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Defending the Convention Rules

I have to agree with Donald Trump’s criticism of the Republican party rules. It has been interesting to hear the establishment Republican defense, from Paul Ryan, Reince Priebus and other flacks; I think that all of these arguments could just as appropriately come from the mouth of lil Kim Jong Un.

Watch me drawing this one in the video below!

I color the cartoon in Photoshop in the video below …

Blog Syndicate

Trump Drag Race!

When Trump complains that the GOP convention rules ignore the will of the voters, the retort from establishment Republicans is to say “those have been the rules all along!” Perhaps it is more damning that the rules have been so undemocratic all along. (That, plus I got to draw Trump’s butt.)

See me draw and color this one in real time in Photoshop in the video below!

Blog Syndicate

Trump Abortion!

Democracy can be annoying when the guy who gets the most votes is the guy you really, really don’t want to win.

In the real-time video below you can see me drawing the cartoon, from rough sketch to finished color, ready for print. People like to ask me how long it takes to draw a cartoon – here is the answer! Keep an eye on where you can see me draw live in a popup window when I do a new cartoon, or follow me on to get an alert when I draw live, and join the live chat while I draw!

Blog Syndicate

Trump the Strongman

I’m hearing a lot about Trump the “strongman” from the pundits, both for his muscling his way through the primaries and for his “authoritarian” persona. OK. I can draw that.

The hair looks right on a body builder. You can watch me draw the whole thing live, in the video below. We’re working on editing these long streams into a short podcast, since watching me draw for five hours seems a little daunting – that said, jump around the video and you can get a sense of it.

When I draw live, there is a pop-up window on where you can watch and join in the live chat. Please join me and follow on

Everyone asks me how long it take me to draw a cartoon, this is how long!

Blog Syndicate

Don’t Don’t Don’t Vote for Trump

Want to watch me draw this cartoon? Here I am doing the line art

And here the first part of it being colored in photoshop

and here is the second part

Here is the cartoon today in my local Santa Barbara News-Press. It is still fun to see my cartoon in the newspaper.




Blog Syndicate

Those GOP Doggies Just Don’t Listen

Gotta love those little doggies!

Want to see me draw this in real time? Here I’m doing the sketch and finished line art:

Now watch me color this in Photoshop.

Blog Syndicate

Trump Plants the Flag!

Trump looks like he has climbed the GOP mountain! Of-course, he is planting the flag in the elephant’s butt, and I thought hard about whether to drop the elephant’s pants. I decided not to drop the pants because I thought that would be too raunchy for the mainstream papers – this one might be too raunchy for them even with the pants in place.

I drew this one live, but I haven’t posted the video here. This stream was something of an adventure, as I continue to learn how to live-stream. I was experimenting with hosting other artists streams at the end of my own stream; this is a Twitch custom, when a stream ends it is a nice gesture for an artist to “host” another artist’s stream, so his audience at the end just moves on to the other artist. OK. I did that, and went out to dinner and an evening of watching the entertaining Republican debate.

When I woke up the next morning, I noticed that the computer was still streaming, for 19 hours. I sleep in the bedroom close by my studio, and had sent out a live stream of my snoring all night. To my surprise, I had an audience of 20 people watching the broadcast of nothing, and I was picking up new followers through the night at about the same rate as when I’m actively streaming. My program (OBS) that does the streaming, had frozen, and turning it off or quitting didn’t work, I had to force-quit.

On top of that nonsense, when I sat down at my computer this morning I was wearing my underwear and the stream got a nice view of me in my chones. (It could have been worse; there’s a 40% chance that I might not have been wearing any underwear.) YouTube and Twitch selected a random image from the stream for the lead image of the video, and both selected the view of my underwear. Finally, I understand what happened to Anthony Wiener, poor guy.

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The Girls Love Bernie More than Hillary!

This one is my valentine to Bernie Sanders, who is shaking up the Hillary Clinton campaign by attracting young, women voters who Hillary thinks should be her natural supporters. Valentines Day is on Sunday, and every day seems to be Bernie Sanders Day now.


Want to spend a whole afternoon watching me draw this one in real time? Watch the video below! And please follow my live-stream drawing sessions at This one took longer than usual because there is a crowd scene of pretty girls, two caricatures and a Corinthian column!


Blog Syndicate

Moving on From New Hampshire!

I refurbished an oldie for today’s cartoon. After today’s New Hampshire primary the candidate move on to Nevada and South Carolina.

Here’s the eight year oldie. Back in 2008 there was a kerfuffle about Michigan holding an early primary, and the parties enacted penalties against the state to punish it for thinking that it should have an equal role in the election to the favored, early states. I guess the punishment was effective, because we’re not seeing early Michigan this year.

And here’s the quickie video of my cartoon update …


Blog Syndicate

Donald Trump Birther-Bashes Ted Cruz

Republicans loved it when Donald Trump led the “birthers” in their suspicions that President Obama was ineligible to be president because he was supposedly born to his American citizen mother in Kenya. Trump claims credit for forcing Obama to release his “long form” birth certificate to prove he was born in Hawaii. Now Ted Cruz, who was born to an American citizen mother in Canada actually fits the mold.

Republicans likely don’t care much about the “birther” argument applied to Ted Cruz, but I’m enjoying it. Here’s Donald Trump bashing Cruz with his Canadian-flag-speech-balloon.


As I was drawing this I noticed that Trump’s speech balloon is pointing at his crotch. Perhaps this is a visual Freudian slip.

I’m trying to live-stream all of my drawings now. Watch the YouTube video below! My apologies for this video being a little jerky in places; I’m still getting the hang of this.