I get a cable TV channel that lets me see a view of four news networks at once and I regularly switch back and forth between CNN, BBC, MSNBC and Fox News – and Fox News is a completely different world, especially the past couple of days as they have obsessed over the Michael Flynn story while other news focuses almost exclusively on the pandemic.
One thing I wanted to do in the cartoon was to draw the screaming Democrat donkey with a mask, and the daydreaming, pandemic-disinterested Republican with no mask. It occurred to me – what if I wanted to draw the elephant with a mask; how would I do that? A mask is supposed to cover your nose. Would the elephant have a mask the size of a bed sheet? Would his mask have a hose-like extension for his trunk? If I drew anything like that, would it even look like a mask?
These are important questions for Republicans, but only if they are going to wear masks. Wearing a mask is effective in protecting others, not yourself, so it makes ideological sense why Republicans would not want to wear them … still, if MAGA Republicans did want to wear them, I’d be in cartoon trouble.

Here is the rough sketch for this one, that I drew on a piece of Cagle Cartoons letterhead.

Notice that I thought about drawing the elephant in a Fox News t-shirt, but I decided against it. FoxNews.com used to be a great subscriber to CagleCartoons, but they recently cancelled their subscription. That’s very disappointing and a giant step in their descent into hell.
This post got me to thinking, so I drew this …

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