Blog Syndicate

TRUE Stupid Stuff 2!

Here’s another new batch of my old TRUE cartoons from the 1990’s – at least the ones that look like they could still be true. This is from a batch about government.

Blog Syndicate

Trump Troops for Afghanistan

The news seems to repeat itself. Today President Trump announced yet another increase in troops for Afghanistan – after campaigning on getting us out of Afghanistan. Here’s the cartoon.

Look familiar? It wasn’t much different with President Obama …

Somehow I think I’ll be drawing this cartoon with each new president for another 17 years – if I live that long.

Blog Syndicate

Presidential Debate Garbage

I’ve been hearing a lot about how Hillary Clinton won the first presidential debate, but it seemed to me that there was plenty of garbage and spin from each candidate, so I drew this …

I could call it “trash talking.” I live tweeted during the debate and got a lot of response on Twitter (@dcagle). I should do that more often. Maybe next time.

I notice that the stage at the debate was the same stage they used for presidential debates years ago. I suppose it packs up nicely and keeps well in storage. I don’t see much reason for that strange eagle logo, but I wanted to put them on the right stage so that the only change was their garbage can lecterns. I don’t usually do cartoons with dark backgrounds. Maybe I’m in a rut.

We didn’t see much of them on the stage. Almost all of the debate took place on a split screen, which adjusted for Donald Trump’s height advantage. I understand that the taller candidate almost always wins the election. Also, the zoomed closer on Hillary to make her head bigger and they turned down the color saturation on Trump, to make him look less orange. I love stagecraft.

Everyone is talking about the bait Hillary used to lure Trump into traps, and how Trump jumped to take the bait each time. I suppose that is interesting, but it struck me that this debate didn’t change many minds – fans of each candidate likely thought their own candidate won and I didn’t see anything new – just the same old garbage.

Want to see me drawing this cartoon in real time? Check it out below …

And watch me color the cartoon in the next video …

Blog Syndicate

We Added a New and Old Cartoonist

One of my favorite cartoonists has rejoined our newspaper syndication package this week. Cuban cartoonist, Alen Lauzán, who emigrated to Chile and works from Santiago. Alan uses no words in his cartoons and has a wonderful, illustrative style. He’s back after eight years away. Welcome back Alen!

No cartoonist in Cuba has ever drawn Fidel Castro – but ex-patriot Cubans draw Fidel all the time! Here’s a great Fidel as Freddy Krueger that Alen drew back in 2008.

Alan likes to draw cartoons about technology, usually combining the old with the new, like this one …

Here’s Lauzon’s take on Liberty …



Blog Syndicate

Carly Fiorina – Look at my face!

This is my first Carly Fiorina cartoon. It looks like I may be doing more over the next year. She’s actually pretty easy to draw, with her eyes that tip up at the edges of her face, the long nose, pointy chin and skinny neck. It is fascinating to me how objectively bad her business record was, and still she runs on her business record as her qualification to be president. When she launches into a moralistic screed it makes my skin crawl – I think she is my least favorite Republican, but this cartoon goes easy on her.

Of-course, the cartoon refers to her spat with Trump about her “face” – as long as people look at her face – or look at anything but her record, she’s on her way up in the polls.

This Fiorina cartoon by David Fitzsimmons is my favorite. It conveys some information, something I usually try to avoid doing in cartoons (it takes too many words), but it works here …



Americans Love Garbage

Did you know that Americans generate more trash than anyone else on the planet?

According to Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Edward Humes, the author of  “Garbology: Our Dirty Love Affair with Trash,” nearly 70 percent of the trash we create (102 tons over our lifetime) goes immediately into landfills. Most of it is made up of containers and packaging, all of which should be recycled. In fact, he estimates we throw away almost $50 billion in squandered riches each year.

Check out Keith Knight’s cartoon on the subject, and view all of his terrific cartoons here.


Mississippi Pardons

Mississippi Pardons COLOR © Daryl Cagle,,Haley Barbour, Mississippi, prison, pardon, criminal, rats, trash, garbage


Supreme Court and California Prisons

Supreme Court and California Prisons COLOR © Daryl Cagle,,Elena Kagan, Supreme Court, Prison Overcrowding, Sonia Sotomayor, Anthony Kennedy, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, jail, rats, trash, garbage, , Stephen Breyer, CRIME


Bush Supports Gonzales

Bush Supports Gonzales Color © Daryl Cagle,,President Bush, Alberto Gonzales, Trash can, trash, garbage, scandal, attorney general