but my drawing of Trump is unflattering so I doubt that the Trumpettes would see this cartoon as pro-Trump. We have a “Trump Friendly Cartoons” section on the front page of and I didn’t put this one there –there’s just too much anti-Trump flavor, even in my pro-Trump cartoons.

It has taken me a long time to develop a Trump caricature that I’m happy with. Cartoonists are still all over the map on the way they draw Trump, but the long red tie has come to be a common device among almost all of the editorial cartoonists. I love the long, red tie.

Here are some of my “summit called off” cartoon favorites that came in today; this one is by Nate Beeler of the Columbus Dispatch:

This one is by Stephane Peray from Thailand:

This one is by Marian Kamensky from Austria:

This one is by Steve Sack of the Minneapolis Star-Tribune: