So far, this GOP Primary has been terrific for guys like me. All the Republican candidates are fun to draw, and at this point the only thing I’m concerned about is having enough pencils to keep up.
Mitt Romney has suddenly become the right’s whipping boy over “vulture capitalism” and his hesitancy to release his tax returns. Romney claims that Gingrich and others are attacking free enterprise, and Mitt’s proud of what he’s earned despite how much you may envy him. So if he’s so proud, why’s he afraid to let us know all about it?

Meanwhile, Newt Gingrich bashes the media and pretends to be the “family values” candidate despite his marital record and stories about hospital bed divorces…

Remember after Iowa and New Hampshire, when we all though Mitt would walk away with this primary easily? Yeah, not so much…

I guess New Hampshire wasn’t the cruel, bossy dominatrix we all thought she was…