Blog Syndicate

Talking Trump

I enjoyed watching the coverage of former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony in congress on Fox News, where the talk was all about Hillary’s emails and Benghazi. I’ve noticed that this is a pattern; when the Trump-bashing gets heavy, conservatives retreat into their “happy place” of Hillary (and to a lesser degree, Obama) bashing.

There isn’t a lot of depth to the Republican responses to each increment of Trumpocalypse news. I see it in my e-mail now, when conservatives complain about the Trump cartoons they often ask why we don’t have an equal number of Hillary-bashing cartoons – even though Hillary is defeated and gone.

Blog Syndicate

Hillary at the Benghazi Hearing Today

This hearing is much ado about nothing. I think my past cartoons about the Republican obsession with Benghazi are just as relevant today. Here’s a selection.

benghazi6 benghazi5 benghazi4 benghazi3 benghazi2


Hillary and a Tempest in a Teapot

Here’s my new one. I was trying to stretch this to make a better tea-party reference to the elephant, but I decided, nah, it is clear enough. Then I thought of putting the GOP elephant in a Fox New t-shirt, and I thought, nah, it is clear enough.

Here’s a Hillary, Benghazi, GOP oldie that will probably never grow stale. Hillary is a wonderful character – I’m looking forward to the campaign!


Benghazi Cover up Rat

148024 600 Benghazi Cover up Rat cartoons


Cookoo Republicans

147570 600 Cookoo Republicans cartoons


Republican Scandal Cookie Monster

Republican Scandal Cookie Monster © Daryl Cagle,,Sesame Street, Cookie Monster, Scandal, Fox news, James Rosen, AP, Associated Press, cookies, television, media, childrens television workshop, TV, Benghazi, AP records, obama scandals,AP records, congress, eric holder, obama scandals, republicans


Puppies, Elephants, Bunnies and Sexual Assault

Here are my last four cartoons.  The most recent is below, on the press growing less cute and adorable for Obama.  I think if I drew puppies in all of my editorial cartoons, my work would be much more popular.  I didn’t quite know how I would handle this one when I started drawing, so the rough sketch is a bit of a mess.

poppusketch600 Puppies, Elephants, Bunnies and Sexual Assault cartoons

I was thinking of making this a four panel cartoon at first, with the doggie growing progressively bigger and a caption, but the simple two panel format won out.  here is the line art that most people will see in their newspapers that print in black and white.

131966 600 Puppies, Elephants, Bunnies and Sexual Assault cartoons

And here is the color.  Readers love the doggies.

131967 600 Puppies, Elephants, Bunnies and Sexual Assault cartoons

I drew the cartoon below when Obama made his first statement about the IRS scandal.  here’s the black and white most people see.

131778 600 Puppies, Elephants, Bunnies and Sexual Assault cartoons

And here’s the color.

131782 600 Puppies, Elephants, Bunnies and Sexual Assault cartoons

Before that I did this one on the ongoing, outrageous, sexual assault scandals in the military.

131798 600 Puppies, Elephants, Bunnies and Sexual Assault cartoons

And I drew this “Energizer Bunny” cartoon about the Benghazi Scandal that the Republicans can’t bear to see fade away.

131506 600 Puppies, Elephants, Bunnies and Sexual Assault cartoons

There was a time when I would see an Energizer Bunny cliche editorial cartoon every week. Alas, those were the good old days.


Obama Transforms Into Nixon

Obama Transforms Into Nixon © Daryl Cagle,,Barack Obama,president,Richard Nixon,Watergate,tranform,metamorphosis,Benghazi,IRS,AP records,AP records, benghazi coverup, IRS Tea Party, transformation


Benghazigizer Bunny

Benghazigizer Bunny © Daryl Cagle,,Benghazi, state department, Ambassador, scandal, Fox News, Energizer Bunny, Republicans, elephant, Chris Pickering


Women in Combat, Obama’s 2nd Term and Hillary

Here are my most recent cartoons and the sketches that, for some reason, you like to see.  The first one is on Obama’s apparent transformation into a more liberal Obama in his second term.  First the pencil sketch.

2ndTermSketch Women in Combat, Obamas 2nd Term and Hillary cartoonsThen I trace the sketch for line art on vellum.  This is what most people see in the newspapers that still print in black and white.

Line2ndTermTransformation Women in Combat, Obamas 2nd Term and Hillary cartoons… and here it is in color.

600Wide2ndTermTransform Women in Combat, Obamas 2nd Term and Hillary cartoonsObama also seems to be getting more of a spine.  Here is the previous cartoon, on Hillary’s testimony in congress.

126033 600 Women in Combat, Obamas 2nd Term and Hillary cartoons

126086 600 Women in Combat, Obamas 2nd Term and Hillary cartoonsThat’s really Hillary’s testimony in the small type in her speech balloon, and that’s what she was really thinking in the thought balloon. Hillary is fun to draw, and the glasses are great.

At the right is my most recent cartoon about Defense Secretary Panetta’s announcement that all areas of the military, that had previously been closed to women, will now be open to qualified women – a change that is long overdue.

We have a great collection of cartoons on Women in Combat – come look!