Celebrities and politicians are getting slammed with sexual harassment allegations from years ago. It must be the same in the doggie world. 
I hate to draw cartoons about crime. Cartoons about bad guys are usually lousy cartoons because they only bash the bad guys, and it doesn’t add much to the public debate to say “that bad guy is bad” in a cartoon. The sexual harassment debate is different because it looks like tribal loyalty “trumps” moral conviction. One accuser against Senator Al Franken, who accepts his apology, is a cause célèbre for Republicans who call the many Trump accusers “fake news.” The same was true of president Bill Clinton; Democrats dismissed Clinton’s many accusers as liars. It seems there are no tribes in Hollywood as accused celebrities are dropping like flies.
Here’s a cartoon I drew about Judge Roy Moore’s supporters last week. The air is thick with hypocrisy these days.

It may seem like sexual harassment hasn’t been in the news until now, when there is little else in the news – but sexual harassment is an evergreen topic with cartoonists. Here’s one I drew about Bill O’Reilly.

And here are two I drew about sexual harassment in the military.

Here’s one on Bill Cosby.

Here’s one on Trump and his infamous Access Hollywood tape.

And I’ll round this out with a couple of Anthony Weiner cartoons.

Here’s my Anthony Weiner infinity cartoon.