Blog Cartoons

Some of my Favorite Christmas Cartoons

Here are a few of my recent, Christmas favorites.  I received this cChristmas card in the mail today, from my French, editorial cartoonist buddy, Pierre Ballouhey, who is much more of a PG13 cartoonist than I.  See Pierre’s cartoons here.  And see our big collection of Christmas 2013 cartoons here.

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Here is my own most recent Christmas cartoon.
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This “selfie” cartoon below, by Slovakian cartoonist, Martin “Shooty” Sutovec, made me laugh. See Shooty’s cartoons here.

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This new one from Angel Boligan is lovely.  See Angel’s cartoon archive here.
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We got tons of cartoons about Santa adopting NSA spying tactics, and a second ton on Santa adopting’s drone delivery plan – which are both well represented by the Steve Sack cartoons below.  See Steve’s cartoon archive here.

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Five Great Christmas Cartoons

Merry Christmas everyone! As we kick back to enjoy the holiday, here’s our gift to you – five funny Christmas cartoons I guarantee you’ll enjoy more than Mom’s fruitcake! (View our entire collection of Christmas cartoons here)

Pat Bagley / Salt Lake Tribune
Joep Bertrams, The Netherlands
Nate Beeler / Washington Examiner
Rob Tornoe /
John Darkow / Columbia Daily Tribune

A Very Cagle Christmas

Merry Christmas to all our readers! As we begin to wrap up another year and prepare to dive in to glasses of egg nog, I thought it might be fun to look back at some of the Christmas-related cartoons I’ve drawn over the years.

Here’s this year’s cartoon. Figured it’s what’s on the mind of a lot of Republicans this Holiday season:

Here’s one featuring Obamaclaus:

I drew this one back in 2006, after Iraq became the debacle we all know and love now:

Keep you eyes peeled on those Salvation Army bell ringers. You never know:

This was my Christmas cartoon back in 2003, when Bush gave away everything, including the kitchen sink, to be re-elected:

Here’s a golden Cagle oldie from way back in 2000, back when I was still drawing cartoons for the Honolulu Advertiser (now known as the Honolulu Star-Advertiser after being bought by its cross-town rival):


5 Funny Payroll Tax Cartoons

It’s Christmas time – the season of giving. Unfortunately, the only thing we’re getting from  Congress is angina. While everyone agrees that extending the payroll tax holiday for a year is a good thing, leave it to our elected representatives to find a way to muck it up.

Here are 5 funny cartoons, summing up what all of us think about these silly political games we have to endure. Click here to view all our Payroll Tax Cut cartoons.

Pat Bagley / Salt Lake Tribune
John Darkow / Columbia Daily Tribune
Jeff Parker / Florida Today
John Cole / Scranton Times-Tribune
Taylor Jones / Cagle Cartoons

Santa Bush and Iran

Santa Bush and Iran © Daryl Cagle,,Santa Claus,President George W. Bush,Bush,Iran,nuclear,christmas list, christmas


Bush Santa Iraq

Bush Santa Iraq © Daryl Cagle,,Santa Claus, President Bush, list, christmas, xmas, x-mas, wish


Santa in Iraq

Santa in Iraq © Daryl Cagle,,Christmas,xmas,x-mas, terror, Iraq, Salvation Army, charity, bomb, war, suicide bombers,tactics, greed, false god, gifts, knee, praise, Allah, santa


Bad Santa

Bad Santa © Daryl Cagle,,medicare, drug, deficit, congress, Christmas, President, Bush, Bad Santa, movie, entertainment, health, medicine, subsidies, old people, pork, AARP, insurance, chair, throne