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Donald Trump Skips the Fox News/GOP/Iowa Debate!

Frankly, I think it is smart of Trump to skip the Fox News/GOP/Iowa debate tonight.  Fox News seems to be on an all-out anti-Trump blitz today. What happened to the good old days when news networks were fair and balanced?

I drew this one as a live stream on Twitch – please come and follow me at This one took about four hours to draw, so it is broken into two parts. Here’s part one, where I start with a blank sheet of paper and figure out what to draw.

Oh! That was two hours long! And there are ANOTHER two hours to watch in the video below!


Blog Syndicate

Those Little Republican Piggies!

“This Little Piggy” is an editorial cartooning standard. Here it is with the Republican candidates as toes …


I drew this one live online. I’m going to try to do this with all of my cartoons going forward – it is a brave new day! Check out the video of my drawing session and come join me next time and I’ll chat with you while I draw!

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Donald Trump Birther-Bashes Ted Cruz

Republicans loved it when Donald Trump led the “birthers” in their suspicions that President Obama was ineligible to be president because he was supposedly born to his American citizen mother in Kenya. Trump claims credit for forcing Obama to release his “long form” birth certificate to prove he was born in Hawaii. Now Ted Cruz, who was born to an American citizen mother in Canada actually fits the mold.

Republicans likely don’t care much about the “birther” argument applied to Ted Cruz, but I’m enjoying it. Here’s Donald Trump bashing Cruz with his Canadian-flag-speech-balloon.


As I was drawing this I noticed that Trump’s speech balloon is pointing at his crotch. Perhaps this is a visual Freudian slip.

I’m trying to live-stream all of my drawings now. Watch the YouTube video below! My apologies for this video being a little jerky in places; I’m still getting the hang of this.

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See Daryl Draw the Republican Candidates!

The new cartoon today is Donald Trump and all of the other GOP candidates on the teeter-totter, with Trump outweighing them all. With eleven caricatures, this one was more ambitious than my typical cartoon, and you can watch my whole eleven face journey below on YouTube!

Try watching the video below at double speed (one of the nice YouTube settings options). Everyone thinks drawing this stuff is quick and effortless – which is nice, but watching the video gives more realistic picture.

If all goes well, I think I’ll do all of my cartoons as a live stream. Please let me know what you think, and what you would like to see me do differently!

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Trump, Polls and the GOP!

I drew today’s Trump cartoon live on YouTube. Here is the finished color version.


That’s the GOP’s tarnished image at the right, as Trump rockets up in the polls. To really be going up in the polls, he should be facing to the right instead of the left – and I thought about that for a bit, as you can see in the video, but having Trump go the wrong way is better.

Today’s Trump news, about how he would ban Muslims from coming into the USA until we figure out “what the hell is going on” is great fun, because Trump’s supporters love what he has to say, while mainstream Republicans and the media are offended, demanding again and again that Trump leave the race. That tarnished GOP brand is starting to look pretty crusty.

Living here in red-state Tennessee I see angry Republicans are all around me; they live in their own news bubble, with their own history of the world, reinforced by their communities of like minded, angry, evangelical conservatives. The typical Republican voters are much father right than their knuckle-dragging candidates. Trump has plenty of room to his right to be even more outrageous.

Oh! Today I learned that the government of Pakistan is no longer blocking access to within Pakistan! Welcome to all of our new Pakistani readers!


Blog Cartoons Syndicate

My Missing Donald Trump Cartoon

Breaking news can make a cartoon go missing. I was finishing up the color on this Donald Trump immigration cartoon last Friday afternoon when the news about the Paris Terror Attacks broke. Clearly, newspapers would not me interested in Donald Trump for at least a week. I notice that it is only today that the Donald is creeping back into the news with word that he is now leading all the polls again.

I thought this cartoon would be provocative, I didn’t guess that it would be ignored. I guessed wrong.

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Carson Tortoise and Trump Hare

Bombastic Donald Trump is falling behind Ben “slow and steady wins the race” Carson, which sounds to me like the Tortoise and the Hare fable.

Both of these guys are gifts to cartoonists. People find it disturbing whenever I mention this, but I like Donald Trump, compared to the other Republican candidates – it sounds crazy, but I think he’s more reasonable and moderate than Carson. It is only Carson’s demeanor that implies moderation.

Notice that I avoided drawing a tail on the turtle (most turtles have nice little tails). Given the position of the running turtle, there was no position I could find for a tail that didn’t look like a turtle penis. Self-censorship – its an ugly thing.

Blog Syndicate

Monkey on Your Back

I’ve enjoyed the recent back-and-forth sniping between Donald Trump and Jeb Bush about whether President George W. Bush “kept us safe.” Of-course the answer to that is that he kept us safe, here but not overseas, from September 12th, 2001 going forward – a couple of qualifiers that Jeb neglected to mention.

A “monkey on the back” is an editorial cartooning standard – in fact, my buddy Taylor Jones drew a better George W. Bush monkey on the back cartoon recently, that I noticed just now, after I finished my cartoon above. I might not have drawn it had I noticed Taylor’s excellent work first – oh well, there will be plenty of monkeys on the back to come.

Here’s President George W. Bush as a monkey on the back of John McCain back in 2008, by David Fitzsimmons.

This is one of my favorite monkey-Bush oldies, by Sandy Huffaker, from the good old days of 2005.

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Republican Nooses

The Republicans infighting in congress is pretty crazy – enough for another noose cartoon. 

I seem to draw a lot of nooses. I draw lots of wordless cartoons and a noose is a good, simple, graphic threat. Here are the Republicans with a caduceus noose, from when they were trying to stop the government over and over, to protest Obamacare.

And here’s a more recent Trump tongue noose, when everyone, including me, thought that Donald Trumps provocative statements would knock him out of the presidential race – I was wrong; I guess I was playing too loose with that noose.

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Carly Fiorina – Look at my face!

This is my first Carly Fiorina cartoon. It looks like I may be doing more over the next year. She’s actually pretty easy to draw, with her eyes that tip up at the edges of her face, the long nose, pointy chin and skinny neck. It is fascinating to me how objectively bad her business record was, and still she runs on her business record as her qualification to be president. When she launches into a moralistic screed it makes my skin crawl – I think she is my least favorite Republican, but this cartoon goes easy on her.

Of-course, the cartoon refers to her spat with Trump about her “face” – as long as people look at her face – or look at anything but her record, she’s on her way up in the polls.

This Fiorina cartoon by David Fitzsimmons is my favorite. It conveys some information, something I usually try to avoid doing in cartoons (it takes too many words), but it works here …