Blog Syndicate

Cruz and Kasich Team Up to Topple Trump

Cruz and Kasich have decided not to compete against each other so that they don’t split up the “stop-Trump” vote in the remaining states.

I think Trump gets a spray tan, and covers his eyes, making for little white areas around his eyes. I suppose he could have a farmers tan and wears sunglasses when he’s outside, but I lean towards the spray tan theory. I’ve gotten criticized by some readers who complain that I don’t draw Trump flesh tone orange enough. In fact, I’ve been using the same old flesh tone for Trump that I have been using for other characters in the cartoons. With this cartoon I made a change to Trump’s flesh tone.  Should I stick with it? Is he orange enough? Should I go back to flesh tone normalcy with Trump?

Check out the video below to watch me draw this cartoon in real time.

in the next video I color the cartoon in Photoshop.

Blog Syndicate

Wisconsin Trips-up Trump?

What? I drew a cartoon with Trump losing Wisconsin – before we know if he wins or loses in Wisconsin? When there are major elections we typically get cartoons in advance that anticipate the outcome of the contests. If Trump loses Wisconsin tonight, editors will have this one in the can, ready for tomorrow morning’s paper on short notice. If Trump does well in Wisconsin, this cartoon goes to waste.

Want to see me draw this one in real time? Check out the YouTube video below. This cartoon turned out to be about the Donald’s hair, without my really intending to do that, but it was fun. I need to look for windy gags for Trump.