With the talk of Rush Limbaugh’s attack of Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke still making news, the only cartoon we received so far supporting Rush’s position has come from our conservative cartoonist, Gary McCoy. I thought this right wing cartoon was pretty nasty. In fact, it made me wince. But I thought I’d let you be the judge:

Here’s an example of the comments we received about this cartoon:
letdogsvote: “Cartoonist made “pro choice” women appear: fat, ugly, bitchy, slutty, selfish, and obnoxious. Whatever political point Cartoonist intended to make here has been caught up in his generalized portrayal of pro choice women.”
fnordtastic: “I am a firm believe in being able to laugh at yourself, but this cartoon is devoid if any humor.”
Flat Roger: “Gary McCoy continues his string of “hate pornography” with this one and shows he has the same lack of class and intelligence about the issues as Limbaugh.”
Bastard-Captain Queeg: “Were this an attempt at trolling, it’d be an easy 10/10. Sadly, the cartoonist is actually serious. Of course government should pay for birth control, it’s in their best interest to do so.”
Sarah Rimmington: “Wow. That cartoon is horrific.”
Ewen Cluney: “There are many issues where I am willing to accept that liberals and conservatives have a difference of opinion, based on different subcultures or different reasoning, but the portrayal of Sandra Fluke and her testimony (and for that matter the birth control issue in general) by Limbaugh and other conservative commentators has been outright factually wrong.”
Kirk Houser: “”Wince”? McCoy’s cartoon is nothing but “hate porn”. This is just as bad as Limbaugh. Hope the backlash is severe.”
What do you think about the cartoon? Comment below or post a note on our Facebook page.
A revealing portrait of Rush
Limbaugh apologizes for ‘slut’ comment
Our collection of Rush Limbaugh cartoons