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Africa, Asia, Bush, dog, Europe, globe, Iraq, president, president george bush, rat, saddam hussein, south america, walk, walkies
burnt, colin powell, dinner, Iraq, norman rockwell, president, president bush, saddam hussein, Secretary of State, soldiers, supper
america, anti-american, Europe, globe, Iraq, president bush, spanking, spanks, Statue of Liberty, Uncle Sam, United Nations
american frontier, books, cowboy, cussin', cussing, dictionary, frenchies, hero, ignorant, ill mannered, inspections, Iraq, jerk, NATO, president bush, pushy, saddam hussein, triggerhappy, United Nations, weapons of mass destruction
art, bombing, cowboy, delacroix, french revolution, greenpeace, gun, invading, Iraq, la marseillaise, liberty leading the people, painting, president bush, rwanda, surrender, surrendering
Bush, cigarette, French, Iraq, leash, pee, poodle, president george w. bush, Smoke, support, UN, United Nations, weapons of mass destruction
game, inspections, Iraq, Lose, loss, move, next, president bush, saddam husseim, terror, terrorism, tic tac toe, victory, weapons of mass destruction, win, wmd