Obama Squeezed into the World Plane
Media Pushes Toward War
Ukraine 98 Pound Weakling
Here’s my new cartoon, the “Ferguson Wave.”
Apparently, this cartoon is a bit difficult to understand; I’ve been asked to explain it too often. So, here goes, as the cop walks by, the black folks raise their hands, and to the old ladies, that looks like they are doing “the Wave” at the ball park. That’s all there is. Nothing more. Really. Not so funny when I have to explain it, huh?
Here’s the rough sketch. I figure most of the drawing out in the rough sketch stage, then the rest is just rendering.
Most newspapers reprint my cartoons in black and white, and I usually do a separate coloring job for a grayscale cartoon for most readers to see. Here’s the black and white version. Somehow, I think black and white is always better.
Love the Police
Robin Williams Memorial
Republicans Argue Immigration